A set of functions built to enable analysis and visualization of single-cell and bulk RNA-sequencing data by novice, experienced, and color blind coders
dittoSeq includes universal plotting and helper functions for working with (sc)RNAseq data processed in these packages:
- Seurat (versions 2 & 3, single-cell RNAseq)
- SingleCellExperiment (single-cell RNAseq)
- DESeq2 (bulk RNAseq)
- edgeR (bulk RNAseq)
- Limma-Voom (bulk RNAseq)
- (Compatibility is planned for Monocle in a future version.)
All plotting functions spit out easy-to-read, color blind friendly, plots (ggplot2, plotly, or pheatmap) upon minimal coding input for your daily analysis needs, yet also allow sufficient manipulations to provide for out-of-the-box submission-quality figures!
dittoSeq also makes collection of underlying data easy, for submitting to journals, with data.out = TRUE
Additionally, contains import functions for Demuxlet cell annotations as Mux-seq datasets often consist of side-by-side bulk and single-cell RNAseq. (If you would like a pipeline for extraction of genotypes from bulk RNAseq to enable Demuxlet-calling of single-cell RNAseq, shoot me an email.)
# For stable pre-bioconductor submission version:
devtools::install_github("dtm2451/[email protected]")
# For older versions:
# Old DB plotter version
# devtools::install_github("dtm2451/[email protected]")
# Old DB plotter version plus some early ditto plotters
# devtools::install_github("dtm2451/[email protected]")
- Version 0.3.0 is being up'd to 0.99.0 for that purpose.
- Changes are expected, so I will maintain the current 0.3 version throughout.
- Changes in 0.3 -> 0.99:
- Helper function names changed from
- Helper function names changed from
Includes lots of new features!
- Compatibility with bulk RNAseq data that was processed with edgeR & limma-voom.
which allows plotting of gene x gene / metadata x metadata / gene x metadata. Great for examining raw droplet data QC, or potential marker gene RNA or CITE-seq expression.dittoDimPlot
now supports overlay of pseudotime-analysis trajectory paths.- Retrieval of underlying data as a dataframe or matrix. Just add
data.out = TRUE
to the call. - Many more!
Other updates since version 0.2:
- Documentation overhaul for most functions with plenty of example code added.
- The package is now camelCase, dittoSeq, to go along with typical conventions.
- Visualization names all start with
instead ofDB...
. - Color Storage: The colors are now retrievable with a simple, empty, function call,
. For use outside of dittoSeq, simply usedittoColors()
. Example within dittoSeq:dittoDimPlot("ident", seurat, color.panel = dittoColors() )
The default colors of this package are meant to be color blind friendly. To make it so, I used the suggested colors from this source: Wong B, "Points of view: Color blindness." Nature Methods, 2011 and adapted them slightly by appending darker and lighter versions to create a 24 color vector. All plotting functions use these colors, stored in dittoColors()
, by default. Also included is a Simulate() function that allows you to see what your function might look like to a colorblind individual. For more info on that, see my Colorblindness Compatibility Page
# Install
# (Be sure to restart after a re-install!)
# For stable pre-bioconductor submission version:
# devtools::install_github("dtm2451/[email protected]")
# For older versions:
# Old DB plotter version
# devtools::install_github("dtm2451/[email protected]")
# Old DB plotter version plus some early ditto plotters
# devtools::install_github("dtm2451/[email protected]")
Load in your data, then go!:
# library(Seurat)
# For working with scRNAseq data, works directly with Seurat and SingleCellExperiment objects
seurat <- Seurat::pbmc_small
dittoPlot("CD14", seurat, group.by = "ident")
sce <- Seurat::as.SingleCellExperiment(seurat)
dittoBarPlot("ident", sce, group.by = "RNA_snn_res.0.8")
# For working with bulk RNAseq data, first load your data into a format that dittoSeq quickly understands
# deseq2 <- importDESeq2()
# edger <- importEdgeR()
# limma.voom <- importEdgeR()
myRNA <- RNAseq_mock
dittoDimPlot("Gene1", myRNA, size = 3)
Quickly determine the metadata and gene options for plotting with universal helper functions:
isMeta("nCount_RNA", seurat)
isGene("CD3E", myRNA)
# View them with these:
gene("CD3E", seurat, data.type = "raw")
meta("groups", seurat)
meta.levels("groups", seurat)
Intuitive default adjustments generally allow creation of immediately useable plots.
# dittoDimPlot
dittoDimPlot("ident", seurat, size = 3)
dittoDimPlot("CD3E", seurat, size = 3)
# dittoBarPlot
dittoBarPlot("ident", seurat, group.by = "RNA_snn_res.0.8")
dittoBarPlot("ident", seurat, group.by = "RNA_snn_res.0.8",
scale = "count")
# dittoPlot
dittoPlot("CD3E", seurat, group.by = "ident")
dittoPlot("CD3E", seurat, group.by = "ident",
plots = c("boxplot", "jitter"))
dittoPlot("CD3E", seurat, group.by = "ident",
plots = c("ridgeplot", "jitter"))
gridExtra::grid.arrange(grobs = list(p1,p2,p3))
# dittoHeatmap
dittoHeatmap(genes = getGenes(seurat)[1:20], seurat)
dittoHeatmap(genes = getGenes(seurat)[1:20], seurat,
annotation.metas = c("groups", "ident"),
scaled.to.max = TRUE,
show.colnames = FALSE)
# Turning off cell clustering can be necessary for many cell scRNAseq
dittoHeatmap(genes = getGenes(seurat)[1:20], seurat,
cluster_cols = FALSE)
# dittoScatterPlot
x.var = "CD3E", y.var = "nCount_RNA",
color.var = "ident", shape.var = "RNA_snn_res.0.8",
object = seurat,
size = 3)
x.var = "nCount_RNA", y.var = "nFeature_RNA",
color.var = "percent.mt",
object = sce,
size = 1.5)
# Also multi-plotters:
# multi_dittoDimPlot (multiple, in an array)
# multi_dittoDimPlotVaryCells (multiple, in an array, but showing only certain
# cells in each plot)
# multi_dittoPlot (multiple, in an array)
# dittoPlot_VarsAcrossGroups (multiple genes or metadata as the jitterpoints (and
# other representations), summarized across groups by mean, median, ..., )
Many adjustments can be made with simple additional inputs:
Many adjustments to how data is reresented are within the examples above. See documentation for more! Also,
- DEFAULTing: Set
DEFAULT <- object_name
to elinate the need to typeobject = object_name
except when switching between multiple objects. - All Titles are adjustable.
- Easily subset the cells shown with
- Colors can be adjusted easily.
- Underlying data can be output.
- plotly hovering can be added.
- Many more! (Legends removal, label rotation, labels' and groupings' names, ...)
# Set default
DEFAULT <- "seurat"
# Adjust titles
dittoBarPlot("ident", group.by = "RNA_snn_res.0.8",
main = "Starters",
sub = "By Type",
xlab = NULL,
ylab = "Generation 1",
x.labels = c("Ash", "Misty"),
legend.title = "Types",
var.labels.rename = c("Fire", "Water", "Grass"),
x.labels.rotate = FALSE)
# Subset cells / samples
dittoBarPlot("ident", group.by = "RNA_snn_res.0.8",
cells.use = meta("ident")!=1)
# Adjust colors
dittoBarPlot("ident", group.by = "RNA_snn_res.0.8",
colors = c(3,1,2)) #Just changes the color order, probably most useful for dittoDimPlots
dittoBarPlot("ident", seurat, group.by = "RNA_snn_res.0.8",
color.panel = c("red", "orange", "purple"))
# Output data
dittoBarPlot("ident", group.by = "RNA_snn_res.0.8",
data.out = TRUE)
# Add plotly hovering
dittoBarPlot("ident", group.by = "RNA_snn_res.0.8",
do.hover = TRUE)