This repository includes all programming assignments solved while attending Coursera's Aerial Robotics course
Assignments were completed with GNU Octave, version 4.0
For more information, refer -
Course Syllabus
Week1 - Introduction to Aerial Robotics
- In this week, you will be introduced to the exciting field of Unmanned Aerial Robotics (UAVs) and quadrotors in particular.
- You will learn about their basic mechanics and control strategies and realize how careful component selection and design affect the vehicles' performance.
Week2 - Geometry and Mechanics
- In this week, we will first focus on the kinematics of quadrotors.
- Then, you will learn how to derive the dynamic equations of motion for quadrotors.
- Develop planar and three-dimensional dynamic models of the quadrotor.
- To build a better understanding on these notions, some essential mathematical tools are discussed in supplementary material lectures.
- Assignment: 1-D Quadrotor Control
Week3 - Planning and Control
- This week, you will learn more about how to develop linear controllers for these models.
- With this knowledge, you will be required to complete the second programming assignment of this course, which focuses on controlling the quadrotor in two dimensions.
- Assignment: 2-D Quadrotor Control
Week4 - Advanced Topics
- So far, we have gone over the basics of developing linear controllers for quadrotors and motion planning.
- In this last week of the course, we will discuss some more advanced material on how to enable quadrotors to perform more agile maneuvers and to operate autonomously in teams.
- Note that the last programming assignment on quadrotor control in three dimensions uses material from the previous weeks.
- Assignment: 3-D Quadrotor Control