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Some explanation on setting up more than one RX888MkII receiver when using wsprdaemon in combination with KA9Q‐radio

Erwin (de F/PE3ES) edited this page May 2, 2024 · 1 revision

Set different names for the udp streams in the 2 radiod (KA9Q) conf files for both RX888's. data=wspr-pcm.local Use these names in your wsprdaemon.conf file to pick the data from your network. Set TTL to 1 instead of the default 0 for one of the radios, so the udp data will leave your local machine and gets out on your network. Verify that your network can handle the not-local udp streams as they might drown out other data (IGMP). See here at the chapter explaining TTL

With avahi-discovery you can see all multicast streams/services that are available from different machines on your network, even when that parameter is not set to 1. And even when the parameter is 0 for both machines during install of wsprdaemon and/or ka9q-radio the software complains to see double names and will set new names by itself.

In wsprdaemon.conf set 2 different ka9q lines listening to the named udp-streams. Set up merging as you would for 2 kiwi's based on these 2 ka9q radios.

As Rob explains for KFS: I have 4 RX888s at KFS, each with its own instance of WD and each reporting with a unique ID to, e.g. KFS/NW, KFS/SW, KFS/SE, KFS/OMNI The KA9Q-radio [email protected] files on each of those WD output to unique multicast addresses, e.g kfs-nw-pcm.local, kfs-sw-pcm-local, kfs-se-pcm.local. kfs-omni-pcm.local

The WD.conf files on each WD server are then configured to listen only to its own multicast stream: e.g. "KA9Q_NW kfs-nw-pcm.local. . <KIWI_PASSWORD>..."

Except on the KFS-Omni WD server I create a merged receiver "MERGE_ALL_Q:


And then define the schedule to decode MERG_ALL_Q on all bands:

declare WSPR_SCHEDULE=( "00:00 MERG_ALL_Q,160,W2:F2:F5 MERG_ALL_Q,80,W2:F2:F5 MERG_ALL_Q,80eu,W2:F2:F5 MERG_ALL_Q,60,W2:F2:F5 MERG_ALL_Q,60eu,W2:F2:F5 MERG_ALL_Q,40,W2:F2:F5 MERG_ALL_Q,30,W2:F2:F5 MERG_ALL_Q,22,W2 MERG_ALL_Q,20,W2:F2:F5 MERG_ALL_Q,17,W2:F2:F5 MERG_ALL_Q,15,W2:F2:F5 MERG_ALL_Q,12,W2:F2:F5 MERG_ALL_Q,10,W2:F2:F5