Releases: soupday/cc_unity_tools_URP
Releases · soupday/cc_unity_tools_URP
CC/iC Unity Tools URP
v 1.3.3
- Updates / Additions:
- Tessellation option added to build settings. (Currently HDRP12 Only)
- Lighting presets added to preview scene, and lighting cycle button added to importer window. (All pipelines)
- Lock retarget values toggle added. (To no longer reset on changing animation)
- Animation Processor (Importer Window) now also extracts fully facial expression retargeted animations from FBX.
- Animation Player and Retargeter can now work in any Editor scene. (Note: the character being animated will show at the origin of it's current parent)
- Match camera to scene view button added to importer window.
- Shader / Material adjustments:
- HDRP12 Tessellation shaders added.
- HDRP hair 2-pass shadow clip fixes.
- HDRP hair no longer uses flipped back lighting by default. (Less shadow artifacts and rim lighting works much better without it)
- Hair shader smoothness and specular tweaks. (Should look more consistent between the 3 pipelines)
- Adjustments to Eye and Eye occlusion colors and saturation to more accurately match the coloring in CC3/4.
- Facial hair naterials are now generated with thinner opacity and less smoothness and specularity. (Should no longer look too thick and too shiny)
- Compute bake shaders updated with shader changes.
- Fixes to:
- Facial expression retargeter:
- Now correctly maps based on the source facial profile as well as the target profile.
- Includes all tongue blendshapes.
- Correctly remaps compatible viseme profiles. (8+7 split visemes cannot be retargeted to the 15 direct visemes).
- Button now color coded to the estimated quality of the retarget:
- Green - should retarget completely.
- Yellow - some BlendShapes will not restarget.
- Red - most BlendShapes will not retarget.
- A report of the retarget, listing how the BlendShapes are remapped and which could not be retarget is logged to the console.
- Animation player and retargetter UI and internal logic, should be less glitchy.
- No longer reprocesses the same textures when used by different materials during material build.
- Character prefab no longer gets stuck in current Animation Player pose after recompiling editor assembly.
- Numerous fixes to internal workings and code refactors.
- Facial expression retargeter:
v 1.3.2
- HDRP12 (Unity 2021.2+) Single pass hair shader fixes.
- HDRP Skin SSS transmission thickness min-max remap parameters.
CC/iC Unity Tools URP
v 1.3.1
- Arm Flexion correction added.
v 1.3.0
- Animation correction and facial expression retargeting system added.
- Correction sliders for shoulders, arms, legs, heels and height.
- Fix open mouth in 3rd party animations for target CC3/4 character.
- Retarget facial expression animation tracks to target CC3/4 character.
- Alembic material setup feature added. (Unity Alembic package must be installed)
CC/iC Unity Tools URP
v 1.2.3
- Skin diffuse Color modifier color-space correction.
- Hair diffuse Color modifier added.
- ActorBuild and ActorScan characters from CC4 correctly detected and set to Humanoid Rig.
CC/iC Unity Tools URP
v 1.2.2
- Skin Diffuse Color modifier added.
CC/iC Unity Tools URP
v 1.2.1
- Fix to Subsurface modifiers.
- Iris Color and Iris Cloudy Color added to eye parameters.
- Moved menu name from CC3 to Reallusion.
CC3 Unity Tools URP
v 1.2.0
- Blender Tools to Unity pipeline implemented.
- Using compute shaders for baking Unity packed textures from base Blender textures.
- Eye Occlusion and Tearline shaders updated for Blender model space.
- Diffuse Color modifier correctly converted from linear to sRGB color space.
CC3 Unity Tools URP
v 1.1.1
- Amplify Shaders added.
- Amplify Baked material shaders added.
- Inclusion of MSAA coverage alpha blending hair shaders. (Amplify - URP/3D only)
- Bake Flow-To-Normal Converter for hair materials.
- Basic/Default material pass.
- Eye subsurface mask bake fix.
- HDRP thickness bake fix.
- Cornea detail mask bake fix.
- Reworked "AO Occlude All" in non-amplify hair shaders.
- Template Clean up.
v 1.0.0
- Animation & Expression preview system.
- Eye Brightness, Saturation, Occlusion sharpness changes.
- Eye Occlusion colour changed to lit multiply blend. (Should no longer glow in the dark.)
- Parallax eyes shaders updated.
- Bake shaders updated.
v 0.3.0
- Parallax eye shader + baking shaders.
- Fix to open/close mouth and eyes for gamebase and LOD characters.
CC3 Unity Tools URP
v 0.2.1
- Fix to 2-Pass mesh extraction crashing when no vertex colors were present.
- Fix to Bump maps being incorrectly detected during material and baking setups.
- Added normal strength calculations to built-in hair shaders.
CC3 Unity Tools URP
For URP Pipeline 10.x and above.
v 0.2.0
- Fix to eye occlusion compute bake shader.
- Adusted eye shader corner shadow gradient.
- Teeth, Tongue & Eye micro normals maps correctly set to normal maps.
- Added two pass hair material system, whereby all hair submeshes are extracted into single meshes and multiple materials can by applied to each hair mesh.
Thus creating a two (or more) pass rendering system for hair that is fully compliant with SRP batching. - 2021.2
- 2021.2 uses HDRP pipeline 12.0.0, which has some incompatibilities with previous versions:
- Fix to correctly add diffusion profiles in HDRP 12.0.0.
- Updates to hair shaders to correctly apply depth pre-pass and post-pass.
- Built-in Pipeline
- Added emission to the Built-in high quality and baked shaders.
- Removed post processing settings from the preview scene, as they caused errors in later versions.
v 0.1.9
- URP & Built-in Pipelines
- Added shaders and materials to use the build-in and Universal render pipeline.
- Code base
- Bake shaders and materials updated to support Standard shader and URP/Lit shader.
- Fixes to material setup texture discovery.
CC3 Unity Tools URP
Test release...