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Releases: store2be/pape-rs

0.4.2 - 2019-10-22

22 Oct 13:56
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Update Rusoto to version 0.41.0

0.4.1 - 2019-10-09

09 Oct 13:02
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  • [Bug fix] Use futures::stream::FuturesOrdered to maintain the order of the merge PDFs.


21 Aug 14:33
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The dependencies have been upgraded and papers refactored to take advantage of async-await. The code is a lot cleaner as result.

There is one breaking change in the configuration (AWS-related environment variables naming).

Various improvements have been made throughout the service as part of the refactoring. Notably, the assets are no longer downloaded into memory, then written to a file, but streamed directly to the disk, which could reduce memory usage a lot when downloading large assets.

0.3.0 - 2018-05-11

11 May 09:59
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  • Add Sentry for error tracking
  • Make papers local exit with same code as the latex process
  • Send better error messages to callback endpoint
  • Implement LaTeX escaping
  • Force images in merges to have A4 aspect ratio and size
  • Register escape_tex and unescape_tex filters for Tera templates
  • Report both stdout and stderr in merge errors
  • Trim URIs parsed for DocumentSpecs
  • Merge local and server binaries

Checksums (md5)

Binary Checksum
papers-x86_64-apple-darwin ac09f5e0ea5123d45c50f9114cafb6be
papers-x86_64-linux-gnu f70b216832dc886e37230ad4e46b3cf4

Try it out with Docker

$ docker run -ti --rm store2be/pape-rs:0.3.0


01 Sep 08:50
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  • Add a /merge endpoint that takes a MergeSpec and merges documents into a
    single PDF file using pdfunite and ImageMagick. This is needed for merging
    PDF documents that contain forms (merging can otherwise be done simply with
    latex and pdfpages). In the current state, it only preserves the forms on
    the first document being merged due to limitations with available CLI tools.

0.2.2 - 2017-08-21

21 Aug 12:39
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  • Properly set the Content-Type header when calling the callback URL.
  • Set the Content-Length header instead of Transfer-Encoding chunk when calling the callback URL. Streaming HTTP is not properly supported by some HTTP servers, including Puma (Rails).

SHA Checksums

Binary Checksum
papers-local-x86_64-apple-darwin e6f486ad552bd0c68b29bd805c9df0ef
papers-local_x86_64-linux-gnu f1c07df211598e2a673c6f5fceb9a17d79f32b5d
papers-server-x86_64-apple-darwin 90d7ea2243ee40096b2dd5477585cd19
papers-server_x86_64-linux-gnu 22192bc77a9d1c8dcfbe4d33044e2b1028781d20

Try it out with Docker

$ docker run -ti --rm store2be/pape-rs:0.2.2

0.2.1 - 2017-08-18

18 Aug 17:15
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  • 🐛 Actually upload the workspace.tar
  • 🐛 Set the Content-Type header when posting to callback url
  • 🐛 Fix terminal output in k8s

0.2.0 - 2017-08-17

17 Aug 16:49
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  • Major change in the interface of the service. Papers now uploads the rendered PDF and the build artifact directly to an S3 bucket, which requires additional configuration on your part. The callback_url will now receive a Summary, which contains either an error or a file field with the presigned url to the rendered PDF, and an s3_folder field for the location of the debugging output.
  • Rename all templates and merge from [name].tex to [name].tex.tera
  • Better error reporting

SHA Checksums

Binary Checksum
papers-local-x86_64-apple-darwin 02ec04076087f4dbdfec8b4f0df74656
papers-local_x86_64-linux-gnu 85c6f99eb8a6d8ab0a88c4e1e4e41e58
papers-server-x86_64-apple-darwin fa20e6886be6694df58b6d896517ef39
papers-server_x86_64-linux-gnu f56bc2fffe03a81ee12baa757b921f5d

Try it out with Docker

$ docker run -ti --rm store2be/pape-rs:0.2.0

0.1.0 - Initial release - 2017-05-23

23 May 12:54
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This is the first release of Papers. Read more about it here

SHA Checksums

Binary Checksum
papers-local-x86_64-apple-darwin 389e4ff511a8e251578f5db5b87524ffc1d3a884
papers-local_x86_64-linux-gnu 13d639fd2017fc74a74d1e80b0166d49fa3270e8
papers-server-x86_64-apple-darwin dc12d9da5c04d030e953a9bde581e24010d13dee
papers-server_x86_64-linux-gnu 0b7e7a1b5439902aa358771eb840e4f2d125d626

Try it out with Docker

$ docker run -ti --rm store2be/pape-rs:0.1.0

... or with Kubernetes