Releases: snakemake/snakemake-wrappers
Releases · snakemake/snakemake-wrappers
- Add wrapper for filtering TTree in ROOT (#2900) (c294552)
- enable YTE templating in datavzrd config file (#2916) (97262a5)
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/cooltools/dots (#2908) (7f53f54)
- autobump bio/cooltools/eigs_cis (#2904) (efe1887)
- autobump bio/cooltools/eigs_trans (#2903) (843e331)
- autobump bio/cooltools/expected_cis (#2902) (c9ef619)
- autobump bio/cooltools/expected_trans (#2909) (91d92d1)
- autobump bio/cooltools/insulation (#2906) (f51323a)
- autobump bio/cooltools/pileup (#2905) (6aa0897)
- autobump bio/cooltools/saddle (#2907) (925f413)
- autobump bio/gatk/applybqsrspark (#2911) (cbe905b)
- autobump bio/gatk3/indelrealigner (#2910) (40aa8f1)
- autobump bio/mapdamage2 (#2912) (ea1bfbd)
- autobump bio/open-cravat/module (#2913) (593839d)
- autobump bio/open-cravat/run (#2914) (476823b)
- Update Datavzrd to 2.36.10 (#2915) (c0a7ddf)
Bug Fixes
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/bcftools/call (#2828) (cd25cc8)
- autobump bio/bcftools/concat (#2832) (785cd77)
- autobump bio/bcftools/filter (#2821) (c4c2315)
- autobump bio/bcftools/index (#2829) (3ea7efb)
- autobump bio/bcftools/merge (#2827) (b1aee95)
- autobump bio/bcftools/mpileup (#2817) (9b9c0ea)
- autobump bio/bcftools/norm (#2819) (7126185)
- autobump bio/bcftools/reheader (#2822) (a77fa02)
- autobump bio/bcftools/sort (#2825) (7c9bb6d)
- autobump bio/bcftools/stats (#2813) (78e1ed6)
- autobump bio/bcftools/view (#2837) (ba4cb3b)
- autobump bio/bellerophon (#2834) (f9c272e)
- autobump bio/benchmark/chm-eval-sample (#2830) (9911338)
- autobump bio/bgzip (#2839) (8b1d2d7)
- autobump bio/bismark/bam2nuc (#2815) (1462242)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark (#2812) (62ee915)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark_genome_preparation (#2820) (108387c)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark_methylation_extractor (#2814) (47a2c50)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark2bedGraph (#2831) (556aadd)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark2report (#2808) (b788b96)
- autobump bio/bismark/bismark2summary (#2809) (ff32047)
- autobump bio/bismark/deduplicate_bismark (#2841) (d897740)
- autobump bio/bowtie2/align (#2810) (f9b273e)
- autobump bio/bwa-mem2/mem (#2824) (a4451ea)
- autobump bio/bwa-meme/mem (#2836) (7f2a24b)
- autobump bio/bwa-memx/index (#2816) (d218b2b)
- autobump bio/bwa-memx/mem (#2826) (e7baf43)
- autobump bio/bwa/aln (#2833) (b41d0b4)
- autobump bio/bwa/index (#2838) (946d5c3)
- autobump bio/bwa/mem (#2818) (2d49db7)
- autobump bio/bwa/mem-samblaster (#2840) (0fc7d78)
- autobump bio/bwa/sampe (#2811) (a6367ba)
- autobump bio/bwa/samse (#2823) (6d2b199)
- autobump bio/bwa/samxe (#2835) (a375c11)
- autobump bio/cnvkit/antitarget (#2848) (91354dc)
- autobump bio/cnvkit/batch (#2849) (9fae85d)
- autobump bio/cnvkit/call (#2844) (5437973)
- autobump bio/cnvkit/diagram (#2846) (bcfcbed)
- autobump bio/cnvkit/export (#2843) (c499d71)
- autobump bio/cnvkit/target (#2847) (a41c0a0)
- autobump bio/cutadapt/pe (#2845) (77a7990)
- autobump bio/cutadapt/se ([#2842](
Bug Fixes
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/busco (#2787) (ebe243e)
- autobump bio/deeptools/plotfingerprint (#2776) (214ea28)
- autobump bio/deeptools/plotheatmap (#2788) (81ee08b)
- autobump bio/ega/fetch (#2789) (fd83ecb)
- autobump bio/freebayes (#1850) (795e778)
- autobump bio/freebayes (#2790) (fe5de66)
- autobump bio/gdc-api/bam-slicing (#2778) (9375ca8)
- autobump bio/minimap2/aligner (#2780) (23fd5a3)
- autobump bio/minimap2/index (#2779) (8f5d611)
- autobump bio/plass (#2791) (11f34ca)
- autobump bio/rseqc/read_gc (#2781) (842998d)
- autobump bio/seqkit (#2795) (1b2e7ba)
- autobump bio/sourmash/compute (#2794) (8a37a3e)
- autobump bio/tabix/query (#2796) (e21217e)
- autobump bio/tmb/pytmb (#2797) (28ae8a8)
- autobump bio/ucsc/gtfToGenePred (#2782) (4e8c925)
- autobump bio/unicycler (#2316) (0d1486b)
- autobump bio/vembrane/filter (#2783) (bb271ab)
- autobump bio/vembrane/table (#2784) (491d5b6)
- autobump bio/vg/construct (#2798) (25300e4)
- autobump bio/vg/ids (#2804) (4162ce1)
- autobump bio/vg/kmers (#2802) (9ddb88d)
- autobump bio/vg/merge (#2800) (5ba8325)
- autobump bio/vg/prune (#2801) (2061beb)
- autobump bio/vg/sim (#2799) (dfb0d6b)
- autobump bio/vsearch (#2803) (7070607)
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/busco (#2760) (96a5ee7)
- autobump bio/cutadapt/pe (#2762) (7326a2b)
- autobump bio/cutadapt/se (#2761) (2df0403)
- autobump bio/mapdamage2 (#2765) (03e2812)
- autobump bio/mosdepth (#2764) (b8b54ee)
- autobump bio/rseqc/infer_experiment (#2767) (dfd6ce4)
- autobump bio/rseqc/read_distribution (#2766) (7f32bdf)
- autobump bio/salmon/index (#2769) (f27e290)
- autobump bio/salmon/quant (#2768) (74e93c2)
- autobump bio/sourmash/compute (#2770) (19a8a84)
- autobump utils/csvtk (#2763) (d3fc9d3)
- Update Datavzrd to 2.36.9 (#2758) (efb4337)
Performance Improvements
- autobump bio/deeptools/alignmentsieve (#2741) (ce63735)
- autobump bio/deeptools/computematrix (#2740) (c3416a0)
- autobump bio/deeptools/plotcoverage (#2742) (ec1b4e3)
- autobump bio/deeptools/plotprofile (#2743) (1773265)
- autobump bio/entrez/efetch (#2745) (43deba3)
- autobump bio/fgbio/setmateinformation (#2746) (6768125)
- autobump bio/gatk/genotypegvcfs (#2747) (37c7361)
- autobump bio/minimap2/aligner (#2748) (04eca33)
- autobump bio/minimap2/index (#2749) (60aac91)
- autobump bio/rseqc/read_duplication (#2750) (78f15d1)
- autobump bio/seqkit (#2751) (5a4705e)
- autobump bio/ucsc/genePredToBed (#2752) (72ea812)