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There are 3 scoreboards, one is displayed while the players are waiting for the game to start, one when the game is in progress, and a lobby scoreboard displayed when a player joins the TNTRun lobby. All can be configured/translated in the config.yml file.
Setting displaydoublejumps to true will add a scoreboard entry displaying the number of doublejumps the player has remaining.
The text and colour codes can be changed, but not the placeholders such as {ARENA}, {PS} and {VOTES}. Everything that currently supports colours in the config.yml and messages.yml files can be changed to use Hex/RGB colours, EXCEPT the scoreboard entries.
The scoreboard header can still be set, and as an example, the following colour options/formats are supported:
header: '&x&f&f&1&1&a&a&lTNTRUN'
header: '<#ff11aa>&lTNTRUN'
header: '&c&lTNTRUN'
From version 9.0, standard PlaceholderAPI placeholders can also be used in the scoreboard. In the example below, the player's monetary balance is displayed in the waiting scoreboard. This will update if the player purchases shop items or heads from the HeadsPlus menu.
# set scoreboard text
# Scoreboard Title
header: '&6&lTNTRUN'
displaydoublejumps: true
removefromspectators: true
# Waiting scoreboard config
- '&fWelcome to TNTRun' # title message
- '&a '
- '&fArena: &6&l{ARENA}' # arena name
- '&b '
- '&fPlayers: &a&l{PS}&7&l/&c&l{MPS}' # players in arena and max players
- '&c '
- '&fVotes required: &a&l{VOTES}' # number of required to force-start arena
- '&d'
- '&fStarting in: &6&l{COUNT}' # countdown to game start
- '&e '
- '&fDouble Jumps: &6&l{DJ}' # number of doublejumps remaining
- '&f '
- '&fMoney: %vault_eco_balance%' # Example placeholder displaying player's balance
# Playing scoreboard config
- '&fPlaying TNTRun'
- '&fon arena: &6&l{ARENA}' # Scoreboard title with arena name
- '&b '
- '&fPlayers: &a&l{PS}&7&l/&c&l{MPS}' # players still active and max players
- '&c '
- '&fLost Players: &a&l{LOST}' # count of players that have lost
- '&d '
- '&fEnd in: &c&l{LIMIT}' # seconds remaining before game ends
- '&e '
- '&fDouble Jumps: &6&l{DJ}' # number of doublejumps remaining
# Lobby scoreboard config
- '&fWelcome to the TNTRun lobby'
- '&a '
- '&fNumber of Arenas: %tntrun_arena_count%'
- '&b '
- '&fGames played: %tntrun_played%'
- '&fGames won: %tntrun_wins%'
- '&c '
- '&fTNTRun_reloaded v%tntrun_version%'
Last updated: 9th August 2024