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6 repositories
- 腾讯(Tencent)Shadow的二次封装项目,开袋即食版。
- BlackDex is an Android unpack(dexdump) tool, it supports Android 5.0~12 and need not rely to any environment. BlackDex can run on any Android mobile phone or emulator, you can unpack APK File in several seconds.
- This project is an Android Studio plugin version of BlackObfuscator, it supports obfuscating code automatically. More information about this project are in BlackObfuscator.
- Black Obfuscator is an obfuscator for Android APK DexFile, it can help developer to protect source code by control flow flattening, and make it difficult to analyze the actual program control flow.
PublicBlackReflection provides a series of API to use Java Reflection easily. Developer can use annotation to assign class, field and method. Then it will generate the reflection code automatically, developer don't need to write extra code to achieve Java Reflection.BlackObfuscator-GUI
PublicThis project is an graphical utility based on BlackObfuscator.