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Jason Pell edited this page Jun 21, 2013 · 1 revision

Under Construction

The user interface for opendb can be translated into other languages (all except for the administration section which cannot be translated). For the moment only languages that use a similiar character set to english are properly supported. There is a 'Language Configuration' System Admin Tool available to customise the current language pack.

A language pack consists of one SQL file, one or more help html pages and one or more language specific theme images.

SQL Definition

Most of the content for a language pack definition is contained in a set of database tables:

  • s_language
  • s_language_var
  • s_table_language_var
All sql language pack definitions are located in the ./admin/s_language/sql/ directory.

Help Files

To configure a help file for a particular page in the site, ensure the file has the same name as the .php file, or in some cases the same suffix. For example if you have a help/english/borrow.html, it will be available as a help page for item_borrow.php as well as borrow.php.

The directory structure of the help system looks like:

Where $pageid is the name of a page minus the .php extension. == Images == Images in the <code>./images/ directory can be overridden by placing an image of the same name in the ./images/$_OPENDB_LANGUAGE/ directory.

Theme specific images can be overridden by placing an image of the same name in the ./theme/$_OPENDB_THEME/images/$_OPENDB_LANGUAGE/ directory.

The wiki migration is a work in progress. I am aware that some images don't currently work.

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