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Sprint 6

aymanelamyaghri edited this page May 26, 2023 · 10 revisions

Hamza Remmal :

Adam Mernissi Arifi : This sprint , I've designed a better UI design for the dialog boxes for creating a post and for the different features of location(there's a picture in a comment in the pull request).I also managed to make the location features easier to understand and more intuitive .Overall, I think I did well and worked way more than 1 week workload.

Aymane Lamyaghri : For this sprint, I designed and implemented the User Interface for the profil fragment, I also designed and added the User Interface of the search fragment where I designed the posts in the app, I also connected the DataBase to some features that we had and deleted the hardcoded values that we had previously.Concerning my time estimate , my estimations were close enough to the real time I spent on each task.

Mehdi Ziazi : In this Sprint, I made the weather api robust to errors and linked the posts cache to the app for the offline mode requirement.

Abdessalam Derouich : In this last sprint i connected all the work that was done in previous sprints to the database, this resulted in a low coverage since many tests were not designed for the connected version of the app, but the dev team made sure to remedy to that. I also fixed the user search fragment of the app and made the chat app more realistic. since this was the last sprint and many fixes needed to be made I didn't bother to count the hours i spent in the sprint that by far exceeded my estimation (for 2 weeks, so Imagine 1).

Alexander Mueller :


The Dev Team.

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