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Configure Azure Active Directory Audit inputs for the Splunk Add on for Microsoft Azure

Jason Conger edited this page Jul 29, 2024 · 7 revisions


Azure Active Directory has been renamed to Microsoft Entra ID.

Before you enable inputs, complete the previous steps in the configuration process:

Configure your inputs on the Splunk platform instance responsible for collecting data for this add-on, usually a heavy forwarder. You can configure inputs using Splunk Web, which is a best practice, or by using the configuration files.

Data Collected

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) audit log.

The Azure Active Directory audit log includes changes within Azure Active Directory including users, groups, apps, devices, password management (self-service password reset), privileged identity management (PIM), etc.

Required Microsoft API Permissions

API Permissions Notes
Microsoft Graph (Application) AuditLog.Read.All and Directory.Read.All This API has a known issue and currently requires consent to both the AuditLog.Read.All and Directory.Read.All permissions.

Configure inputs using Splunk Web

Configure your inputs using Splunk Web on the Splunk platform instance responsible for collecting data for this add-on, usually a heavy forwarder.

  1. In the Splunk Add-on for Microsoft Azure, click Inputs.
  2. Click Create New Input and then select Azure Active Directory Audit.
  3. Enter the Name, Interval, Index, Azure App Account, Tenant ID, Environment, and other parameters using the information in the input parameter table below.

Configure inputs using configuration files

Configure your inputs using the configuration files on the Splunk platform instance responsible for collecting data for this add-on, usually a heavy forwarder.

  1. Create or modify a file named inputs.conf under $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/apps/TA-MS-AAD/local.
  2. Add the following stanza:
audit_sourcetype = <value>
azure_app_account = <value>
endpoint = <value>
environment = <value>
index = <value>
interval = <value>
query_backoff_throttle = <value>
query_window_size = <value>
tenant_id = <value>
  1. Save and restart the Splunk platform.

Verify that the value listed for azure_app_account matches the account entry in ta_ms_aad_account.conf.

Input Parameters

Each attribute in the following table corresponds to a field in Splunk Web.

Attribute Corresponding field in Splunk Web Description
[MS_AAD_audit://input_stanza_name] Name A friendly name for your input.
azure_app_account Azure Account The Azure App account from which you want to gather data.
endpoint Endpoint The Microsoft Graph endpoint used to retrieve data. Valid options are v1.0 and beta
environment Environment The Azure environment. Valid options are public and gov.
tenant_id Tenant ID The Azure Active Directory Tenant ID (a.k.a. Directory ID)
query_backoff_throttle Query Backoff Throttle Advanced: number of seconds to subtract from the end date of the query. This helps accommodate near real-time events toward the end of a query that may arrive non sequentially.
query_window_size Query Limit (optional) The maximum number of minutes used for the query range. This is useful for retrieving older data. Use this setting with caution. Specify '0' to disable.
audit_sourcetype Audit Sourcetype The sourcetype to use for this input.
start_date Start Date The add-on starts collecting data with a date later than this time. The format is YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SSZ and the default is 7 days in the past.
interval Interval The number of seconds to wait before the Splunk platform runs the command again.
index Index The index in which to store Azure data.
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