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Services Notifications

Ruben de Laat edited this page Mar 12, 2014 · 17 revisions

BIMserver allows for extending the BIMserver functionalities by creating plugins. These plugins however are always running within a BIMserver and consequently must be written in Java. To allow for 3rd parties to write software in other languages and software running on other servers, the concept of services and notifications has been added.


Notifications are JSON messages being send to listening web servers. They will be sent on certain events, such as a user checking in a new revision or extendeddata being added to a project or revision.

To be consistent, notifications are being sent just like normal BIMserver API calls. So for example the notification of a new revision looks like this:

  request: {
    interface: "Bimsie1RemoteServiceInterface",
    method: "newRevision",
    arguments: {
        poid: 12345,
        roid: 123,
        serviceIdentifier: "Furniture Placer",
        profileIdentifier: "Furniture Placer",
        userToken: "ABC",
        token: "CDE",
        apiUrl: "http://localhost:8080/json"

In this example, the poid and roid correspond to the project and new revision. The serviceIdentifier should be used to differentiate between different kinds of services being hosted by the same server. The profileIdentifier can be used to use specific settings. The userToken can be used to identify a certain user on the server the service is running on. The token and apiUrl are optional and can - if provided - allow a service to do API calls to the originating BIMserver. In typical cases the service will use these credentials to download the specific revision.

A typical workflow

  1. A service must be provided somewhere. This means a webserver has to run, and JSON messages being posted must be processed correctly and according to the Bimsie1RemoteServiceInterface interface.
  2. The user calls ServiceInterface.addServiceToProject. The SService object is described [here]
  3. A user checks in a new revision
  4. The service will be triggered, a JSON message will be send to the address provided by the service provider
  5. The service will will usually download the revision from the originating BIMserver and do some things with it


This interface contains all methods a service provider should implement.


This method provides the caller with information about a specific service. The fields:

Name Type Description
name String The user-readable name of this service
url String The URL to which the notifications should be send
token String
identifier String
notificationProtocol SAccessMethod The protocol that should be used for notifications, should always be "json"
description String A user-readable description of this service
trigger STrigger What should trigger this service (can be NEW_REVISION, NEW_PROJECT or NEW_EXTENDED_DATA)
readRevision boolean Whether this service requires reading the revision
readExtendedData String An optional ExtendedDataSchema namespace this service requires reading
writeRevision boolean Whether this service requires checking in a new revision
writeExtendedData String An optional ExtendedDataSchema namespace for which this service needs to write data
providerName String User-readable name of the provider of this service
companyUrl String URL to company website
tokenUrl String URL to page where a user can create a token (usually some kind of register page)
newProfileUrl String URL to page where a user can create a new profile



Name Type Description
serviceIdentifier String Identifier of the service, should be unique per server
token String A token the service provider can use to identify a certain user


A List of SProfileDescriptor:

Name Type Description
name String User-readable name of the profile
description String Description of this profile
publicProfile boolean Whether this profile is public (can be used without a token)
identifier String An identifier for this profile



Name Type Description
serviceIdentifier String Identifier of the service, should be unique per server


A List of [SProfileDescriptor]


Called when a new revision has been added.

Name Type Description
poid long Project on which the new revision was added
roid long Revision that has been created
soid long User-specific identifier of the service on the BIMserver (can be used to gather settings)
serviceIdentifier String Unique service identifier
profileIdentifier String Unique profile identifier
userToken String A token the service provider can use to identify a certain user
token String Optional token that can be used to connect to the originating BIMserver (see apiUrl)
apiUrl String URL of the API of the originating BIMserver


Called when new extended data has been added to a project

Name Type Description
poid long Project on which the new extended data was added
edid long Object ID of the extended data that has been added
soid long User-specific identifier of the service on the BIMserver (can be used to gather settings)
serviceIdentifier String Unique service identifier
profileIdentifier String Unique profile identifier
userToken String A token the service provider can use to identify a certain user
token String Optional token that can be used to connect to the originating BIMserver (see apiUrl)
apiUrl String URL of the API of the originating BIMserver


Called when new extended data has been added to a revision

Name Type Description
poid long Project on which the new revision was added
roid long Revision that has been created
edid long Object ID of the extended data that has been added
soid long User-specific identifier of the service on the BIMserver (can be used to gather settings)
serviceIdentifier String Unique service identifier
profileIdentifier String Unique profile identifier
userToken String A token the service provider can use to identify a certain user
token String Optional token that can be used to connect to the originating BIMserver (see apiUrl)
apiUrl String URL of the API of the originating BIMserver


To make working with notifications easier, we have developed extensions for the existing BIMserver libraries

Language URL
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