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Espen Dalløkken edited this page Apr 6, 2016 · 6 revisions

Refunding expenses for organizers

Here is what's needed to refund, we know this seems like work and we apologize but The Law requires this stuff. You have to get them signed, so this is an offline process. Again we're sorry...

  1. Fill out the refund schema
  2. Then send the following to the Financial Person (or meet for coffee as we need the dead trees version)
  3. Original of the receipt for the purchase (if not a copy or image is better than nothing)
  4. The refund schema, signed by you

Refunds to people abroad

  • PayPal is the preferred way as it's faster and easier. Make sure you send the payment details from PayPal and the receipt or "bilag" to the person handling finances as this needs to be in our accounting.
  • Through the bank account, which means you need banking details and different information to make the payment in the online bank

What about Bitcoins

We asked the tax authorities about this in 2014, where they recommended us not paying anyone in Bitcoin as there was no clear laws or regulations on the topic back then. Therefor we decline requests for getting refunds / payments in Bitcoins.