Releases: zer0Kerbal/LithobrakeExplorationTechnologies
Version - `<Спасибо Davian Lin>` edition
Version - <Спасибо Davian Lin>
- Released
- 16 Jun 2023
- for Kerbal Space Program 1.12.5
- by zer0Kerbal
Download only from CurseForge
Change Summary
- Localize
- Russian (Русский)
- Спасибо Davian Lin
- lint, organize, update
- can now search for
in editors to see all these parts - Fix [RealChute.cfg], should have seen the dentist before flight!
See More
- Pages for so much more (WIP)
- Parts Catalog for part pictures
- Marketing Slicks
- ChangeLog for more details of changes
- Discussions or forums for discussions and news
- Known Issues for known issues and feature requests
- English
- Simplified Chinese (简体中文) - xièxiè (谢谢) beefpatty
- Russian( Русский) - спасибо Davian Lin
- your translation here
HELP WANTED - See the README in the Localization folder or the Quickstart Guide for instructions for adding or improving translations. GitHub push is the best way to contribute. Additions and corrections welcome!
red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support
Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date
How to support this and other great mods by zer0Kerbal
Comment, click, like, share, up-vote, subscribe
What's Changed
- release by @zer0Kerbal in #115
Full Changelog:
Version - `<No More Ghosts and 大胆安全回归>`
Version - <No More Ghosts and 大胆安全回归>
- 05 Apr 2022
- For Kerbal Space Program 1.12.3
Download from CurseForge
- Add Simplified Chinese
- create <zh-cn.cfg>
- update docs/
- update documentation
- 🧧 Thank you @beefpatty!
- closes #26 - Localization - Simplified Chinese (简体中文) <zh-cn.cfg>
- updated #23 - Localization - Master
Relocated art assets
- delete old art assets that stubbornly didn't move, rather they just copied
- closes #107 - [Bug 🐞]: Duplicated models/textures
- Issues
See More
- Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog
- Discussions and news on this mod : See Discussions or KSP Forums
- Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See Known Issues
- GitHub Pages : See Pages
- English
- Simplified Chinese (简体中文) - thank you @beefpatty
- your translation here
HELP WANTED - See the README in the Localization folder for instructions for adding or improving translations. GitHub push is the best way to contribute. Additions and corrections welcome!
How to support this and other great mods by [zer0Kerbal
*red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support*
Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date
Version Adoption - Land Boldly and Return Safely
[![Lithobrake Exploration Technologies Version][MOD:shd:stat]][MOD:url] [![KSP version][KSP:shd:stat]][KSP:url]
[![License][LIC:shd]][LIC:url] ![AVC .version files][AVCVAL:shd] Adoption - Land Boldly and Return Safely
- 10 Feb 2022
- For Kerbal Space Program 1.12.3
Update patches
- rename
- add header
- add footer
- add :NEEDS
- add :FOR
- [en-us.cfg] Additions
Part config updates
- General Changes
- lint pass
- formatting pass
- drag cubes
- thumbs
- [LETpod2m4k]
- Command Pod
- reduced [mass] from 5 to 3.6
- mass = 5 vs 2.6 in mk1-3pod
- replaced [ModuleAnimateGeneric] with [ModuleLight]
- [ModuleCommand]
- add [defaultControlPointDisplayName]
- add reverse ControlPoint
- add [hibernation]
- add [ElectricCharge] = 0.05 consumption
- [ModuleReactionWheel]
- reduce [ElectricCharge] consumption from 1.2 to 0.45 (which matches the mk1-3 pod)
- [ModuleScienceExperiment]
- localize with stock #
- [ModuleScienceContainer]
- localize with stock #
- Add [ModuleLiftingSurface]
- [LETlander2mX3]
- Landing Pod
- reduced [mass] from 2.75 to 1.75
- mass = 2.75 vs 1.355 in mk2LanderCabin_v2
- Updated
- [ModuleAnimateGeneric] for lights
- [crashTolerance] to 20 from 9 (matches mk2LanderCabin_v2)
- [maxTemp] to 1200 from 1000 (matches mk2LanderCabin_v2)
- [ModuleCommand]
- add [defaultControlPointDisplayName]
- add ControlPoint
- Up
- Forward
- Reverse
- add [hibernation]
- add [ElectricCharge] = 0.05 consumption
- [ModuleReactionWheel]
- reduce [ElectricCharge] consumption from 0.75 to 0.45 (which matches the mk1-3 pod)
- [ModuleScienceExperiment]
- localize with stock #
- [ModuleScienceContainer]
- localize with stock #
- Add [MonoPropellant] of 40 (to match mk2LanderCabin_v2)
- [LETleg1.cfg]
- Landing Leg
- updated [ModuleLight]
- because of issues, used [ModuleAnimateGeneric] in place of
- [ModuleLandingLeg]
- [ModuleWheelBogey]
- [ModuleWheelLock]
- [ModuleWheelDeployment]
- [ModuleWheelSuspension]
- [ModuleWheelBase]
- [LETleg2.cfg]
- Landing Leg
- updated [ModuleLight]
- because of issues, used [ModuleAnimateGeneric] in place of
- [ModuleLandingLeg]
- [ModuleWheelBogey]
- [ModuleWheelLock]
- [ModuleWheelDeployment]
- [ModuleWheelSuspension]
- [ModuleWheelBase]
- [LETchuteR1.cfg]
- Radial Parachute
- update tags
- Add [preferredStage] = PARACHUTESTAGE
- [bulkheadProfiles] removed size1 leaving srf
- [ModuleParachute]
- Updated [chuteMaxTemp] to 1600 from 650
- Added [machHeatMultBase] = 0.5
- Added [chuteThermalMassPerArea] = 0.08
- [LETchute1m.cfg]
- Stack Parachute
- update tags
- Add [preferredStage] = PARACHUTESTAGE
- [ModuleParachute]
- Updated [chuteMaxTemp] to 1600 from 650
- Added [machHeatMultBase] = 0.25
- Added [chuteThermalMassPerArea] = 0.09
- [LETchute2m.cfg]
- Stack Parachute
- update tags
- Add [preferredStage] = PARACHUTESTAGE
- [ModuleParachute]
- Updated [chuteMaxTemp] to 1600 from 650
- Added [machHeatMultBase] = 0.25
- Added [chuteThermalMassPerArea] = 0.09
- [LETladderD5m.cfg]
- Telescoping ladder
- Add
- [emissiveConstant] = 0.08
- Add [thermalMassModifier] = 3.0
- [LETladderD8m.cfg]
- Telescoping ladder
- Add
- [emissiveConstant] = 0.08
- Add [thermalMassModifier] = 3.0
- [LETladderF1m.cfg]
- Radial (fixed) ladder
- Add
- [emissiveConstant] = 0.08
- Add [thermalMassModifier] = 3.0
- Adjust [maxTemp] from 1900 to 2000
- [LETladderF2m.cfg]
- Radial (fixed) ladder
- Add
- [emissiveConstant] = 0.08
- Add [thermalMassModifier] = 3.0
- Adjust [maxTemp] from 1900 to 2000
- [LETladderF3m.cfg]
- Radial (fixed) ladder
- Add
- [emissiveConstant] = 0.08
- Add [thermalMassModifier] = 3.0
- Adjust [maxTemp] from 1900 to 2000
- [LETbay2mOct1.cfg]
- Service Bay
- Add [emissiveConstant] = 0.04
- Add [thermalMassModifier] = 5.0
- Adjust [maxTemp] from 2600 to 2900
- Add
- [ModuleConductionMultiplier]
- [modifiedConductionFactor] = 0.001
- [convectionFluxThreshold]= 500
- Service Bay
- [LETbay2mOct2.cfg]
- Service Bay
- Add [emissiveConstant] = 0.04
- Add [thermalMassModifier] = 5.0
- Adjust [maxTemp] from 2600 to 2900
- Add
- [ModuleConductionMultiplier]
- [modifiedConductionFactor] = 0.001
- [convectionFluxThreshold]= 500
- Service Bay
- [LETbay2mExp.cfg]
- Service Bay (Rover Garage)
- Add [emissiveConstant] = 0.04
- Add [thermalMassModifier] = 5.0
- Adjust [maxTemp] from 2600 to 2900
- Add
- [ModuleConductionMultiplier]
- [modifiedConductionFactor] = 0.001
- [convectionFluxThreshold]= 500
- Service Bay (Rover Garage)
- [LETladderF1m.cfg]
- Radial Ladder
- [maxTemp] increased to 1900 from 1800
- Add [emissiveConstant] = 0.8
- Add [thermalMassModifier] = 3
- Radial Ladder
- [LETladderF2m.cfg]
- Radial Ladder
- [maxTemp] increased to 2000 from 1900
- Add [emissiveConstant] = 0.8
- Add [thermalMassModifier] = 3
- Radial Ladder
- [LETladderF3m.cfg]
- Radial Ladder
- [maxTemp] increased to 2000 from 1900
- Add [emissiveConstant] = 0.8
- Add [thermalMassModifier] = 3
- Radial Ladder
- [LETladderD5m.cfg]
- Retractable Ladder
- Add [emissiveConstant] = 0.8
- Add [thermalMassModifier] = 3
- Retractable Ladder
- [LETladderD8m.cfg]
- Retractable Ladder
- Add [emissiveConstant] = 0.8
- Add [thermalMassModifier] = 3
- Retractable Ladder
- closes #65
- closes #66
- closes #67
- closes #68
- closes #69
- closes #70
- closes #71
- closes #72
- closes #73
- closes #74
- closes #75
- closes #76
- closes #77
- closes #78
- closes #79
Part Localization
- create agency
- create /Localization/ folder
- create [en-us.cfg]
- create []
- create []
- Localized parts:
- [LETladderF1m.cfg]
- [LETladderF2m.cfg]
- [LETladderF3m.cfg]
- [LETladderD8m.cfg]
- [LETladderD5m.cfg]
- [LETchuteR1.cfg]
- [LETchute2m.cfg]
- [LETchute1m.cfg]
- [LETbay2mOct2.cfg]
- [LETbay2mOct1.cfg]
- [LETbay2mExp.cfg]
- [LETpod2m4k.cfg]
- [LETlander2mX3.cfg]
- [LETleg2.cfg]
- [LETleg1.cfg]
- closes #80 - Part Localization
- closes #24 - Localization - English (United States) <en-us.cfg>
- updates #6 - Adoption Documentation
- updates #23 - Localization - Master
- updates #65 #66, #67 #68 #69 #70 #71 #72 #73 #74 #75 #76 #77 #78 #79
- updates #86 - Agent update
Update texture pointers
Relocated art assets
- move textures and models into Assets/
- update MODEL paths in part configs
- updates #65 #66, #67 #68 #69 #70 #71 #72 #73 #74 #75 #76 #77 #78 #79
Part Thumbnail Images
- thumbnail images list
- [LETladderF2m.cfg]
- [LETladderF1m.cfg]
- [LETladderD8m.cfg]
- [LETladderD5m.cfg]
- [LETchuteR1.cfg]
- [LETchute2m.cfg]
- [LETchute1m.cfg]
- [LETbay2mOct2.cfg]
- [LETbay2mOct1.cfg]
- [LETbay2mExp.cfg]
- [LETpod2m4k.cfg]
- [LETlander2mX3.cfg]
- [LETleg2.cfg]
- [LETleg1.cfg]
- [LETladderF3m.cfg]
- create [docs/]
- closes #81 - Part Thumbnail Images
Parts Missing Manufacturer
- [LETleg2.cfg]
- [LETchute1m.cfg]
- [LETbay2mOct2.cfg]
- [LETbay2mOct1.cfg]
- [LETbay2mExp.cfg]
- closes #82 - Parts Missing Manufacturer
- closes #8 - Release
- closes #7 - Adoption - social media
- closes #6 - Adoption Documentation
- closes #5 - Adoption Legal MumboJumbo
- closes #4 - Adoption - GitHub
- closes #64 - Update Lithobrake Exploration Technologies (LET)
See More
- Changelog Summary for more details of changes : See ChangeLog
- Discussions and news on this mod: See [Discussions][MOD:discu] or [KSP Forums][MOD:url]
- Known Issues for more details of feature requests and known issues : See [Known Issues][MOD:known]
- ![English][EN] English
- your translation here
HELP WANTED - See the [README in the Localization folder][MOD:local] for instructions for adding or improving translations. [GitHub][GitHub:url] push is the best way to contribute. Additions and corrections welcome!
How to support this and other great mods by [zer0Kerbal
[![Support][PAYPAL:img]][PAYPAL:url] [![Patreon][PATREON:img]][PATREON:url] [![Github Sponsor][GSPONS:img]][GSPONS:url] [![Buy zer0Kerbal a snack][BMCC:img]][BMCC:url]
*red box below is a link to forum post on how to get support*
Be Kind: Lithobrake, not jakebrake! Keep your Module Manager up to date
[MOD:discu]: "...
Version (2016-10-12) - KSP 1.2 Update.
- Updated categories for many parts.
- Added KSP 1.2 sound effects and additional variables for landing legs.
- Added transmitter modules to command pods.
- closes #2
- closes #9
- closes #21
Authored-By: @NecroBones [email protected]
What's Changed
Version (2016-10-12) - KSP 1.2 Update. by @zer0Kerbal in #60
Full Changelog:
Version (2016-07-12) - Tweaks.
- Added an optional experimental config for RealChute integration (for the radial chute only).
- To enable, rename "GameData/LETech/Patches/LETech_RealChute.txt" to have "cfg" instead of "txt".
- Removed references to "drogue" in the parachute tags.
- Added parachute deployment sound effects, as per KSP 1.1.3.
- updates #9
- closes #20
Authored-By: @NecroBones [email protected]
What's Changed
- Version (2016-07-12) - Tweaks. by @zer0Kerbal in #58
Full Changelog:
Version (2016-04-22) - Transparency fix.
- Fixed the "always transparent" problem for bays in the VAB.
- Adjusted the "expanded" 2.5m bay to use transparency only on the doors.
- updates #9
- closes #19
Authored-By: @NecroBones [email protected]
What's Changed
- Version (2016-04-22) - Transparency fix. by @zer0Kerbal in #56
Full Changelog:
Version (2016-04-17) - Tweaks.
- Tweaked leg settings.
- Moved leg wheel colliders to allow for more accurate aerodynamic occlusion.
- Legs reduced in mass quite a bit.
- updates #9
- closes #18
Authored-By: @NecroBones
What's Changed
Version (2016-04-17) - Tweaks. by @zer0Kerbal in #54
Full Changelog:
Version (2016-04-01) - KSP 1.1 Hotfix
- Landing leg suspension systems working again. Known issue: Feet float slightly.
- Added search tags to parts.
- updates #9
- closes #17
Authored-By: @NecroBones
What's Changed
Version (2016-04-01) - KSP 1.1 Hotfix by @zer0Kerbal in #52
Full Changelog:
Version (2016-03-29) - KSP 1.1 Hotfix
- Landing legs updated to not be 100% deadly. Suspension still doesn't work, legs are rigid for now.
- Moved MM configs to "Patches" folder.
- updates #9
- closes #16
Authored-By: @NecroBones
What's Changed
Version (2016-03-29) - KSP 1.1 Hotfix by @zer0Kerbal in #50
Full Changelog:
Version (2016-01-11) - Tweaks.
- X3 lander can mass increased.
- Mass, fuel capacity, and cost increased for the "large" variant of the lander cargo bay.
- updates #9
- closes #22
Authored-By: @NecroBones
What's Changed
Version (2016-01-11) - Tweaks. by @zer0Kerbal in #48
Full Changelog: