This tutorial will walk developers through a step-by-step process of creating and deploying a web assembly smart contract to the Provenance Blockchain.
This tutorial is broken out into two parts. The first will cover developing smart contracts. The second will deal with deploying smart contracts to the Provenance Blockchain.
- Introduction - What is CosmWasm?
- Getting Started - Set up a development environment.
- Project - Generate a smart contract project from template.
- Requirements - Define smart contract functionality.
- Develop - Code, compile, and test the smart contract.
- Optimize - Create optimized contract Wasm for deployment.
- Setup - Start a provenance localnet cluster, create accounts and a marker.
- Store - Upload optimized contract Wasm.
- Instantiate - Create an instance of the contract.
- Query - Get the smart contract configuration state.
- Execute - Execute the contract, sending funds and collecting fees.
- Migrate - Notes on upgrading smart contracts.
Continue to the Introduction for a high-level background of smart contracts.
To dive right in, proceed to the Getting Started section.