This package provides an analytical pipeline for rapid variant scanning
based on integration of scalable phylogenetic analysis with non-genetic
epidemiological data streams. The scanning tool, tfpscan()
, computes a
test statistic for every possible bipartition of the provided phylogeny
to identify relative growth rates and relative evolutionary rates of
clades with the phylogeny. For every clade in a partitioned tree,
matched comparison clades are selected based on time (and if specified,
space), for further statistical analyses.
The main analyses conducted for each clade, or node with included descendants, are as follows:
- Molecular clock outlier statistic using root to tip regression
- Simple logisitic growth rate estimate
- Generalised additive model (GAM) combined with a Gaussian process model to estimate growth over time
Additional options in the scanning tool may be specified, including:
- (GAM) combined wtih a model of spatial correlation between neighbouring regions to estimate frequency of a clade over time and space
- Other covariate analyses, specified by the user, to run a conditional logistic regression on a specified covariate of interest
- Identification of cluster defining mutations, identified as mutations present in > x% of sequences in the specified cluster and less than x% of sequences in the comparison sample
- MLEsky analyses to estime effective population size (Ne) over time,
The output from the scanning tool includes a new output directory will
be created called "tfpscan-{Sys.Date()}"
, unless otherwise specified,
along with a RDS file containing output descriptives (size, lineage,
sample date) and statistics (clock outlier, logistic growth rate, GAM)
for every node included and a RDS file containing the environment from
the scanning tool run. For each node, logistic growth rate p-values as
well as suport for logistic model vs. GAM are also reported.
Within the output directory, the scanning tool creates a further folder directory for each node included in analyses. Node specific outputs within individual node directories include seperate CSV files with the following:
- Summary statistics (clock outlier, logstic growth rate, GAM logistic growth rate, support values)
- Sequences with specific sample times, region, and further descriptors reported if included (lineage, mutations, covariates)
- Regional composition of sequences within individual nodes
- Lineage composition of sequences within individual nodes
- Co-circulating lineage composition from comparison matched sample nodes
Additional options for node specific output directories may be specified, including:
- GAM figure over time, plotting the logistics odds of a sequences being from the specified node
- Map of GAM + neighbour joining model over space and time (in epi weeks)
- Tree figure for the node of interest, colored by lineage
- CSV file with defining mutations for cluster of interest specified
These outputs are computational expensive, substantially increasing time
and space required, so are recommened for running only as required
within the main tfpscan()
run. These options can alternatively be
specified with the tfpscan_report()
function, for a single node of
interest. The tfpscan_report()
function outputs a summary report for a
selected node, including primary outputs for a node of interest, as well
as specified additional outputs and mlesky analyses if specified in the
function options.
The tfpscanner package additional offers an optional online tree viewer
for the whole phylogeny with linked hover function for statistics
associated with each node, using the function treeview()
. A user may
specify particular mutations or lineages of interest for the tree.
Mutations will be illustrated wtih a heatmap; lineages will be used to
subdivide outputs in scatter plots. An example tree can be viewed at the
link below, where mutations specified include S:A222V, S:N:Q9L, and
S:E484K, and lineages specified include a selection of Delta lineages
(AY.9, AY.43, AY.4.2).
For a complete description of the statistical methodology underpinning this package, see our preprint:
In R, install the devtools
package and run
To run the scanning tool, the user requires a phylogeny, in ape::phylo
or treeio::treedata format, and associated metadata. If the phylogeny is
not rooted, the user must provide an outgroup to root on wtih paramter
, and outgroop sample time with paramter
The associated metadata should be provided in CSV format, with at
minimum sequence_name
, sample_date
(date format), and region
included for each sample (if NA
for any of the three variables, sample
with NA
values will be excluded from further analyses). Optional
metadata variables include sample_time
(numeric format), mutations
and other covariates
of interest (e.g. age_group
If additional covariates are included, a character vector for all
variable names must be specified as paramter test_cluster_odds
, and a
vector of same length as character vector to test_cluster_odds_value
For example if vaccine_status, with values `c(“yes”, “no”) was
included as a covariate, the user would specify in the scanner tool as
test_cluster_odds = c(vaccine_status),
test_cluster_odds_value = c(1,0),
If no values are provided to test_cluster_odds_value
, the covariate is
assumes to be continuous (e.g. age
). For each included covariate, the
odds of a sample belonging to each cluster given this variable will be
estimated using conditional logistic regression and adjusting for time.
See the vignettes in the R package for examples of how to use
, treeview()
, tfpscan_report()
, and get_mlesky_node()
functions. An example phylogeny, "tree_2021-12-30.nwk"
, and linked
metadata, "amd_2021-12-30.nwk"
, are provided for the user to trial the
scanning tool functions and outputs prior to running on their own
phylogeny and metdata. A further covariate example is included with
and age_group
N.B. The more options are included in tfpscan()
, the more
computational power and time is required to run the scanner tool. In
particlar, outputting tree figures and geo figures for every node is
computational expensive and not recommended unless required. Alternative
options include outputting tree figures and geo figures within the
function for a selected node, rather than all nodes
within a tree in the tfpscan()
- README for git package draft
- Repo for paper results figures, paper RMD
- GAM speed testing: bs or cs highest speed, cs smoother figures
- Organise stored trees/outputs on google drive for easy access
- Add node clock figure to final package
- Add node geo figure to final package
- Add node cluster_muts speed up to final package and cluster node match error fix
- Add tfps_report() function to final package
- Detailed output update to include geo/tree/other fig if included in run
- Add metadata NA fix and root in tree fix
- Add fix for CSV outputs for lineage, co-circulating, regional, mutations
- Data.table update to script finalised
- Defining mutations figure (node specific)
- Vignettes for tfpscan() generic usage
- Vignettes for covariate in tfpscan()
- Vignettes for get_mlesky_node() usage
- Vignettes for tfpscan_report()
- Vignettes for treeview()
- Final README draft