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Overload reporting Kiwi SDR

Erwin (de F/PE3ES) edited this page May 15, 2024 · 1 revision

For WD users with KiwiSDR receivers, WD maintains a log file of the number of new overload (i.e. full scale ADC) values reported in each 2 minute WSPR cycle. Examining those files can give good insight into the times (but not the sources) of the overloads. To view those logs run 'wd-overloads'

wsprdaemon@PD0OHW-Kiwi-1:/dev/shm/wsprdaemon/recording.d/KIWI_1/40$ wd-overloads Found there are 3 Wsprdaemon Kiwis: KIWI_0 KIWI_1 KIWI_1K

For Kiwi 'KIWI_0' found in '/dev/shm/wsprdaemon/recording.d/KIWI_0/2200/kiwi_ovs.log', the newest of the 7 'kiwi_ovs.log' files: There are 11483 total wspr cycles in the log file, of which 2224 cycles report overload events This line which reports the most OVs: 240503_1958.wav: 1885797 9838 Press 'l + ' to execute 'less /dev/shm/wsprdaemon/recording.d/KIWI_0/2200/kiwi_ovs.log', then search for 240503_1958.wav: =>

Press 'l' to run Linux's 'less' command which allows you to scroll through the selected 'kvs_ovs.log' file. Each log line has three fields:

  1. the date_time of the start of the WSPR cycle
  2. the overload count reported by the kiwi's ...L8072/status page
  3. the new overloads reported during that cycle, i.e. the difference between the count at the end of this cycle and the count in the previous line)

wsprdaemon@PD0OHW-Kiwi-1:/dev/shm/wsprdaemon/recording.d/KIWI_1/40$ grep -A 10 -B 10 240503_1958.wav: /dev/shm/wsprdaemon/recording.d/KIWI_0/2200/kiwi_ovs.log 240503_1938.wav: 1798856 8219 240503_1940.wav: 1807018 8162

Source and status : Rob Robinett - Confirmed May 14 #3568