Update rust toolchain to 1.84 #1595
buildomat / test-memory
Jan 10, 2025 in 22m 21s
The buildomat job ID is 01JH8G81BH81ABMYQ4DBE0FBKP
. Click here for more detailed status.
The job produced the following artefacts:
The requested job was completed.
control: job dependencies complete; ready to run (waiting for 17 m 26 s)
control: job assigned to worker 01JH8H84WFQJAPZW28AK69HQMT [factory aws, i-0608e7b9ff82f0d43] (queued for 55 s)
task: starting task 0: "setup"
task: process exited: duration 4099 ms, exit code 0
task: starting task 1: "authentication"
task: process exited: duration 16 ms, exit code 0
task: starting task 2: "build"
task: process exited: duration 134899 ms, exit code 0
|W| upload warning: file "/tmp/debug/mpstat.txt" changed size mid upload: 146645 -> 148832
|W| uploaded: /tmp/debug/mpstat.txt
|W| uploading: /tmp/debug/paging.txt (26045 bytes)
|W| upload warning: file "/tmp/debug/paging.txt" changed size mid upload: 26045 -> 26663
|W| uploaded: /tmp/debug/paging.txt
|W| uploading: /tmp/debug/perf.txt (92139 bytes)
|W| uploaded: /tmp/debug/perf.txt
|W| uploading: /tmp/debug/prstat.txt (288592 bytes)
|W| upload warning: file "/tmp/debug/prstat.txt" changed size mid upload: 288592 -> 296352
|W| uploaded: /tmp/debug/prstat.txt
|W| uploading: /tmp/debug/psrinfo.txt (1528 bytes)
|W| uploaded: /tmp/debug/psrinfo.txt
|W| uploading: /tmp/debug/upinfo.txt (17784 bytes)
|W| uploaded: /tmp/debug/upinfo.txt
|W| uploading: /tmp/dsc/downstairs-8810.txt (5667 bytes)
|W| uploaded: /tmp/dsc/downstairs-8810.txt
|W| uploading: /tmp/dsc/downstairs-8820.txt (5074 bytes)
|W| uploaded: /tmp/dsc/downstairs-8820.txt
|W| uploading: /tmp/dsc/downstairs-8830.txt (5075 bytes)
|W| uploaded: /tmp/dsc/downstairs-8830.txt