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print out a decision tree for debugging purpus
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oushujun committed Dec 4, 2019
1 parent e7323f0 commit 315df26
Showing 1 changed file with 484 additions and 0 deletions.
484 changes: 484 additions & 0 deletions bin/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
#!usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use threads;
use Thread::Queue;
use threads::shared;
use File::Basename;

my $usage="
Usage: perl LTR_index
Example: perl Chr1-TIGR7-sd50sm90v8mx20
my $version="
LTR.identifier: Alignment assisted examination of LTR candidates
Author: Shujun Ou (oushujun\, Department of Horticulture, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, 48823, USA
4.6 Improvement: only consider SNPs for age estimation 2019/01/25
4.5 Improve TSD-motif identification 2018/12/08
4.0 Use Thread::Queue instead of Semaphore for multi-threading 2018/04/01
3.6 Enable multi-threading 2016/6/30
3.5 Add TE family annotation and age estimation to scn output 2016/6/16
3.0 Combine and 2016/4/29
2.0 Improve TSD reporting, take multiple motifs into account, default no TSD control. 2016/4/27
1.6 Improve TSD reporting. 2015/4/9
1.5 Improve TSD reporting. 2015/2/24
1.0 2014/02/14

my $name=$ARGV[0];
die "ERROR: $usage" unless defined $name;
my $a_cutoff=0.6; #0.5 #minimum ac, bd alignment portion
my $s_cutoff=60; #alignment similariy (%) cutoff
my $w_size=7; #word size for boundary alignment
my $TSD_ctrl=0; #1 requires a TSD to be an authentic LTR, 0 does not require
my $boundary_ctrl=1; #1 for boundaries alignment, 0 for no alignment
my $boundary_N=25; #if any boundary has more than 25 bp missing (nN-), report as false positive
my $length_diff=15; #boundary adjustments for length difference between adjusted LTSs higher than this value will be discarted.
my $minlen=100; #dft=100, minmum LTR region length for nmtf candidates
my $miu="1.3e-8"; #neutral mutation rate, default: 1.3e-8 (rice) per bp per ya
my $threads="4"; #threads to run this program
my $blastplus=''; #path to the blast+ directory

#obtain the exact path for the program location
my $script_path = dirname(__FILE__);

my $List;
my $FA;
my $ANNO;

my $k=0;
my $argv='';
foreach (@ARGV){
$argv.="$_ ";
$List=$ARGV[$k+1] if /^-list$/i;
$FA=$ARGV[$k+1] if /^-seq$/i;
$ANNO=$ARGV[$k+1] if /^-anno$/i;
$length_diff=$ARGV[$k+1] if /^-lendiff$/i;
$minlen=$ARGV[$k+1] if /^-minlen$/i;
$s_cutoff=$ARGV[$k+1] if /^-flanksim$/i;
$a_cutoff=$ARGV[$k+1] if /^-flankaln$/i;
$boundary_N=$ARGV[$k+1] if /^-flankmiss$/i;
$boundary_ctrl=0 if /^-b$/i;
$TSD_ctrl=1 if /^-tsdaln$/i;
$miu=$ARGV[$k+1] if /^-u$/i;
@motif=(split /\s+/, $1) if $argv=~/-motif\s+\[([atcgnx ]+)\]/i;
$threads=$ARGV[$k+1] if /^-t|-threads/i;
$blastplus=$ARGV[$k+1] if /^-blastplus$/i;
die $version if /^-v$/i;
$a_cutoff-=0.10 if $boundary_ctrl==0;

open List, "<$List" or die "ERROR: No candidate list file!\n$usage";
open FA, "<$FA" or die "ERROR: No candidate sequence file!\n$usage";

##Store LTR information in hash
my %scn :shared;
my $head='';
while (<List>){
next if /^\s+$/;
if (/^#/){
my ($start, $end, $len, $ls, $le, $ll, $rs, $re, $rl, $sim, $id)=split;
$scn{"$start..$end"}=shared_clone([split]); #store in %scn
$scn{"$start..$end"}[9]*=0.01 if $scn{"$start..$end"}[9] ne "NA"; #convert % to decimal
close List;

##protein family and strand annotation
my %anno;
if (defined $ANNO){
open ANNO, "<$ANNO" or die "ERROR: Can't read the .anno file!\n";
while (<ANNO>){
next if /^#/;
my ($id, $superfam, $fam, $strand)=(split)[0,1,2,3];
close ANNO;

#Store sequence information and push candidates into multithreading queue
my $queue=Thread::Queue->new();
$/ = "\n>";
while (<FA>){
my ($name, $seq) = (split /\n/, $_, 2);
next unless defined $seq;
next if $seq eq '';
$seq=uc $seq;
$queue->enqueue([$name, $seq]);
close FA;
$/ = "\n";
$queue -> end();

##open scn.adj file and print out the header
open SCN, ">$List.adj" or die "ERROR: $!";
print SCN "#LTR boundary fine-grain adjustment and annotation have been performed by LTR_retriever (Shujun Ou, oushujun\\n$head";

##Run the work queue with multiple threads
foreach (1..$threads){
threads -> create(\&Identifier);
foreach (threads -> list()){
$_ -> join();

##print out entries that could not pass initial screening criteria to scn.adj
foreach my $key (sort{$a cmp $b}(keys %scn)){
foreach (0..$#{$scn{$key}}){
print SCN "$scn{$key}[$_] ";
print SCN "\n";
close SCN;

##subrotine for LTR structural analyses
sub Identifier() {
while (defined($_ = $queue->dequeue())){
##Structural analysis, main program
my ($name, $seq)=(@{$_}[0], @{$_}[1]);
my $decision="raw"; #conclusion of whether the element is a LTR
print "my $decision=raw;\n"; #debug
my ($chr, $seq_start, $seq_end, $ltr_start, $ltr_end);
($chr, $seq_start, $seq_end, $ltr_start, $ltr_end)=($1, $2, $3, $5, $6) if $name=~/^(\S+):([0-9]+)..([0-9]+)\|(\S+):([0-9]+)..([0-9]+)/; #eg: Chr4:10009589..10017157|Chr4:10009609..10017137 or|
my $id="$ltr_start..$ltr_end";
next if $id eq '';
my @info = @{$scn{$id}};

##Coarse boundary correction - after correction, coordinates may still have 1-2 bp shifted from the real case
my $ltr=substr $seq, $ltr_start-$seq_start, $ltr_end-$ltr_start+1;
my @seq=(split '', $ltr);
my $motif1="$seq[0]"."$seq[1]";
my $motif2="$seq[-2]"."$seq[-1]";
my $candidate_seq=">$name\\n$ltr"; #just candidate LTR including internal region, no extended sequences

my $exec="${blastplus}blastn -subject <(echo -e \"$candidate_seq\") -query <(echo -e \"$candidate_seq\") -outfmt 6";
my @Blast=();
my $try=0;
# while ($try<100){ #it's possible that sequence wrote in memory is rewritten by other programs and caused blast error, this step will try 100 times to guarantee the blast is run correctly
for (my $try=0; $try<100; $try++){
@Blast=qx(bash -c '$exec' 2> /dev/null) if defined $ltr;
last if $? == 0;
# $try++;

print "@Blast "; #debug
my ($div, $aln_len, $sim, $mismatch, $q_start, $q_end, $s_start, $s_end, $ls, $le, $rs, $re, $ll, $rl, $cor_adj)=(0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0);
my $adjust="NO";
print "$decision=false if \$#Blast $#Blast==0;\n"; # debug
$decision="false" if $#Blast==0;

if ($#Blast>0){
my $pair=0; #0 indicates no alignment pair seems correct, 1 indicates at least 1 alignment pair seems right
my $aln_diff = 0;
for (my $i=1; defined $Blast[$i+1]; $i++){
print "$decision=false if $i>8;\n"; # debug
$decision="false" if $i>8;
last if $i>8;
($sim, $aln_len, $mismatch, $q_start, $q_end, $s_start, $s_end)=(split /\s+/, $Blast[$i])[2,3,4,6,7,8,9];
($ls, $le, $rs, $re)=($info[3]-$cor_adj, $info[4]-$cor_adj, $info[6]-$cor_adj, $info[7]-$cor_adj);
($q_start, $q_end)=($q_end, $q_start) if $q_start>$q_end;
($s_start, $s_end)=($s_end, $s_start) if $s_start>$s_end;
($s_start, $s_end, $q_start, $q_end)=($q_start, $q_end, $s_start, $s_end) if $s_start>$q_start;
if ($s_start>100 or abs($q_end-length($ltr))>100){ #if LTR alignment shift from the start or end for more than 100bp, it's probably FP
} else {
$aln_diff = abs((($s_start-$s_end)-($q_start-$q_end))); #for paired alignments, calculate the difference of length
print "$s_start, $s_end, $q_start, $q_end, $ls, $le, $rs, $re, $aln_diff\n";
print "$decision=false if $pair==0;\n"; # debug
$decision="false" if $pair==0;
##element age estimation by T=K/2u, where K stands for divergence rate, and u is mutation rate (per bp per ya)
###Use the Jukes-Cantor formula K= -3/4*ln(1-4*d/3) to adjust K for non-coding sequences, where d is estimated from identity ($sim) excluding indels.
$div=$mismatch/($sim*$aln_len/100 + $mismatch);
$info[9]=sprintf ("%.4f", 1-$div);
my $JK=1;
if ($sim>=0.34){
$JK=-3/4*log(1-4*$div/3); #low identity sequence could not be adjusted by the JK formula
} else {
$info[19]=sprintf ("%.0f", $JK/(2*$miu));

if ($s_end != $le){
my $i=1;
for (; $i<100; $i++){
my $seed="$seq[$s_end-$i-1]"."$seq[$s_end-$i]";
if ($seed=~/$motif2/i){
$adjust="3' lLTR";
if ($q_start != $rs){
my $i=1;
for (; $i<100; $i++){
my $seed="$seq[$q_start-$i]"."$seq[$q_start-$i+1]";
if ($seed=~/$motif1/i){
$adjust="5' rLTR";

##update element information in %info
if (abs(abs($ll-$rl)-$aln_diff)<=$length_diff and $s_end<$q_start){
} else {
print "$decision=false unless abs($ll-$rl)<=$length_diff and $s_end<$q_start;\n"; # debug
##Finish correcting internal boundaries

##Start structural analysis
my ($ltr1_s, $ltr1_e, $ltr2_s, $ltr2_e)=@info[3,4,6,7];
my ($up1_seq, $do1_seq, $up2_seq, $do2_seq)=('','','','');
$up1_seq=substr $seq, 0, $ltr1_s-$seq_start+10; #start (i.e. 50bp upstream) + 10bp lLTR
$do1_seq=substr $seq, $ltr1_e-$seq_start-9, 60; #10bp lLTR + 50bp internal
$up2_seq=substr $seq, $ltr2_s-$seq_start-50, 60; #50bp internal + 10bp rLTR
$do2_seq=substr $seq, $ltr2_e-$seq_start-9; #10bp rLTR + end (i.e. 50bp downstream)

##boundary missing rate control
my $bond_miss=0;
foreach my $bond ($up1_seq, $do1_seq, $up2_seq, $do2_seq){
$bond_miss++ while $bond=~/[nN\-]/gi;
print "$decision=~s/raw/false/ and last if $bond_miss>=$boundary_N;\n"; #debug
$decision=~s/raw/false/ and last if $bond_miss>=$boundary_N;

##boundary alignment
my ($ac, $bc, $bd, $ad)=(' ',' ',' ',' ');#alignment results between regions
my ($LTR1_up, $LTR1_do, $LTR2_up, $LTR2_do)=(' ',' ',' ',' ');
# ----||||||||----....----||||||||----
# a 5'LTR b c 3'LTR d
# up60[1] do60[1] up60[2] do60[2]

$ac=`perl $script_path/ $a_cutoff $s_cutoff $w_size $boundary_ctrl \"$LTR1_up\" \"$LTR2_up\" $blastplus`;
$bd=`perl $script_path/ $a_cutoff $s_cutoff $w_size $boundary_ctrl \"$LTR1_do\" \"$LTR2_do\" $blastplus`;

if ($ac=~/aligned/i or $bd=~/aligned/i){
print "$decision=false unless $ac=~/aligned/i or $bd=~/aligned/i;\n"; # debug
} else {

##identify TSD
my ($TSD_ls, $TSD_le, $TSD_rs, $TSD_re)=(0,0,0,0);
my ($lTSD, $rTSD)=('','');
$lTSD=substr $up1_seq, -18, 11; #8bp TSD + 2bp motif + 1bp lLTR
$rTSD=substr $do2_seq, 7, 11; #1bp rLTR + 2bp motif + 8bp TSD
my $TSD="NA\t..\t..";
my $probTSD="NA";
my $motif="NA";
my $first_motif="NA"; #first tier: 5bp TSD + TGCA motif
my $second_motif="NA"; #second tier: 5bp TSD + known non-TGCA motif
my $third_motif="NA"; #third tier: <5bp TSD + TGCA motif
my $fourth_motif="NA"; #fourth tier: 5bp TSD + unknown non-TGCA motif
my $fifth_motif="NA"; #fifth tier: <5bp TSD + non-TGCA motif
my $sixth_motif="NA"; #sixth tier: >5bp TSD
foreach my $num (0..6) { #search for longest TSD. Minimum TSD-seed length: 9-6=3.
foreach (0..(6-$num)) {
my $len=3+$num;
next if ($len + $_ > length $lTSD) or (length $lTSD == 0) or (length $rTSD == 0); #avoid substr sequences out of range
my $seed="NA";
$seed=substr $lTSD, $_, $len;
if ($rTSD=~/$seed/i){
my $temp_motif="NA";
my $temp_lf_index=$_+$num+3;
my $temp_rf_index=(index $rTSD, $seed)-2;
$temp_lf_index=(length $lTSD)-1 if $temp_lf_index>(length $lTSD)-1;
$temp_rf_index=0 if $temp_rf_index<0;
$temp_motif=(substr $lTSD, $temp_lf_index, 2).(substr $rTSD, $temp_rf_index, 2);
$probTSD=$seed if defined $seed; #assign $seed to $probTSD

$first_motif="TGCA_$probTSD" if ($temp_motif=~/TGCA/i and length $probTSD == 5); #first preferred 5bp TSD + TGCA motif
if (uc $temp_motif ne "TGCA" and length $probTSD == 5){
foreach my $std_motif (@motif){
$second_motif="${temp_motif}_$probTSD" if uc $temp_motif eq uc $std_motif; #identify 5bp TSD + known non-TGCA motif
$fourth_motif="${temp_motif}_$probTSD" if $second_motif eq "NA"; #identify 5bp TSD + unknown non-TGCA motif

$third_motif="${temp_motif}_$probTSD" if ($temp_motif=~/TGCA/i and (length $probTSD < 5) and (length $probTSD > (length $third_motif) -5) ) ; #get the logest TSD (<5)
$fifth_motif="${temp_motif}_$probTSD" if (uc $temp_motif ne "TGCA" and (length $probTSD < 5) and (length $probTSD > (length $third_motif) -5) ); #get the logest TSD (<5)
$sixth_motif="${temp_motif}_$probTSD" if (length $probTSD > 5 and (length $probTSD > (length $third_motif) -5) ); #get the logest TSD (>5)

#Get TSD and motif with preference
if ($first_motif ne "NA"){
($motif, $probTSD)=($1, $2) if $first_motif=~/^([ATCGN]+)_([ATCGN]+)$/;
} elsif ($second_motif ne "NA"){
($motif, $probTSD)=($1, $2) if $second_motif=~/^([ATCGN]+)_([ATCGN]+)$/;
} elsif ($third_motif ne "NA"){
($motif, $probTSD)=($1, $2) if $third_motif=~/^([ATCGN]+)_([ATCGN]+)$/;
} elsif ($fourth_motif ne "NA"){
($motif, $probTSD)=($1, $2) if $fourth_motif=~/^([ATCGN]+)_([ATCGN]+)$/;
} elsif ($fifth_motif ne "NA"){
($motif, $probTSD)=($1, $2) if $fifth_motif=~/^([ATCGN]+)_([ATCGN]+)$/;
} elsif ($sixth_motif ne "NA"){
($motif, $probTSD)=($1, $2) if $sixth_motif=~/^([ATCGN]+)_([ATCGN]+)$/;

my $TSDlen=length $probTSD;

##Correction of TSDs > 5bp
if ($TSDlen>5 and lc $decision eq "pass") {
foreach my $std_motif (@motif){
my ($lm, $rm)=($1, $2) if $std_motif=~/(..)(..)/;
my $lstart=rindex $lTSD, $lm;
my $rstart=index $rTSD, $rm;
if ($lstart>=6 and $rstart<=3){
my $tsd1=substr $lTSD, $lstart-5, 5;
my $tsd2=substr $rTSD, $rstart+2, 5;
if (uc $tsd1 eq uc $tsd2){
$TSDlen=length $probTSD;
$motif="NA" if (length $motif ne 4);

##Adjust original coordinates
my $l_adj=index($lTSD, $probTSD)+$TSDlen-8; #8 is the ori start of lLTR
my $r_adj=index($rTSD, $probTSD)-3; #3 is the ori end or rLTR
$probTSD="NA" if ((abs($l_adj)+ abs($r_adj) >= 3) and $TSDlen < 4);

if (uc $probTSD ne "NA"){
my ($lm, $rm)=("NA", "NA");
($lm, $rm)=($1, $2) if $motif=~/(..)(..)/;
$TSD_ls=$ltr1_s + $l_adj + index($lTSD, $probTSD) - rindex($lTSD, $lm);
$TSD_le=$TSD_ls + $TSDlen - 1;
my $rindex=index($rTSD, $probTSD) + index($rTSD, $rm) - 1;
$TSD_rs=$ltr2_e - $r_adj + index($rTSD, $probTSD) + index($rTSD, $rm) - 3;
$TSD_re=$TSD_rs + $TSDlen - 1;

##adjust the TSD and motif sequence based on element direction
if (defined $info[12]){
if ($info[12] eq '-'){
$motif=reverse $motif;
$motif="NA" if $motif=~/^TN$/i; #correct 'NA'
$probTSD=reverse $probTSD;

##update coordinates and structural info
#($start, $end, $len, $ls, $le, $ll, $rs, $re, $rl, $sim, $id)
#start end len lLTR_str lLTR_end lLTR_len rLTR_str rLTR_end rLTR_len similarity seqid chr direction TSD lTSD rTSD motif superfamily family age(ya)
#10030396 10042892 12497 10030396 10031396 1001 10041892 10042892 1001 0.985 0 Chr1 NA CATAC 10030391..10030395 10042893..10042897 TGCA LTR Gypsy 27361111

##fill in these variables if not definded
$info[10]="NA" unless defined $info[10]; #seqid from LTRharvest
$info[11]="NA" unless defined $info[11]; #chr
$info[12]="?" unless defined $info[12]; #strand
$info[13]="NA" unless defined $info[13]; #TSD seq
$info[14]="NA" unless defined $info[14]; #TSD left coor
$info[15]="NA" unless defined $info[15]; #TSD right coor
$info[16]="NA" unless defined $info[16]; #motif
$info[17]="NA" unless defined $info[17]; #superfamily
$info[18]="unknown" unless defined $info[18]; #family
$info[19]="NA" unless defined $info[19]; #age (ya)

##TSD control, boundary control, MISC control, and reporting
my $internal=($ltr1_e+1)."..".($ltr2_s-1);
my $overlap=99; #initial value
$overlap=abs($ltr1_s-$TSD_le-1)+ abs($TSD_rs-$ltr2_e-1) if (defined $TSD_le and defined $ltr1_s);
print "$decision=false if ($info[12] eq ? and lc $info[18] eq unknown and uc $info[17] eq NA and $overlap>0);\n"; #debug
$decision="false" if ($info[12] eq "?" and lc $info[18] eq "unknown" and uc $info[17] eq "NA" and $overlap>0); #?+unknown+NA+runin = false
print "$decision=false if ($motif !~ /TGCA/i and $overlap>0 and abs($info[8])<$minlen);\n"; #debug #Nmtf+runin+LTR length<100=false
$decision="false" if ($motif !~ /TGCA/i and $overlap>0 and abs($info[8])<$minlen); #Nmtf+runin+LTR length<100=false
print "$decision=false if ($motif !~ /TGCT|TACA|TACT|TGGA|TGGT|TATA|TGTA|TGCC|TGCA/i and $info[12] eq ? and lc $info[18] eq unknown and uc $info[17] eq NA);\n"; #debug
$decision="false" if ($motif !~ /TGCT|TACA|TACT|TGGA|TGGT|TATA|TGTA|TGCC|TGCA/i and $info[12] eq "?" and lc $info[18] eq "unknown" and uc $info[17] eq "NA");
print "$decision=false if ($TSD_ctrl==1 and $TSD=~/NA/);\n"; #debug
$decision="false" if ($TSD_ctrl==1 and $TSD=~/NA/);
print "$decision=false if ($motif !~ /TGCA/i and length $probTSD ne 5 and $info[12] eq ? and lc $info[18] eq unknown and uc $info[17] eq NA);\n"; #debug
$decision="false" if ($motif !~ /TGCA/i and length $probTSD ne 5 and $info[12] eq "?" and lc $info[18] eq "unknown" and uc $info[17] eq "NA");
print "$decision=false if uc $info[17] eq NOTLTR;\n"; #debug
$decision="false" if uc $info[17] eq "NOTLTR";

if ($boundary_ctrl and lc $decision eq "pass"){
unless ($ac=~/right/i and $bd=~/left/i and $motif ne "NA"){
unless (uc $motif eq "TGCA" or (length $probTSD == 5 and $motif =~ /^T/i)){ #TGCA + varying length TSD = pass; Txxx + 5bp TSD = pass

#last four variables: strand/family/superfamily/age
my $defalse = "$chr:$ltr1_s..$ltr2_e\t$decision\tmotif:$motif\tTSD:$TSD\tIN:$internal\t$info[9]\t$info[12]\t$info[18]\t$info[17]\t$info[19]
Adjust: $adjust\tlLTR: $ll\trLTR: $rl
Alignment regions: $s_start, $s_end, $q_start, $q_end
LTR coordinates: $ltr1_s, $ltr1_e, $ltr2_s, $ltr2_e
TSD-LTR overlap: $overlap
Boundary missing: $bond_miss\n\n";
print $defalse;
$scn{$id} = shared_clone([@info]);

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