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pryre edited this page Sep 1, 2017 · 5 revisions

UAVTAQ Emulator

Robin Simulations

PX4 Simulations

For information on obtaining the PX4 Firmware (and simulation tools), see the PX4 Developer Wiki.



For information on running the jMAVSim simulator, see the PX4 Developer Wiki.

For information on connecting MAVROS to jMAVSim, see the PX4 Developer Wiki

For an example of an automated navigation Node in ROS, see the PX4 Developer Wiki

Sending Position Goals with an Existing Navigation Node

Assuming you have a ROS Node that is already capable of sending out geometry_msgs/PoseStamped message with a position setpoint for the UAV to follow, with the intention of controlling it's position and orientation in XYZ space, you can do the following:

  1. First off, launch jMAVSim and MAVROS.
  2. ake sure the navigation node is outputting to the MAVROS position setpoint topic (by default /mavros/setpoint_position/local). If you require feedback for your navigation Node, you can subscribe to the MAVROS current position topic (by default /mavros/local_position/pose).
  3. To tell the UAV to listen to the setpoint command, you must request OFFBOARD mode:
rosrun mavros mavsys mode -c OFFBOARD
  1. Arm the UAV:
rosrun mavros mavsafety arm
  1. The UAV should now be tracking the current setpoint.
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