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@peppy peppy released this 22 Aug 03:34
· 1931 commits to master since this release

What's Changed

Breaking changes

Maskable vertex input layout has changed

Vertices which want to use the built-in VertexShaderDescriptor.TEXTURE fragment shader, or the sh_Masking.h particle, will need to adjust the vertex input slightly:

+ #include "Internal/sh_MaskingInfo.h"

layout(location = 0) in vec2 m_Position;
+ layout(location = 1) in int m_MaskingIndex;

+ layout(location = 5) flat out int v_MaskingIndex;
+ layout(location = 6) out highp vec2 v_ScissorPosition;

void main(void)
+   InitMasking(m_MaskingIndex);

    // Transform from screen space to masking space.
-   highp vec3 maskingPos = g_ToMaskingSpace * vec3(m_Position, 1.0);
+   highp vec4 maskingPos = g_MaskingInfo.ToMaskingSpace * vec4(m_Position, 1.0, 0.0);
    v_MaskingPosition = maskingPos.xy / maskingPos.z;

+   // Transform from screen space to scissor space.
+   highp vec4 scissorPos = g_MaskingInfo.ToScissorSpace * vec4(m_Position, 1.0, 0.0);
+   v_ScissorPosition = scissorPos.xy / scissorPos.z;

+   v_MaskingIndex = m_MaskingIndex;

    gl_Position = g_ProjMatrix * vec4(m_Position, 1.0, 1.0);

Likewise, the C# definition must also be updated to write the m_MaskingIndex input, and be constructed with an IRenderer:

public struct MyCustomVertex : IEquatable<MyCustomVertex>, IVertex
    [VertexMember(2, VertexAttribPointerType.Float)]
    public Vector2 Position;

+   [VertexMember(1, VertexAttribPointerType.Int)]
+   private readonly int maskingIndex;

+   public MyCustomVertex(IRenderer renderer)
+   {
+       this = default;
+       maskingIndex = renderer.CurrentMaskingIndex;
+   }

    public readonly bool Equals(MyCustomVertex other) =>
+       && maskingIndex == other.maskingIndex;

Non-masking fragment shaders must use non-masking vertex shaders

Any usages of VertexShaderDescriptor.TEXTURE_2 as a vertex shader in-combination with a non-masking fragment shader (i.e. one that does not use the built-in sh_Masking.h particle), should be updated to use VertexShaderDescriptor.TEXTURE_2_NO_MASKING instead.

IRenderer.PushScissorOffset()/IRenderer.PopScissorOffset() have been removed

The way masking applies scissor has changed such that this no longer has any use.

MaskingInfo layout has changed

  • ScreenSpaceAABB renamed to ScreenSpaceScissorArea.
  • MaskingRect renamed to MaskingArea
  • ToScissorSpace added. If ScreenSpaceScissorArea truly represents a screen-space area, set this to Matrix3.Identity, otherwise set it to convert vertex coordinate inputs to the appropriate coordinate space of ScreenSpaceScissorArea.

New Contributors

Full Changelog: 2023.817.0...2023.822.0