Final Project for the class of CIS 3368 of Spring 2020 that assigned us to build a web application that included the use of a transactional table in the database and use it on the actual application. This project made me learn about bootstrap 4, more about javascript, mysql, and dealing with API's using Java. This was all hosted in the AWS services using their instances in the console.
This is the homepage to the web application where the user can select a portal to enter order information, manage book, customer and employee information. The date in the center is written in Javascript so when the user access the application they have a clear view of today's date. Also when the hamburger menu is clicked you are able to hide the sidebar that has a clear view to diffrent portals in the application.
In this page the user is able to add new books to the database using the input fields and clicking submit.
Once the information is submited the data pop right in the table created in HTML and gives the user the option to delete that entry.
The orders page is in charge of storing/submitting the transaction of the book that is sold to the cutomers.