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Sprint 5

DerouichAbdessalam edited this page May 19, 2023 · 11 revisions

Hamza Remmal : In this sprint, I've worked on the UI part of the authentication. Feedback revealed some confusion between signin and creating an account. This issue was addressed too by changing a bit how the UI looks and its text. I've also designed the logo of Versus. I've tried to add a new splash screen, but I couldn't fix a issue with it (The app keeps crashing when it launches :-(, I've abandoned the idea). The app is shaping, with all its features completed. I'm will continue fixing issues and adding some missing "features", like a view when the password is not correct or the account is missing. We should also sanitize our database. But that is the work for the last sprint ;-)

Adam Mernissi Arifi : This sprint , I've implement the feature that allow us to choose a location when creating a post of a game.I also implemented a search bar for the location fragment so that we can choose a location just by using the the search bar .The tests were hard to write , but I managed to do it . Concerning my time estimation for the tasks, I think I managed to end the tasks on time, but the testing part took more time than supposed . increased significantly the total coverage by 4 %(from 72% to 76 %) (even though my diff coverage is lower than the total coverage ? which for me is not logical, and I still don't understand how it is computed ) .

Aymane Lamyaghri : In this sprint, I implemented a Sports Equipments Fragment where the users have the ability to sell/Rent sports equipments, I also added the ability to filter those posts based on the keywords in the description and in the title of the post. I added a new fragment that shows the contact informations of the owner of the post if another user is interested, I also fixed a bug related to the displayed dates in the schedule. Concerning my time estimation for the tasks, I think I did pretty good since I correctly estimated the tasks, but I overall took many tasks for this sprint in order to make the app ready for the end of the semester.

Mehdi Ziazi : In this sprint, I implemented a weather api client that fetches the weather and displays it for each scheduled game of the user. For this purpose, I had to implement a weather api using retrofit and multiple parsers to match the implementation of the schedule. I also had to create classes that represent the json fetched data and an enum that maps to icons. This was by far my favorite task since I learned to work with web API's correctly.

Abdessalam Derouich In this sprint, I reworked the UI for the fragment where a user can see the list of people to chat with, and the layout of the messages screen. I also did some prep work for next sprint by adding the necessary UI infrastructure to show profile pictures of senders and other info on a sent message like the time when the message was sent. Overall my estimations for this week were better than last week even though they were off by about an hour on each task, but i think that the UI is getting closer to it's final shape for the last sprint

Alexander Mueller : Created the edit post screen, which allows the owner of a post to change details of the post. Also added many quality of life updates, such as posts being sorted by date, being able to leave posts, and owners being able to kick players from their post.



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