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Nextflow pipeline to convert BAM to FASTQ, align, perform QC, assess targeted coverage, call gSNP, call sSNV, call mtSNV, call SVs, call sCNA, and perform subclonal reconstruction


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Metapipeline-DNA is a DNA sequencing processing pipeline that accepts sequencing data as input. The data may be in FASTQ format or in aligned format (BAM/CRAM - BETA FEATURE), with options for re-alignment with back-conversion to FASTQ format. The FASTQs are aligned to the reference genome and recalibrated with insertion-deletion (INDEL) realignment and base quality score recalibration, followed by quality control steps including targeted coverage calculation and whole genome sequencing (WGS) metrics. Various calling steps are performed to identify germline single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), somatic single-nucleotide variants (SNVs), mitochondrial SNVs, germline structural variants (SVs), somatic SVs, and somatic copy-number aberrations (CNAs). The processing culminates with subclonal reconstruction (SRC).

How To Run

  1. Create a config file using the template, which takes the input samples along with general parameters, with a section defining the parameters, reference files, and resources configurations for each run and each pipeline. See configuration for details on available options and configurations.

  2. Create an input.csv or an input.yaml file (following the descriptions here) to provide input files for each sample. If using an input CSV, add the path to the CSV to the config generated in step 1.

  3. Launch the pipeline using:

# YAML input
nextflow run \
    /path/to/metapipeline-dna/ \
    -c /path/to/generated/config \
    -params-file /path/to/generated/input.yaml

# CSV input
nextflow run \
    /path/to/metapipeline-dna/ \
    -c /path/to/generated/config

Note: UCLAHS-CDS users, submit the pipeline using the submission script.

warning: A low-resource partition (e.g F2 with 2 CPUs and 4GB of memory) is sufficient for the leading job.

Flow Diagram

The general execution of metapipeline-DNA follows these steps, with job submission managed with Slurm:


Each worker node performs the following steps:


Pipeline Steps

1. convert-BAM2FASTQ

Optional: Only run when BAM or CRAM are provided as input and realignment is not overriden.

Aligned data is back-converted to FASTQ using pipeline-convert-BAM2FASTQ.

2. align-DNA

FASTQ data is (re)aligned to the genome on a per-sample basis using pipeline-align-DNA.

3. calculate-targeted-coverage

For targeted or exome sequencing, depth for the target regions is assessed along with off-target coverage enrichment using pipeline-calculate-targeted-coverage.

4. recalibrate-BAM

The aligned BAM undergoes INDEL realignment and base quality score recalibration using pipeline-recalibrate-BAM.

5. generate-SQC-BAM

Quality control is performed on the recalibrated BAM using pipeline-generate-SQC-BAM.

6. call-gSNP

Germline SNPs are called using pipeline-call-gSNP.

7. call-sSNV

Somatic SNVs are called using pipeline-call-sSNV.

8. call-mtSNV

Mitochondrial SNVs are called using pipeline-call-mtSNV.

9. call-gSV

Germline SVs are called using pipeline-call-gSV.

10. call-sSV

Somatic SVs are called using pipeline-call-sSV.

11. call-sCNA

Somatic CNAs are called using pipeline-call-sCNA.

12. call-SRC

Subclonal reconstruction is performed using pipeline-call-SRC.


The following parameters are available at the metapipeline level:

Parameter Type Required Description
output_dir path yes Absolute path to directory where output files will be saved
leading_work_dir path yes Absolute path to common working directory (under /hot for example for access across all nodes). Cannot be /scratch or any node-specific directory.
pipeline_work_dir path yes Absolute path to outputs from each individual pipeline before copying to output_dir. Suggested: /scratch
project_id string yes Project identifier used to name the main output directory of the run
save_intermediate_files boolean yes Whether to save intermediate files. Default: false
partition string yes Partition type for submitting each processing jobs
clusterOptions string yes Additional slurm submission options
max_parallel_jobs integer yes Number of jobs to submit at once. Default: 5
cluster_submission_interval integer yes Time in minutes to wait between job submissions, Default: 90
sample_mode string yes Mode for sample calling. Options: paired, single, multi. Default: paired
requested_pipelines list yes List of pipelines requested.
use_original_intervals boolean yes Whether original intervals should be used with pipelines rather than expanded intervals generated by calculate-targeted-coverage
pipeline_params namespace yes Namespace containing parameters for each individual pipeline. Parameters for the requested pipelines must be given.
override_realignment boolean yes Whether to override conversion to FASTQ and realignment when given BAM input. Default: false
override_recalibrate_bam boolean yes Whether to override recalibrate-BAM pipeline when given BAM input. Default: false
src_snv_tool string yes Which SNV tool's output to use for SRC. Default: BCFtools-Intersect
src_cna_tool string yes Which CNA tool's output to use for SRC. Default: Battenberg
override_src_precursor_disable boolean yes Whether to override the automatic disabling of either call-sSNV or call-sCNA when the respective outputs are provided in the input. Default: false
src_run_all_combinations boolean yes TO-DO: Whether to run SRC using all combinations of SNV tool and CNA tool. Default: false
run_downstream_pipelines_serially boolean no Whether to run pipelines downstream of recalibrate-BAM sequentially. Note: if this option is used in conjunction with downstream_pipeline_order, any pipelines with a given ordering will be run sequentially regardless of the value of this parameter. Default: false
downstream_pipeline_order list no List indicating specific order in which to run pipelines downstream of recalibrate-BAM. Default: no order
input_csv path no Absolute path to input CSV when using CSV input
status_email_address string no Email address to notify when child pipelines start and complete. Default: ``

UCLAHS-CDS WGS global sample job submission parameters

The following parameters are intended to control the global number and rate of WGS jobs. By default, these parameters are enabled; in the case of non-WGS samples or non-UCLAHS-CDS environment, disable uclahs_cds_wgs in the config file params.

Input Parameter Type Required Description
uclahs_cds_wgs boolean yes Whether global job number and submission limits should be applied. Default: true
global_rate_limit integer yes Time in minutes between submission of any WGS jobs. Default: 90

Pipeline selection

Pipeline selection is controlled by the requested_pipelines parameter. Given the list of requested pipelines, metapipeline-DNA will automatically identify any necessary dependencies and enable them for the run.

Pipeline selection follows some default behaviors:

  • When given BAM input, the default pipeline selector will perform conversion to FASTQ, re-align the FASTQs, and perform recalibration. This default behavior can be disabled with the override_realignment and override_recalibrate_bam parameters. With override_realignment, the back-conversion to FASTQ and re-alignment will be disabled. With override_recalibrate_bam, recalibration of the BAM using recalibrate-BAM will be disabled.
  • When SNV or CNA calls are given as inputs, metapipeline-DNA will automatically disable the call-sSNV and call-sCNA pipelines, respectively, and use the given inputs for call-SRC. This behavior can be controlled by override_src_precursor_disable to let metapipeline-DNA run the call-sSNV and call-sCNA pipelines to generate inputs for call-SRC using the BAM or FASTQ inputs. Note: This option only has an effect in the case of mixed inputs being provided as the call-sSNV and call-sCNA pipelines require sequencing data as inputs.

Pipeline-specific params

Each pipeline has a set of parameters that must be provided. The available parameters for each pipeline are documented in the links in the steps. Additionally, the default template.config contains the default set of parameters that need to be defined for each pipeline. Any additional supported parameters can be added as needed. The following keys are used as the pipeline names in this namespace:

Pipeline Key
convert-BAM2FASTQ convert_BAM2FASTQ
align-DNA align_DNA
recalibrate-BAM recalibrate_BAM
calculate-targeted-coverage calculate_targeted_coverage
generate-SQC-BAM generate_SQC_BAM
call-gSNP call_gSNP
call-sSNV call_sSNV
call-mtSNV call_mtSNV
call-gSV call_gSV
call-sSV call_sSV
call-sCNA call_sCNA
call-SRC call_SRC

Each pipeline also defines a set of resources per process to run. These resources can be modified if necessary on a per-process per-pipeline basis by using the base_resource_update functionality for the specific pipeline (this functionality is defined in each pipeline's README). For example, to double the base memory of all processes in the call-sSNV pipeline:

params {
    pipeline_params {
        call_sSNV {
            base_resource_update {
                memory = [
                    [[], 2]


For targeted or exome sequencing, target intervals can be provided in BED format to some of the steps to control processing. The following steps accept intervals:

Step/pipeline Parameter name
call-sSNV intersect_regions
call-gSNP intervals
recalibrate-BAM intervals
calculate-targeted-coverage target_bed

For the respective pipeline params, provide the full path to the intervals file in the generated config to make use of the targets. For example:

params {
    pipeline_params {
        call_sSNV {
            intersect_regions = "/full/path/to/intervals"

Sample modes

The metapipeline supports running samples in three modes: single, paired, and multi. This is controlled by the sample_mode parameter. In paired or multi sample modes, each patient is expected to have exactly one normal sample and one or more tumor samples.

Given the set of input patients and samples, grouping of samples is controlled based on the run mode as follows:

Single sample mode

All samples are processed individually, regardless of patient, as separate jobs.

  • Normal samples will go through germline calling (call-gSNP, call-gSV) and somatic SNV calling with Mutect2's normal-only mode.
  • Tumor samples will go through germline calling (call-gSNP) and somatic SNV calling with Mutect2's tumor-only mode.

Paired sample mode

All samples from the same patient are submitted as a single job, with each normal-tumor pair processed separately in the same job.

  • Individual samples will go through the convert-BAM2FASTQ and align-DNA pipelines.
  • The normal sample will then be paired with each tumor sample and each pair will go through recalibration and the somatic calling pipelines.
  • The normal sample will go through call-gSV.

Multi sample mode

All samples from the same patient are processed as a single job.

  • Individual samples will go through the convert-BAM2FASTQ and align-DNA pipelines.
  • The recalibration and germline SNP calling will then proceed on the entire set of samples together.
  • Somatic SNV calling will proceed in two ways:
    1. The normal sample will be paired with each tumor sample and run through the call-sSNV pipeline
    2. If Mutect2 was requested, the entire set of samples will go through multi-sample calling with just Mutect2 in call-sSNV.
  • The normal sample will be paired with each tumor sample and each pair will go through call-mtSNV, call-sSV, and call-sCNA.
  • The normal sample will go through call-gSV.


Inputs can be provided in either CSV or YAML format.

For CSV inputs, identify the fields needed for each input type below and include the respective fields. For mixed inputs, use empty cell values - see template CSVs for examples.

For YAML inputs, see template YAMLs. In each template YAML, any key or value in <> needs to be filled in and the <> removed, ex. <patient1> should be filled in with the actual patient ID, e.g. PRAD0001. Other keys not in <> must be kept as they are.


should be filled in to become:


Input BAM

Field Type Required Description
patient string yes Identifier for the patient
sample string yes Identifier for the sample
state string yes Must be either "tumor" or "normal"
path path yes Absolute path to the sample BAM file

See this template for CSV format and this template for YAML format.


Field Type Required Description
patient string yes Identifier for the patient
sample string yes Identifier for the sample
state string yes Must be either "tumor" or "normal"
read_group_identifier string yes Read group ID
sequencing_center string yes Center where sequencing was performed
library_identifier string yes Library used for sample
platform_technology string yes Technology used for sequencing
platform_unit string yes Name of specific platform unit
bam_header_sm string yes Sample name tag for BAM
lane string yes Lane identifier for sample
read1_fastq path yes Absolute path to R1 FASTQ
read2_fastq path yes Absolute path to R2 FASTQ

See this template for CSV format and this template for YAML format.

Input SRC

For SRC input, only call-SRC can be run. In this case, for each tumor sample, SNV calls and CNA calls must be provided.

Field Type Required Description
patient string yes Identifier for the patient
sample string yes Identifier for the sample
state string yes Must be either "tumor" or "normal"
src_input_type string yes The type of input, must be either "CNA" or "SNV"
src_input_algorithm string yes Algorithm used to generate the input
src_path string yes Full path to the file

See this template for CSV format and this template for YAML format.

Mixed input

A mix of SRC and sequencing inputs can also be provided, in cases where for example CNA calling has already been done and SNV calling needs to be performed.

CNA calls available

If CNA calls are already available, provide the CNA calls as SRC input and provide the sequencing data (either FASTQ or BAM/CRAM) as FASTQ or BAM/CRAM input. With CSV input, keep all columns and leave fields black per row as needed. See template CSV for the CSV format and template YAML for the YAML format.

SNV calls available

If SNV calls are already available, provide the SNV calls as SRC input and provide the sequencing data (either FASTQ or BAM/CRAM) as FASTQ or BAM/CRAM input. With CSV input, keep all columns and leave fields black per row as needed. See template CSV for the CSV format and template YAML for the YAML format.


Outputs will be placed under <params.output_dir>/metapipeline-DNA-<version>/<params.project_id> and organized by individual pipeline. See individual pipeline documentation for specific outputs generated per pipeline.



Please see list of Contributors at GitHub.


  • Yash Patel, Arpi Beshlikyan, Madison Jordan, Gina Kim, Aaron Holmes, Takafumi N Yamaguchi, Paul C Boutros, PipeVal: light-weight extensible tool for file validation, Bioinformatics, Volume 40, Issue 2, February 2024, btae079,
  • Yash Patel, Chenghao Zhu, Takafumi N Yamaguchi, Yuan Zhe Bugh, Mao Tian, Aaron Holmes, Sorel T Fitz-Gibbon, Paul C Boutros, NFTest: automated testing of Nextflow pipelines, Bioinformatics, Volume 40, Issue 2, February 2024, btae081,


metapipeline-DNA is licensed under the GNU General Public License version 2. See the file LICENSE for the terms of the GNU GPL license.

Metapipeline-DNA is a Nextflow pipeline to convert BAM to FASTQ, align, perform QC, assess targeted coverage, call gSNP, call sSNV, call mtSNV, call SVs, call sCNA, and perform subclonal reconstruction.

Copyright (C) 2021-2024 University of California Los Angeles ("Boutros Lab") All rights reserved.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.


Nextflow pipeline to convert BAM to FASTQ, align, perform QC, assess targeted coverage, call gSNP, call sSNV, call mtSNV, call SVs, call sCNA, and perform subclonal reconstruction








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