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bigearsenal edited this page May 17, 2022
1 revision
public struct PublicKey: Codable, Equatable, CustomStringConvertible, Hashable
, Codable
, CustomStringConvertible
, Equatable
, ExpressibleByExtendedGraphemeClusterLiteral
, ExpressibleByStringLiteral
, ExpressibleByUnicodeScalarLiteral
, Hashable
public init(stringLiteral value: String)
public init(unicodeScalarLiteral value: String)
public init(extendedGraphemeClusterLiteral value: String)
public init(from decoder: Decoder) throws
public init(string: String?) throws
public init(data: Data) throws
public init(bytes: [UInt8]?) throws
public init(from reader: inout BinaryReader) throws
public static let NULL_PUBLICKEY_BYTES: [UInt8]
public static let numberOfBytes = 32
public let bytes: [UInt8]
public var base58EncodedString: String
public var data: Data
public var description: String
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "TokenProgram.id")
static var tokenProgramId: PublicKey
static var sysvarRent: PublicKey
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "SystemProgram.id")
static var programId: PublicKey
static var wrappedSOLMint: PublicKey
static var solMint: PublicKey
static var swapHostFeeAddress: PublicKey
@available(*, deprecated, renamed: "AssociatedTokenProgram.id")
static var splAssociatedTokenAccountProgramId: PublicKey
static var renBTCMint: PublicKey
static var renBTCMintDevnet: PublicKey
static var fake: PublicKey
static var usdcMint: PublicKey
static var usdtMint: PublicKey
static var dexPID: PublicKey
static var serumSwapPID: PublicKey
var isUsdx: Bool
public func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws
public func short(numOfSymbolsRevealed: Int = 4) -> String
public func hash(into hasher: inout Hasher)
public static func associatedTokenAddress(
walletAddress: PublicKey,
tokenMintAddress: PublicKey
) throws -> PublicKey
public static func findProgramAddress(
seeds: [Data],
programId: Self
) throws -> (Self, UInt8)
public static func createProgramAddress(
seeds: [Data],
programId: PublicKey
) throws -> PublicKey
public static func createWithSeed(
fromPublicKey: PublicKey,
seed: String,
programId: PublicKey
) throws -> PublicKey
static func orcaSwapId(version: Int = 2) -> PublicKey
public func serialize(to writer: inout Data) throws
public static func == (lhs: PublicKey, rhs: PublicKey) -> Bool
Generated at 2022-05-17T08:44:22+0000 using swift-doc 1.0.0-rc.1.
- APIClientError
- APIEndPoint
- Account.Meta
- Account.Meta.CodingKeys
- AccountInfo
- AccountInstructions
- AnyDecodable
- AnyEncodable
- AnyResponse
- AssociatedTokenProgram
- BDouble
- BInt
- BIntMath
- Base58
- BinaryReader
- BlockCommitment
- BorshDecodingError
- BufferInfo
- BufferInfoParsed
- BufferLayoutError
- ClusterNodes
- ConfirmedBlock
- ConfirmedTransaction
- ConfirmedTransaction.Message
- Context
- DataSlice
- DefaultFeeCalculator
- DerivablePath
- DerivablePath.DerivableType
- Ed25519HDKey
- Ed25519HDKey.Error
- Ed25519HDKey.Keys
- EmptyInfo
- EncodableWrapper
- EpochInfo
- EpochSchedule
- ErrorDetail
- Fee
- FeeAmount
- FeeAmount.OtherFee
- FeeCalculatorResponse
- FeeRateGovernor
- Identity
- InflationGovernor
- InflationRate
- InnerInstruction
- Int2X
- Int2XConfig
- JSONRPCAPIClientRequest
- JSONRPCRequestEncoder
- JSONRPCResponse
- JSONRPCResponseDecoder
- Keychain
- Keychain.KeyDerivationError
- LargestAccount
- Mint
- Mnemonic
- Mnemonic.Error
- Network
- OwnerInfoParams
- OwnerValidationProgram
- ParsedInstruction
- PerformanceSample
- Pool
- PreparedTransaction
- ProgramAccount
- ProgramAccounts
- PublicKey
- RIPEMD.Block
- RIPEMD.Block.K
- RIPEMD.Block.r
- RIPEMD.Block.s
- RequestAPI
- RequestConfiguration
- Response
- ResponseError
- ResponseErrorData
- Reward
- Rpc
- SignatureInfo
- SignatureStatus
- SimulationResult
- SocketAction
- SocketEntity
- SocketError
- SocketLogsNotificationData
- SocketMethod
- SocketParams
- SocketSignatureNotificationData
- SocketTokenAccountNotificationData
- SocketTokenAccountNotificationDataInfo
- SocketTokenAccountNotificationDataParsed
- SolanaError
- StakeActivation
- Supply
- SwapResponse
- SystemProgram
- SystemProgram.Index
- Throwable
- Token
- TokenAccount
- TokenAccountBalance
- TokenAmount
- TokenBalance
- TokenExtensions
- TokenProgram
- TokenProgram.Index
- TokenSwapInfo
- TokenSwapProgram
- TokenTag
- TokensListParserError
- Transaction
- Transaction.Message
- Transaction.Message.CompiledInstruction
- Transaction.Message.Header
- Transaction.Signature
- TransactionInfo
- TransactionInstruction
- TransactionMeta
- TransactionStatus
- Transfer
- UInt2X
- Version
- VoteAccount
- VoteAccounts
- Wallet
- Wordlists
- WrappingToken
Global Typealiases
- Bignum
- BorshCodable
- Commitment
- Decimals
- Int1024
- Int128
- Int1X
- Int256
- Int512
- Lamports
- RequestEncoder
- ResponseDecoder
- SPLTokenDestinationAddress
- SocketLogsNotification
- SocketNativeAccountNotification
- SocketProgramAccountNotification
- SocketSignatureNotification
- SocketSubscriptionResponse
- SocketTokenAccountNotification
- SocketUnsubscriptionResponse
- TransactionError
- TransactionID
- UInt1024
- UInt128
- UInt1X
- UInt256
- UInt512
Global Functions
- abs(_:)
- checkAccountValidation(account:)
- checkIfAssociatedTokenAccountExists(owner:mint:)
- connect()
- disconnect()
- findSPLTokenDestinationAddress(mintAddress:destinationAddress:)
- getAccountInfo(account:)
- getBalance(account:commitment:)
- getBlockCommitment(block:)
- getBlockHeight()
- getBlockTime(block:)
- getClusterNodes()
- getConfirmedBlock(slot:encoding:)
- getConfirmedBlocksWithLimit(startSlot:limit:)
- getConfirmedSignaturesForAddress(account:startSlot:endSlot:)
- getEpochInfo(commitment:)
- getFees(commitment:)
- getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(dataLength:commitment:)
- getMinimumBalanceForRentExemption(span:)
- getMultipleAccounts(pubkeys:)
- getMultipleMintDatas(mintAddresses:programId:)
- getRecentBlockhash()
- getRecentBlockhash(commitment:)
- getSignatureStatus(signature:configs:)
- getSignatureStatuses(signatures:configs:)
- getTokenAccountBalance(pubkey:commitment:)
- getTokenAccountsByDelegate(pubkey:mint:programId:configs:)
- getTokenAccountsByOwner(pubkey:params:configs:)
- getTokenLargestAccounts(pubkey:commitment:)
- getTokenSupply(pubkey:commitment:)
- getTokenWallets(account:tokensRepository:)
- getTokensList(useCache:)
- getTransaction(transactionSignature:)
- getVersion()
- getVoteAccounts(commitment:)
- minimumLedgerSlot()
- observeSignatureStatus(signature:)
- observeSignatureStatus(signature:timeout:delay:)
- parse(network:)
- prepareCreatingWSOLAccountAndCloseWhenDone(from:amount:payer:minRentExemption:)
- prepareForCreatingAssociatedTokenAccount(owner:mint:feePayer:closeAfterward:)
- prepareSendingNativeSOL(from:to:amount:feePayer:)
- prepareSendingSPLTokens(account:mintAddress:decimals:from:to:amount:feePayer:transferChecked:lamportsPerSignature:minRentExemption:)
- prepareTransaction(instructions:signers:feePayer:feeCalculator:)
- request(with:)
- requestAirdrop(account:lamports:commitment:)
- requestData(request:)
- sendTransaction(preparedTransaction:)
- sendTransaction(transaction:configs:)
- setLogFilter(filter:)
- sha256(data:)
- simulateTransaction(preparedTransaction:)
- simulateTransaction(transaction:configs:)
- subscribe(type:params:commitment:)
- unsubscribe(type:socketId:)
- validatorExit()
- Account
- Array
- Bool
- Data
- Dictionary
- Double
- Error
- FixedWidthInteger
- Float32
- Float64
- Int
- NSRegularExpression
- RawRepresentable
- Set
- Socket
- SocketLogsNotification
- SocketNativeAccountNotification
- SocketProgramAccountNotification
- SocketSignatureNotification
- SocketTokenAccountNotification
- String
- StringProtocol
- UInt32
- UInt64
- UInt8
- URLRequest
- URLSession