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Install on Ubuntu 15
For reference, you can find older instructions tested with Ubuntu 12.04, Tomcat 7 and BIMserver 1.3 on an AWS server.
This guide explains how to install BIMserver on a Linux server with Ubuntu using Tomcat as application server. Root privileges are assumed. When running as a normal user, prepend sudo
to commands that require elevated privilege. It has been tested in 11/2024 with BIMserver 1.5.185, Ubuntu 22.04.5 and Tomcat 9.0.95. Some sections contain a "Proxy note" in the end. Skip these if your server does not have to go through a proxy and jump to the next section.
First, configure and update the operating system if necessary.
user@local:~$ apt-get update # update package list
user@local:~$ apt-get upgrade # update installed packages to latest version
user@local:~$ apt-get install wget unzip default-jre # install necessary packages
If you are using proxy, add your proxy configuration to /etc/profile
to configure proxy for terminal user, e.g. enable download with wget. This may not be necessary, if proxies are already configured. If you can run wget
without this, omit this step.
user@local:~$ vim /etc/profile # add the proxy settings (see below)
user@local:~$ logout # logout and login again for the settings to take effect
Additional content for /etc/profile:
export http_proxy=http://[PROXY HOST]:[PORT]
export https_proxy=https://[PROXY HOST]:[PORT]
export no_proxy= [Use the proxy server except for addresses that start with the following entries]
export HTTP_PROXY=$http_proxy
export HTTPS_PROXY=$https_proxy
export NO_PROXY=$no_proxy
We will create home directories for BIMserver and Tomcat in the /var
directory and assigned the ownership of those directories to the tomcat user and group created for that purpose.
user@local:~$ useradd -s /sbin/nologin tomcat # dedicated user for tomcat without shell access
user@local:~$ mkdir /var/bimserver/home # create bimserver home (
user@local:~$ mkdir /var/tomcat # create Tomcat home directory for the Tomcat user
user@local:~$ chown -R tomcat:tomcat /var/bimserver/ # assign ownership to tomcat user and group
user@local:~$ chown -R tomcat:tomcat /var/tomcat/ # assign ownership to tomcat user and group
user@local:~$ vim /etc/passwd # edit to set Tomcat home (see below)
Content of /etc/passwd, user ID (1009) may vary:
The home directory names and locations can be selected freely.
If you want to have multiple BIMserver home later, you can create a new home directory in /var/bimserver
user@local:~$ wget [link of tomcat.zip] # Download tomcat (Make sure you replace this with the latest release!)
user@local:~$ mv apache-tomcat-9.0.93.zip /opt/ # move to opt folder (folder for additional software installations)
user@local:/opt$ unzip apache-tomcat-9.0.93.zip # unzip Tomcat
user@local:/opt$ rm apache-tomcat-9.0.93.zip # remove zip, keep exploded folder
user@local:/opt$ mv apache-tomcat-9.0.93 tomcat9 # rename folder
user@local:/opt$ chmod u+x tomcat9/bin/*.sh # make scripts executable
user@local:/opt$ chown -R tomcat:tomcat tomcat9 # assign ownership to tomcat user and group
Remove unnecessary directories and contained files:
user@local:/opt/tomcat9/webapps$ rm -r ROOT manager host-manager docs examples
Start and stop tomcat:
user@local:~$ sudo -u tomcat /opt/tomcat9/bin/startup.sh # start tomcat under dedicated user
user@local:~$ sudo /opt/tomcat9/bin/shutdown.sh # stop tomcat
Adjust memory settings (see Heap size considerations):
user@local:~$ sudo vim /opt/tomcat/bin/setenv.sh # create if not existing and edit
Additional content of setenv.sh
for 4G heap size:
CATALINA_OPTS="-Xmx4G" # use space to combine with other options if any
In order to start Tomcat automatically on operating system boot, we can create a systemd
service file.
user@local:~$ vim /etc/systemd/system/tomcat.service # create and edit the service configuration
user@local:~$ systemctl daemon-reload # reload the service configuration
user@local:~$ systemctl enable tomcat # enable automatic startup
user@local:~$ systemctl start tomcat # manually start the service
user@local:~$ systemctl status tomcat # check the status of the service
Content of tomcat.service
Although Tomcat has hot deployment enabled by default, it may be more safe to stop Tomcat before any modifications of the setup and restart after.
First download the BIMserver war and deploy it in Tomcat.
user@local:~$ wget [link of BIMserver.war] # Download BIMserver
user@local:~$ mv bimserverwar-1.5.185.war /opt/tomcat9/webapps/bimserver.war # move to webapps folder
user@local:~$ mkdir /opt/tomcat9/conf/Catalina/localhost # might already exist
user@local:~$ vim /opt/tomcat9/conf/Catalina/localhost/bimserver.xml # configure bimserver homedir (see below)
Content of bimserver.xml
(enter your bimserver home as value for the "homedir" parameter):
<Parameter name="homedir" value="/var/bimserver/home"/>
If you would like to secure your BIMserver installation with HTTPS, follow the SSL Setup Guide for detailed instructions on generating and configuring an SSL certificate.
If you are using proxy, configure the proxy settings in setenv.sh
. This step may still be necessary, even if the proxy server is already configured externally for the terminal user. You can first attempt to setup BIMserver to check if this configuration is required. If plugin installation fails, delete the home folder and start over again.
user@local:~$ vim /opt/tomcat9/bin/setenv.sh # enter proxy settings for Tomcat
Additional content of setenv.sh
CATALINA_OPTS="-Dhttp.proxyHost=[PROXY HOST] -Dhttp.proxyPort=[PORT] -Dhttps.proxyHost=[PROXY HOST] -Dhttps.proxyPort=[PORT]"
Get Started
- Quick Guide
- Requirements Version 1.2
- Requirements Version 1.3
- Requirements Version 1.4
- Requirements Version 1.4 > 2015-09-12
- Requirements Version 1.5
- Download
- JAR Starter
- Setup
- Ubuntu installation
- Windows installation
- Security
- Memory Usage
- More memory
- Performance statistics
- Large databases
- Service Interfaces
- Common functions
- Data Model
- Low Level Calls
- Endpoints
BIMServer Developers
- Plugins in 1.5
- Plugin Development
- Eclipse
- Eclipse Modeling Framework
- Embedding
- Terminology
- Database/Versioning
- IFC STEP Encoding
- Communication
- Global changes in 1.5
- Writing a service
- Services/Notifications
- BIMserver 1.5 Developers
- Extended data
- Extended data schema
- Object IDM
New developments
- New remote service interface
- Plugins new
- Deprecated
- New query language
- Visual query language
- Reorganizing BIMserver JavaScript API