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Releases: wbaopaul/scATAC-pro


13 Feb 15:24
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  • integrate module takes SampleSheet.csv file as input, where sample names, paths of peaks, fragments, and cell barcodes can be specified
  • Enable 4/5 bp shift for each read by setting SHIFT_READS_IN_BAM as TRUE in configure_user.txt file
  • Correctted an error for processing single-end sequencing data in the mapping module


02 May 14:46
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  • Donot annotate peaks in the seurat object (peaks are still annotated for modules runDA, runGO and visualize)
  • Add new module process_from_align to do processing from alignment step (including aligment), given trimmed demultiplexed fastq files
  • Enable to change default expected doublet rate in the configure_user.txt file
  • Enable filtering peaks by qvalue in mergePeaks and integrate modules.


24 Mar 15:42
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  • Only consider standard chromosomes in the qc_per_barcode module
  • Correct a minor bug in the qc_per_barcode module
  • Add version# in the html report
  • Clean and correct a minor bug in the trimming module


04 Mar 15:35
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  • Added a new module reprocess_cellranger_output to reprocess scATAC-seq data originally processed by cellranger
  • Optimized some steps in mapping_qc module


17 Feb 19:02
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  • corrected bugs in processing single-end sequencing data
  • corrected minor underestimate of the overall FrIP in the html report file
  • corrected a bug in process_with_bam module
  • corrected a bug in integrate module


01 Dec 19:56
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  • correct a bug relate to input filepath for report module
  • record input file paths for the integration module
  • using BAMPE for macs2 for paired-end sequencing
  • update tutorial


11 Jul 13:05
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  • labelTransfer: new module added, to do label trasfer (for cell annotation) from cell annotation of scRNA-seq data. First construct a gene by cell activity matrix, then use FindTransferAnchors and TransferData function from Seurat R package to predicted cell type annotation from the cell annotaiton in scRNA-seq data.


10 Jun 13:52
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  • rmDoublets: new module added, to remove potential doublets using DoubletFinder algorithm.


27 Apr 17:01
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  • qc_per_barcode: add tss enrichment score per cell into the QC metrics
  • call_cell: enable filtering barcodes with minimal tss enrichment score cutoff (parameter min_tss_escore in the updated configure_user.txt file)
  • fragments file indexed by tabix (named fragments.tsv.gz)
  • footprint module: suppoort comparison of any two sets of cell clusters
  • motif_analysis and runDA: enable seurat/matrix object in .rds format as input
  • integrate: rename cell name for each sample to avoid shared barcodes among samples; enable a distance parameter to merge peaks
  • integrate_mtx: new module added, as an alias of previous integrate_seu module


18 Feb 16:51
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  • .rds files generated for matrices and can be inputs for clustering, motif_analysis and downstream modules
  • added 'addCB2bam' module to write cell barcode into an additional column of the bam file & corrected a bug for calculating insert size