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@Command Parameters

pumbas600 edited this page Aug 16, 2021 · 2 revisions

Written for HalpBot-Core-1.0.1

The @Command annotation is used to tell HalpBot that the annotated method is a command and is used to contain all the relevant data for that command. You can also annotate the enclosing class with @Command to apply certain parameters to all commands within the class. This is summarised in the table below.

Parameter Description Can be used on class
alias The alias used to invoke the command N
description The description of the command which should be returned when using the built-in halp command N
permission The permissions that a user requires to use the command N
restrictedTo The ids of users who can use the command. If none are specified, then everyone can use the command Y
reflections The Classes that can have static methods/fields referenced from. Further information can be found here Y
command This has been deprecated -
commandType This is still W.I.P -