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pumbas600 edited this page Jan 4, 2022
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Halpbot has made using buttons extremely easy
It's also possible to store parameters that are to be passed to the button action when it's clicked, achieving 'dynamic' buttons:
Show Imports
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.entities.User;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.events.message.MessageReceivedEvent;
import net.dv8tion.jda.api.interactions.components.Button;
import org.dockbox.hartshorn.core.annotations.stereotype.Service;
import nz.pumbas.halpbot.buttons.ButtonAction;
import nz.pumbas.halpbot.buttons.ButtonAdapter;
import nz.pumbas.halpbot.commands.annotations.Command;
import nz.pumbas.halpbot.converters.annotations.parameter.Source;
public class ExampleCommands
// The button adapter is a non-command parameter that is automatically passed into the parameters
@Command(description = "Tests passing a parameter to a dynamic button")
public void quiz(ButtonAdapter buttonAdapter, MessageReceivedEvent event) { // E.g: $quiz
event.getChannel().sendMessage("Is 5 + 7 = 12?")
// When the button is clicked, the @ButtonAction with the matching id is invoked
buttonAdapter.register(Button.primary("halpbot.example.quiz", "Yes"), true),
buttonAdapter.register(Button.primary("halpbot.example.quiz", "No"), false)
// The @Source User is extracted from the event, whereas the boolean (Which isn't a command parameter) is
// supplied by the parameters we registered it with.
@ButtonAction(id = "halpbot.example.quiz")
public String quizResult(@Source User user, boolean isCorrect) {
if (isCorrect)
return "Congratulations %s, you're correct!".formatted(user.getName());
return "Sorry %s, that wasn't the right answer :(".formatted(user.getName());
NOTE: These parameters are only saved for as long as the bot is running. If the button is clicked after the bot has been restarted, it will not invoke the action method as these dynamic button's parameters are only stored in memory.
- Built-in Commands
- @Command Parameters
- Arguments
- Annotations
- Custom Objects
- Custom TypeParsers
- Slash Commands - W.I.P.
- Pagination - W.I.P