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Types: Advancements

Rowan edited this page Jul 28, 2022 · 13 revisions




    type: BlockBreak
    amount: 10

type: BlockBreak

value: List of blocks separated with , that qualify for this advancement to be broken, see Materials for list of block names. Can be any to accept any block or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those blocks but qualify all others

amount: The amount of the qualified blocks must be broken


    type: BlockPlace
    amount: 10

type: BlockPlace

value: List of blocks separated with , that qualify for this advancement to be placed, see Materials for list of block names. Can be any to accept any block or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those blocks but qualify all others

amount: The amount of the qualified blocks must be placed


    type: blockstravelled
    amount: 10

type: blockstravelled

value: will be ignored

amount: the amount of blocks that must be travelled


    type: breedentity
    value: !CHICKEN,PIG
    amount: 10

type: BreedEntity

value: List of entity types separated with , that qualify for this advancement to be bred, see EntityType for list of entity type names. Can be any to accept any entity or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those entities but qualify all others

amount: The amount of qualified entities that must be bred


    type: brew
    value: NIGHT_VISION
    amount: 1

type: Brew Potion

value: List of PotionEffect types that should be the result of this brewing operation, see PotionEffectTypes for list of effect types. Can be any to accept any statistic or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those effect types but qualify all others

amount: The amount of things to be smelt to get these resulting items.



    type: chat
    value: Welcome
    amount: 10

type: chat

value: What must be included in the said message to be count, can be 'any' to count all messages

amount: Amount of times a message must be sent


    type: craftitem
    value: COOKIE,COMPAS
    amount: 10

type: CraftItem

value: List of items separated with , that qualify for this advancement to be crafted, see Materials for list of item names. Can be any to accept any item or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those items but qualify all others

amount: The number of items that must be crafted


    type: consume
    amount: 10

type: Consume

value: List of items separated with , that qualify for this advancement to be consumed, see Materials for list of item names. Can be any to accept any item or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those items but qualify all others

amount: The number of items that must be consumed


    type: catchfish
    value: SADDLE,COD
    amount: 10

type: CatchFish

value: List of items separated with , that qualify for this advancement to be caught with a fishing rod, see Materials for list of item names. Can be any to accept any item or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those items but qualify all others

amount: The number of items that must be caught with a fishing rod



    type: damagetaken
    value: DROWNING
    amount: 500

type: DamageTaken

value: List of causes separated with , that qualify for this advancement to be taken by the player, see DamageCause for list of item names. Can be any to accept any cause or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those causes but qualify all others

amount: The number of damage taken by the player


    type: damagedealt
    value: COW,PIG,PLAYER
    amount: 500

type: DamageTaken

value: List of entity types separated with , that qualify for this advancement to be damaged by the player, see EntityType for list of entity type names. Can be any to accept any entity or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those entities but qualify all others

amount: The number of damage dealt by the player



    type: executecommand
    value: "/coolcommand"
    amount: 1

type: ExecuteCommand

value: List of commands separated with , that qualify for this advancement to be executed by the player. Can be any to accept any entity or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those commands but to qualify all others. Make sure to include the / in the value!

amount: The number of times the player must execute this command


    type: enchant
    amount: 2

type: Enchant

value: List of enchantments that qualify formatted as ENCHANT-LEVEL, see Enchantments for list of material names. Can be any to accept any enchantment.

amount: The number of items to be enchanted.



    type: harvest
    value: SWEET_BERRIES
    amount: 10

type: Harvest (A 'harvest' is when a block drops an item (usually some sort of crop) and changes state, but is not broken in order to drop the item. [From spigot javadoc])

value: List of item types separated with , that qualify for this advancement to be broken, see ItemTypes for list of item types names. Can be any to accept any block or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those items but qualify all others.

amount: The amount times such an item should be harvested.


Impossible (since v1.2.2)

    type: impossible
    amount: 100

type: Impossible

value: Will be ignored

amount: The total number of progress that must be granted to this advancement via /ca grantimpossible for the player



    type: join
    amount: 10

type: Join

value: Will be ignored

amount: The number of times the player must join



    type: killentity
    value: COW,PIG,PLAYER
    amount: 500

type: KillEntity

value: List of entity types separated with , that qualify for this advancement to be killed by the player, see EntityType for list of entity type names. Can be any to accept any entity or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those entities but qualify all others

amount: The number of entities killed by the player



    type: leave
    amount: 10

type: Leave

value: Will be ignored

amount: The number of times the player must leave


Money [Requires Essentials]

    type: money
    value: 'gain'
    amount: 10000

type: Money

value: Either gain to count the money gained, spend to count the money lost, or reach to reach a specific amount.

amount: The amount of money gained, spend, or reached


Obtain Item (since v1.2.2)

    type: obtainitem
    amount: 128

type: ObtainItem

value: The items will be counted for the amount of items you need to obtain, in this example the player needs 128 planks in their inventory that are either OAK_PLANKS, DARK_OAK_PLANKS or SPURCE_PLANKS. This has to be a list of items separated with ,. See Materials for a list of item names. Can be any to accept any item or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those items but qualify all others

amount: The number of items the player needs to have in their inventory to complete this advancement



    type: playtime
    value: 'any'
    amount: 100

type: PlayTime

value: The world name (the name of the directory, not the dimension name) the player must play in, can be any to accept any world

amount: The number of minutes played in the said world


RaidFinish [Requires 1.14 or later]

    type: raidfinish
    amount: 10

type: RaidFinish

value: will be ignored

amount: The number of raids the player must finish


    type: rideentity
    value: HORSE
    amount: 200

type: RideEntity

value: List of entity types that can be ridden, see EntityTypes for list of entity types. Can be any to accept any statistic or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those entity types but qualify all others

amount: The amount of blocks that must be ridden.

Region Stay (Since v1.2.0)

    type: regionstay
    value: home,house
    amount: 60

type: RegionStay

value: List of regions which qualify for this advancement separated by a comma

amount: The amount of seconds which the player needs to stay in this region to complete this advancement



    type: shearsheep
    value: RED,ORANGE
    amount: 10

type: ShearSheep

value: List of dye colors separated with , that qualify for this advancement to be sheared by the player, see DyeColor for list of dye color names. Can be any to accept any color or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those colors but qualify all others

amount: The number of sheep's sheared by the player


    type: statistic
    value: PIG_ONE_CM
    amount: 10000

type: Statistic

value: List of statistics separated with , that qualify for this advancement to be counted, see Statistic for list of stistic names. Can be any to accept any statistic or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those statistics but qualify all others

amount: The amount the statistic should be increased with


    type: smelting
    amount: 2

type: Smelting

value: List of material types that should be the result of this smelting operation, see Materials for list of material names. Can be any to accept any statistic or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those statistics but qualify all others

amount: The number of things to be smelt to get these resulting items.



    type: taming
    value: WOLF
    amount: 2

type: Taming

value: List of animal types that should be tamed, see EntityTypes for list of Entity Types. Can be any to accept any statistic or be prefixed with ! to not qualify those statistics but qualify all others

amount: The number of animals to be tamed.



    type: xpchange
    value: 'spend'
    amount: 1000

type: XPChange

value: Either gain to count the XP gained, spend to count the XP lost, or reach to reach a specific amount.

amount: The amount of XP gained, spend, or reached


    type: xplevelchange
    value: 'spend'
    amount: 1000

type: XPLevelChange

value: Either gain to count the XP levels gained, spend to count the XP levels lost, or reach to reach a specific amount.

amount: The amount of XP levels gained, spend, or reached