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CS294-112 HW 5b: Soft Actor-Critic


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Problem 1

Bonus Task

1. In Task A, what was your choice of baseline, and why did you choose it?

I chose the value function as the baseline, since the state dependent value function is unbiased and is convenient to use.

2. What are the pros and cons of the two types of gradient estimators?

(Copied from

Properties REINFORCE Reparameterization
Differentiability requirements Can work with a non-differentiable model Needs a differentiable model
Gradient variance High variance; needs variance reduction techniques Low variance due to implicit modeling of dependencies
Type of distribution Works for both discrete and continuous distributions In the current form, only valid for continuous distributions
Family of distribution Works for a large class of distributions of x It should be possible to reparameterize x

3. Why can we not use the reparameterization trick with policy gradients?

Reparameterization needs a differentiable model, and is only valid for continuous variables.

4. We can minimize the policy loss in Equation 9 using off-policy data. Why is this not the case for standard actor-critic methods based on policy gradients, which require on-policy data?

Standard actor-critic methods require on-policy training to improve stability, while the maximum entropy formulation provides a substantial improvement in exploration and robustness, and both value estimators and the policy can be trained entirely on off-policy data in the soft actor-critic algorithm.

Problem 4

Task A

The reparameterization method has lower variance and provides better stability.

Task B

Double Q-learning mitigates positive bias in the policy improvement step, and thus results in better performance.

Original README

Original code from Tuomas Haarnoja, Soroush Nasiriany, and Aurick Zhou for CS294-112 Fall 2018


  • Python 3.4.5
  • Numpy version 1.15.2
  • TensorFlow version 1.10.0
  • tensorflow-probability version 0.4.0
  • OpenAI Gym version 0.10.8
  • MuJoCo version 1.50 and mujoco-py
  • seaborn version 0.9.0

You will implement, and

See the HW5 PDF for further instructions.