Releases: snakemake/snakemake-wrappers
Releases · snakemake/snakemake-wrappers
Bug Fixes
Performance Improvements
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/bwa-mem2/mem (#3031) (2cb9dab)
- autobump bio/bwa-meme/mem (#3030) (7524d54)
- autobump bio/bwa-memx/mem (#3029) (044cf27)
- autobump bio/bwa/mem (#3027) (956e3f9)
- autobump bio/bwa/sampe (#3026) (2778a04)
- autobump bio/bwa/samse (#3032) (23cffcc)
- autobump bio/bwa/samxe (#3028) (ee202a3)
- autobump bio/multiqc (#3033) (9dc0597)
- autobump bio/nonpareil/plot (#3034) (de0b564)
- autobump bio/picard/addorreplacereadgroups (#3044) (40b2d75)
- autobump bio/picard/bedtointervallist (#3036) (34ea112)
- autobump bio/picard/collectalignmentsummarymetrics (#3040) (66a9770)
- autobump bio/picard/collectgcbiasmetrics (#3050) (df821c3)
- autobump bio/picard/collecthsmetrics (#3037) (1b8f4ea)
- autobump bio/picard/collectinsertsizemetrics (#3041) (f233cd2)
- autobump bio/picard/collectmultiplemetrics (#3049) (d255dab)
- autobump bio/picard/collectrnaseqmetrics (#3046) (6e0e22a)
- autobump bio/picard/collecttargetedpcrmetrics (#3043) (999464e)
- autobump bio/picard/createsequencedictionary (#3039) (4256664)
- autobump bio/picard/mergesamfiles (#3048) (701f770)
- autobump bio/picard/mergevcfs (#3038) (409b0d5)
- autobump bio/picard/revertsam (#3042) (dae3c3b)
- autobump bio/picard/samtofastq (#3051) (a71479f)
- autobump bio/picard/sortsam (#3045) (f8e554a)
- change version scrapping (#3022) (72e6ce9)
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/cutadapt/pe (#3006) (6b6d07d)
- autobump bio/cutadapt/se (#3005) (4d771f5)
- autobump bio/encode_fastq_downloader (#3007) (af40616)
- autobump bio/last/lastal (#2992) (3514346)
- autobump bio/last/lastal (#3008) (85607f8)
- autobump bio/last/lastdb (#2993) (7841808)
- autobump bio/last/lastdb (#3009) (4cee18d)
- autobump bio/mapdamage2 (#2995) (fea552c)
- autobump bio/mapdamage2 (#3010) (b2bcd56)
- autobump bio/ngsderive (#2996) (e5bfa94)
- autobump bio/open-cravat/module (#3012) (2fe1756)
- autobump bio/open-cravat/run (#3011) (0bbef93)
- autobump bio/pbmm2/align (#2998) (b50e222)
- autobump bio/pbmm2/index (#2997) (fb96fe5)
- autobump bio/picard/collectinsertsizemetrics (#3013) (f93af0b)
- autobump bio/sourmash/compute (#2999) (12d87ec)
- autobump bio/spades/metaspades (#3014) (e005b6e)
- autobump bio/vep/plugins (#3016) (9861c57)
- Update Datavzrd wrapper (#3002) (8d76d60)
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/entrez/efetch (#2980) (c3d76eb)
- autobump bio/kallisto/quant (#2247) (11dd11e)
- autobump bio/multiqc (#2981) (bf34418)
- autobump bio/ngs-disambiguate (#2982) (8cdb584)
- autobump bio/open-cravat/module (#2983) (7942f61)
- autobump bio/open-cravat/run (#2984) (099d86a)
- autobump bio/spades/metaspades (#2986) (6286c02)
- add samtools markdup wrapper (#2926) (3c86bae)
- Add support for regions file and arbitrary FAI/GZI paths (#2936) (445b35f)
- add wrapper to samtools collate (#2929) (0c7ae27)
- All ngsderive subcommands (#2732) (847ab1d)
- auto infer run mode (#2937) (08bd3cd)
- Goleft indexcov (#2734) (ebef6f8)
Bug Fixes
- bamcoverage without effective genome size (#2941) (b6ad55f)
- issue #366 and #2649 (#2928) (e10ab57)
- remove NA string replacement, fixed upstream (#2940) (8f4d223)
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/bismark/bam2nuc (#2943) (9228479)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark (#2948) (d9abb20)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark_genome_preparation (#2945) (899ae0d)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark_methylation_extractor (#2944) (1b232d2)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark2bedGraph (#2947) (ab29098)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark2report (#2951) (13dd155)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark2summary (#2946) (bfb3d30)
- autobump bio/bismark/deduplicate_bismark (#2950) (bcf3c06)
- autobump bio/bowtie2/align (#2949) (6b0593f)
- autobump bio/bowtie2/build (#2942) (5b3ca20)
- autobump bio/bwa-mem2/mem-samblaster (#2962) (ff613f3)
- autobump bio/bwa/mem-samblaster (#2961) (83754dd)
- autobump bio/fastq_screen (#2952) (e45fcac)
- autobump bio/freebayes (#2963) (7a0d553)
- autobump bio/gatk/applybqsr (#2938) (498c67f)
- autobump bio/gatk3/realignertargetcreator (#2931) (2d2835c)
- autobump bio/gdc-api/bam-slicing (#2954) (32d25c1)
- autobump bio/goleft/indexcov (#2930) (5ccbdb0)
- autobump bio/gseapy/gsea (#2953) (dda3d16)
- autobump bio/hifiasm (#2932) (3722de7)
- autobump bio/multiqc (#2955) (91ad107)
- autobump bio/ngsderive (#2964) (df82b38)
- autobump bio/open-cravat/module (#2966) (f1ffa3e)
- autobump bio/open-cravat/run (#2965) (9b371ca)
- autobump bio/ptrimmer (#2933) (cd37e0b)
- autobump bio/rasusa (#2967) (9f25643)
- autobump bio/rbt/csvreport (#2956) (b2a469d)
- autobump bio/sambamba/flagstat (#2973) (4575792)
- autobump bio/sambamba/index (#2971) (18359ac)
- autobump bio/sambamba/markdup (#2968) (191542d)
- autobump bio/sambamba/merge (#2975) (adf9a28)
- autobump bio/sambamba/slice (#2972) (88ac3f6)
- autobump bio/sambamba/sort (#2976) (990e841)
- autobump bio/sambamba/view (#2970) (613e55d)
- autobump bio/seqkit (#2969) (e25b840)
- autobump bio/sra-tools/fasterq-dump ([#2974](