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Chung Tran edited this page May 17, 2022
1 revision
- JSONRPCRequestEncoder: JSONRPCRequestEncoder encodes requests of type RequestAPI according to JSONRPC rules
- JSONRPCResponseDecoder
- DefaultFeeCalculator
- Keychain
- BIntMath
- Mnemonic
- Int2XConfig
- APIClientError
- Keychain.KeyDerivationError
- RIPEMD.Block.K
- RIPEMD.Block.r
- RIPEMD.Block.s
- Mnemonic.Error
- BorshDecodingError
- Ed25519HDKey.Error
- Account.Meta.CodingKeys
- BufferLayoutError
- DerivablePath.DerivableType
- Network
- SolanaError
- WrappingToken
- TransactionStatus
- AssociatedTokenProgram
- OwnerValidationProgram
- SystemProgram
- TokenProgram
- TokenSwapProgram
- SocketError
- SocketEntity
- SocketAction
- TokensListParserError
- JSONRPCAPIClientRequest
- AnyResponse: Class is used to wrap Entity to not be responsible from a concrete type
- JSONRPCResponse
- RIPEMD.Block
- BInt: BInt is an arbitrary precision integer value type. It stores a number in base 2^64 notation as an array. Each element of the array is called a limb, which is of type UInt64, the whole array is called limbs and has the type [UInt64]. A boolean sign variable determines if the number is positive or negative. If sign == true, then the number is smaller than 0, otherwise it is greater or equal to 0. It stores the 64 bit digits in little endian, that is, the least significant digit is stored in the array index 0:
- BDouble
- Wordlists
- Base58
- BinaryReader
- Ed25519HDKey
- Ed25519HDKey.Keys
- Int2X
- UInt2X
- AnyDecodable
A type-erased
value. - APIEndPoint
- Account.Meta
- AccountInstructions
- AccountInfo
- EmptyInfo
- Mint
- TokenSwapInfo
- ConfirmedTransaction
- ConfirmedTransaction.Message
- ParsedInstruction
- DerivablePath
- FeeAmount
- FeeAmount.OtherFee
- Response
- SocketParams
- ResponseError
- ResponseErrorData
- Rpc
- Context
- BlockCommitment
- ClusterNodes
- ConfirmedBlock
- Reward
- EpochInfo
- EpochSchedule
- Fee
- FeeCalculatorResponse
- FeeRateGovernor
- Identity
- InflationGovernor
- InflationRate
- LargestAccount
- ProgramAccounts
- ProgramAccount
- BufferInfo
- BufferInfoParsed
- PerformanceSample
- SignatureInfo
- SignatureStatus
- TransactionInfo
- TransactionMeta
- ErrorDetail
- InnerInstruction
- TokenBalance
- SimulationResult
- StakeActivation
- Supply
- TokenAccountBalance
- TokenAccount
- TokenAmount
- Version
- VoteAccounts
- VoteAccount
- Pool
- PreparedTransaction
- PublicKey
- EncodableWrapper
- RequestAPI
- Transfer
- OwnerInfoParams
- RequestConfiguration
- DataSlice
- Transaction.Message
- Transaction.Message.Header
- Transaction.Message.CompiledInstruction
- Transaction
- Transaction.Signature
- SwapResponse
- Throwable
- TokenTag
- Token
- TokenExtensions
- TransactionInstruction
- Wallet
- SystemProgram.Index
- TokenProgram.Index
- SocketLogsNotificationData
- SocketMethod
- SocketSignatureNotificationData
- SocketTokenAccountNotificationData
- SocketTokenAccountNotificationDataParsed
- SocketTokenAccountNotificationDataInfo
- APIClientRequest
- APIClientRequestEncoder: Encoder used to encode request in able to use with the transport
- APIClientResponse
- SolanaAccountStorage
- FeeCalculator
- BorshDeserializable
- BorshSerializable
- BytesEncodable
- BufferLayout
- SolanaBasicProgram
- WebSocketTaskProvider: The abstract websocket task provider, default is URLSession
- SolanaSocketEventsDelegate: Delegate for listening socket's events
- ResponseDecoder
- RequestEncoder
- Bignum: Bignum compatibility alias for BInt
- BorshCodable
- Int1X
- Int128
- Int256
- Int512
- Int1024
- UInt1X
- UInt128
- UInt256
- UInt512
- UInt1024
- TransactionID
- Lamports
- Decimals
- TransactionError
- Commitment
- SPLTokenDestinationAddress
- SocketLogsNotification
- SocketNativeAccountNotification
- SocketProgramAccountNotification
- SocketSignatureNotification
- SocketSubscriptionResponse
- SocketTokenAccountNotification
- SocketUnsubscriptionResponse
- getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(span:)
- getRecentBlockhash()
- observeSignatureStatus(signature:)
- getMultipleMintDatas(mintAddresses:programId:)
- checkIfAssociatedTokenAccountExists(owner:mint:)
- checkAccountValidation(account:): Method checks account validation
- findSPLTokenDestinationAddress(mintAddress:destinationAddress:)
- getTokenWallets(account:tokensRepository:): Method retrieves token wallets
- getAccountInfo(account:)
- getBlockHeight()
- getConfirmedBlocksWithLimit(startSlot:limit:)
- getBalance(account:commitment:)
- getBlockCommitment(block:)
- getBlockTime(block:)
- getClusterNodes()
- getConfirmedBlock(slot:encoding:)
- getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress(account:startSlot:endSlot:)
- getTransaction(transactionSignature:)
- getEpochInfo(commitment:)
- getFees(commitment:)
- getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(dataLength:commitment:)
- getRecentBlockhash(commitment:)
- getSignatureStatuses(signatures:configs:)
- getSignatureStatus(signature:configs:)
- getTokenAccountBalance(pubkey:commitment:)
- getTokenAccountsByDelegate(pubkey:mint:programId:configs:)
- getTokenAccountsByOwner(pubkey:params:configs:)
- getTokenLargestAccounts(pubkey:commitment:)
- getTokenSupply(pubkey:commitment:)
- getVersion()
- getVoteAccounts(commitment:)
- minimumLedgerSlot()
- requestAirdrop(account:lamports:commitment:)
- sendTransaction(transaction:configs:)
- simulateTransaction(transaction:configs:)
- observeSignatureStatus(signature:timeout:delay:)
- setLogFilter(filter:)
- validatorExit()
- getMultipleAccounts(pubkeys:)
- request(with:)
- request(with:)
- prepareCreatingWSOLAccountAndCloseWhenDone(from:amount:payer:minRentExemption:): Prepare instructions for creating WSOL account and close it after finishing transaction to return funds back to native SOL account
- prepareForCreatingAssociatedTokenAccount(owner:mint:feePayer:closeAfterward:): Prepare instructions for creating associated token account and close if needed
- prepareTransaction(instructions:signers:feePayer:feeCalculator:)
- prepareSendingNativeSOL(from:to:amount:feePayer:): Create prepared transaction for sending SOL
- prepareSendingSPLTokens(account:mintAddress:decimals:from:to:amount:feePayer:transferChecked:lamportsPerSignature:minRentExemption:)
- abs(_:)
- sha256(data:)
- sendTransaction(preparedTransaction:)
- simulateTransaction(preparedTransaction:)
- requestData(request:)
- connect(): Connect to socket
- disconnect(): Disconnect from socket
- subscribe(type:params:commitment:): Subscribe to an entity ('account', 'program', 'signature', for example)
- unsubscribe(type:socketId:): Unsubscribe to an entity ('account', 'program', 'signature', for example)
- parse(network:)
- getTokensList(useCache:): Returns all tokens
- endpoint
- apiClient
- phrase
- publicKey
- secretKey
- isConnected: Connection status of the socket
- delegate: Delegation
- Account
- Array
- Bool
- Data
- Dictionary
- Double
- Error
- FixedWidthInteger
- Float32
- Float64
- Int
- NSRegularExpression
- RawRepresentable
- Set
- Socket
- SocketLogsNotification
- SocketNativeAccountNotification
- SocketProgramAccountNotification
- SocketSignatureNotification
- SocketTokenAccountNotification
- String
- StringProtocol
- UInt32
- UInt64
- UInt8
- URLRequest
- URLSession
Generated at 2022-05-17T08:44:22+0000 using swift-doc 1.0.0-rc.1.
- APIClientError
- APIEndPoint
- Account.Meta
- Account.Meta.CodingKeys
- AccountInfo
- AccountInstructions
- AnyDecodable
- AnyEncodable
- AnyResponse
- AssociatedTokenProgram
- BDouble
- BInt
- BIntMath
- Base58
- BinaryReader
- BlockCommitment
- BorshDecodingError
- BufferInfo
- BufferInfoParsed
- BufferLayoutError
- ClusterNodes
- ConfirmedBlock
- ConfirmedTransaction
- ConfirmedTransaction.Message
- Context
- DataSlice
- DefaultFeeCalculator
- DerivablePath
- DerivablePath.DerivableType
- Ed25519HDKey
- Ed25519HDKey.Error
- Ed25519HDKey.Keys
- EmptyInfo
- EncodableWrapper
- EpochInfo
- EpochSchedule
- ErrorDetail
- Fee
- FeeAmount
- FeeAmount.OtherFee
- FeeCalculatorResponse
- FeeRateGovernor
- Identity
- InflationGovernor
- InflationRate
- InnerInstruction
- Int2X
- Int2XConfig
- JSONRPCAPIClientRequest
- JSONRPCRequestEncoder
- JSONRPCResponse
- JSONRPCResponseDecoder
- Keychain
- Keychain.KeyDerivationError
- LargestAccount
- Mint
- Mnemonic
- Mnemonic.Error
- Network
- OwnerInfoParams
- OwnerValidationProgram
- ParsedInstruction
- PerformanceSample
- Pool
- PreparedTransaction
- ProgramAccount
- ProgramAccounts
- PublicKey
- RIPEMD.Block
- RIPEMD.Block.K
- RIPEMD.Block.r
- RIPEMD.Block.s
- RequestAPI
- RequestConfiguration
- Response
- ResponseError
- ResponseErrorData
- Reward
- Rpc
- SignatureInfo
- SignatureStatus
- SimulationResult
- SocketAction
- SocketEntity
- SocketError
- SocketLogsNotificationData
- SocketMethod
- SocketParams
- SocketSignatureNotificationData
- SocketTokenAccountNotificationData
- SocketTokenAccountNotificationDataInfo
- SocketTokenAccountNotificationDataParsed
- SolanaError
- StakeActivation
- Supply
- SwapResponse
- SystemProgram
- SystemProgram.Index
- Throwable
- Token
- TokenAccount
- TokenAccountBalance
- TokenAmount
- TokenBalance
- TokenExtensions
- TokenProgram
- TokenProgram.Index
- TokenSwapInfo
- TokenSwapProgram
- TokenTag
- TokensListParserError
- Transaction
- Transaction.Message
- Transaction.Message.CompiledInstruction
- Transaction.Message.Header
- Transaction.Signature
- TransactionInfo
- TransactionInstruction
- TransactionMeta
- TransactionStatus
- Transfer
- UInt2X
- Version
- VoteAccount
- VoteAccounts
- Wallet
- Wordlists
- WrappingToken
Global Typealiases
- Bignum
- BorshCodable
- Commitment
- Decimals
- Int1024
- Int128
- Int1X
- Int256
- Int512
- Lamports
- RequestEncoder
- ResponseDecoder
- SPLTokenDestinationAddress
- SocketLogsNotification
- SocketNativeAccountNotification
- SocketProgramAccountNotification
- SocketSignatureNotification
- SocketSubscriptionResponse
- SocketTokenAccountNotification
- SocketUnsubscriptionResponse
- TransactionError
- TransactionID
- UInt1024
- UInt128
- UInt1X
- UInt256
- UInt512
Global Functions
- abs(_:)
- checkAccountValidation(account:)
- checkIfAssociatedTokenAccountExists(owner:mint:)
- connect()
- disconnect()
- findSPLTokenDestinationAddress(mintAddress:destinationAddress:)
- getAccountInfo(account:)
- getBalance(account:commitment:)
- getBlockCommitment(block:)
- getBlockHeight()
- getBlockTime(block:)
- getClusterNodes()
- getConfirmedBlock(slot:encoding:)
- getConfirmedBlocksWithLimit(startSlot:limit:)
- getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress(account:startSlot:endSlot:)
- getEpochInfo(commitment:)
- getFees(commitment:)
- getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(dataLength:commitment:)
- getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(span:)
- getMultipleAccounts(pubkeys:)
- getMultipleMintDatas(mintAddresses:programId:)
- getRecentBlockhash()
- getRecentBlockhash(commitment:)
- getSignatureStatus(signature:configs:)
- getSignatureStatuses(signatures:configs:)
- getTokenAccountBalance(pubkey:commitment:)
- getTokenAccountsByDelegate(pubkey:mint:programId:configs:)
- getTokenAccountsByOwner(pubkey:params:configs:)
- getTokenLargestAccounts(pubkey:commitment:)
- getTokenSupply(pubkey:commitment:)
- getTokenWallets(account:tokensRepository:)
- getTokensList(useCache:)
- getTransaction(transactionSignature:)
- getVersion()
- getVoteAccounts(commitment:)
- minimumLedgerSlot()
- observeSignatureStatus(signature:)
- observeSignatureStatus(signature:timeout:delay:)
- parse(network:)
- prepareCreatingWSOLAccountAndCloseWhenDone(from:amount:payer:minRentExemption:)
- prepareForCreatingAssociatedTokenAccount(owner:mint:feePayer:closeAfterward:)
- prepareSendingNativeSOL(from:to:amount:feePayer:)
- prepareSendingSPLTokens(account:mintAddress:decimals:from:to:amount:feePayer:transferChecked:lamportsPerSignature:minRentExemption:)
- prepareTransaction(instructions:signers:feePayer:feeCalculator:)
- request(with:)
- requestAirdrop(account:lamports:commitment:)
- requestData(request:)
- sendTransaction(preparedTransaction:)
- sendTransaction(transaction:configs:)
- setLogFilter(filter:)
- sha256(data:)
- simulateTransaction(preparedTransaction:)
- simulateTransaction(transaction:configs:)
- subscribe(type:params:commitment:)
- unsubscribe(type:socketId:)
- validatorExit()
- Account
- Array
- Bool
- Data
- Dictionary
- Double
- Error
- FixedWidthInteger
- Float32
- Float64
- Int
- NSRegularExpression
- RawRepresentable
- Set
- Socket
- SocketLogsNotification
- SocketNativeAccountNotification
- SocketProgramAccountNotification
- SocketSignatureNotification
- SocketTokenAccountNotification
- String
- StringProtocol
- UInt32
- UInt64
- UInt8
- URLRequest
- URLSession