Author: Victoria Dyster
Adapted from Gerry Tonkin-Hill's pipeline
Ana Ferreira for running the QC and PopPUNK to get GPSCs for the isolates
Gemma Murray for help getting started
This pipeline deconvolutes mixed-microbial reads into designated groups (e.g. multiple Streptococcus pneumonaie
into GPSCs), assembles the deconvoluted reads and gets the serotypes.
In your lustre, download this repo.
git clone
cd deep_seq_analysis
- Get your isolate assemblies (only lanes that have passed QC*)
First go into your lustre and create a directory for your analysis.
mkdir -p data
Create a directory with all your assemblies in
For example:
mkdir -p data/assemblies
*If you are using GPS, ask a team member where the list of passed samples can be found
- Combine isolate assemblies to make one reference FASTA
In the scripts directory:
./ <assemblies directory> <output combined fna file>
For example:
./ data/assemblies combined_vietnam_ref.fna
Classifying your reads to lineages from your deep-sequenced mixed-microbial sample requires a comprehensive reference database that is representative of the microbial diversity in the geographical region and time frame. For example, it is unlikely you will get an accurate final outcome of this analysis if you're analysing mixed-microbial sequences in Country A using a reference database containing very few isolate genomes from Country A. To quickly check whether your reference isolates will be sufficient for your analysis, we use mash.
- Create mash sketch (i.e. mash reference) using your reference lanes
./ \
<assemblies directory> \
<output mash sketches directory>
For example:
./ \
/data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/assemblies \
- Run mash paste (i.e. combine mash references) 8 mash_paste ./ <mash sketches directory> <output mash file>
For example: 8 mash_paste ./ /data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/mash_sketches_vietnam_ref /data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/vietnam_combined_ref.msh
- Run mash screen (i.e. map deep sequences against mash reference)
./ <fastq_folder> <combined mash reference> <output mash screens directory>
For example:
./ /data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/fastqs /data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/vietnam_combined_ref.msh /data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/mash_output_vietnam_6461_v2
- Assessment
The mash screen outputs will contain a score over 1000 on similarity with references. If you do not get any scores or very few scores above 990, then you may need to consider using a better reference before proceeding.
- Build Themisto index on this reference
./ \
<reference fna> \
<output themisto index>
For example:
./ \
/data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/combined_vietnam_ref.fna \
- Run themisto align and mSWEEP
You will also need:
- Seroba database
- GPSC assignment external clusters csv for your reference lanes (from popPUNK)
./ \
<path to reference assembly files> \
<path to input fastq files> \
<reference fna> \
<themisto index> \
<gpsc assignment csv> \
<seroba database> \
<msweep output directory>
For example:
./ \
/data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/ref_assemblies \
/data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/input_fastqs \
/data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/combined_vietnam_ref.fna \
/data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/themisto_index_vietnam_ref \
/data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/GPSC_assignment_external_clusters.csv \
/nfs/users/nfs_g/gt4/lustre/maela_deep/msweep/seroba/database \
The output files can be found in study folders within the msweep output directory you specified above. Each output is separated in directories called by the lane id of the deep sequence and number of reads that they were subsampled to and contain:
: the relative proportion of
: the serotypes foundfastq.gz
files: the reads that have been identified belonging to a particular GPSC- directories named after the GPSC number: contain the assemblies of the GPSCs as
and the serotype in*_seroba
directory (Note: NA may exist if there were alignments to isolate genome(s) that had no GPSC)
Create phylogenetic trees from deconvoluted reads using snippy, gubbins, snp-sites and FastTree
In the scripts directory:
# Create an input.txt file for snippy
find /data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/msweep_output/6461/*/ /data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/msweep_output/6463/*/ -type f -name "*_1.fastq.gz" > ../data/path_to_reads_1.txt
find /data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/msweep_output/6461/*/ /data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/msweep_output/6463/*/ -type f -name "*_2.fastq.gz" > ../data/path_to_reads_2.txt
cat ../data/path_to_reads_1.txt | awk -F/ '{print $12"_"$13}' | awk -F'_1.fastq.gz' '{print $1}' > ../data/msweep_samples.txt
paste -d $'\t' ../data/msweep_samples.txt ../data/path_to_reads_1.txt ../data/path_to_reads_2.txt | grep -v "_NA" > ../data/
# Build trees (tested with 10)
head ../data/ > ../data/
bsub -G team284 -q normal -J build_tree -o ../log/build_tree.out -e ../log/build_tree.err -R"span[hosts=1]" -R "select[mem>16000] rusage[mem=16000]" -M16000 -n 4 "./ /data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/ /data/pam/applications/vr-pipelines/refs/Streptococcus/pneumoniae_ATCC_700669/Streptococcus_pneumoniae_ATCC_700669_v1.fa 4 ../data/test_build_tree"
# Build trees (not implemented)
bsub -G team284 -q normal -J build_tree -o ../log/build_tree.out -e ../log/build_tree.err -R"span[hosts=1]" -R "select[mem>64000] rusage[mem=64000]" -M64000 -n 16 "./ /data/pam/team284/shared/deep_seq/data/ /data/pam/applications/vr-pipelines/refs/Streptococcus/pneumoniae_ATCC_700669/Streptococcus_pneumoniae_ATCC_700669_v1.fa 16 <your_output_directory_here>"