Releases: CombatExtended-Continued/CombatExtended
Combat Extended 4.0.1
- Night vision goggles (simple and advanced) and a flare gun for night fighting. Artwork by Luizi (thank you!)
- Muzzle flashes will now briefly illuminate shooters and the surrounding area, exposing them to more accurate return fire.
- Added a “Rearm” button that will force all colonists to immediately grab everything in their assigned loadouts.
- Fixed a bug where using VAE – Accessories would overwrite the backpack texture.
- Fixed an error related to taking slaves to bed that softlocks the UI for some users.
- Fixed a bug where drop pods from the shuttle crash quest would sometimes be destroyed by the explosion when the shuttle hit the ground.
- Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
o Alpha Animals
o Censored Armory
o HALO: UNSC Armoury
o Kaiser Armory
o Orassans Race
o Silkiera Race
o Soviet Armory
o Vanilla Apparel Expanded — Accessories
o Vanilla Armour Expanded
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Insectoids
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Medieval
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Settlers
- Limited the penalty for targets in darkness to 50% when the shooter is in sunlight.
- Decreased mechanoid night vision from 1 to 0.8.
- Reduced visage mask thickness from 6 to 1.5.
- Balanced combat specialist bonuses.
o Shooting specialists have +3 shooting and +15% reloading speed.
o Melee specialists have +3 melee and +8% dodge chance.
- Added tips related to night vision.
- Added appropriate bulk to the Reinforced Barrel.
- Adjusted the angle of the backpack graphic.
Combat Extended 4.0 “War Never Changes”
- Update to Rimworld version 1.3.
- Patch Ideology content.
- The visibility of the Rigging and Backpack layers can now be toggled from the main menu in mod settings.
- Headgear can now be patched to show or hide beards and/or hair.
- Night vision stat that can be added to races, implants, apparel, and weapons to reduce the effect of darkness on shooting accuracy. Darkness now has a much greater impact on ranged accuracy.
- New artwork for Backpacks and Tactical Rigs (Thanks, Luizi!)
- Animal melee attacks will no longer damage internal organs.
- Fixed an error caused by weapons that don’t use ammo.
- Add integrated patches for the following mods:
o Darkest Rim: Core - Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
o [O21] Forgotten Realms
o Ancient Fallout Armory
o Bastyon
o Kit's Industrial Weapons
o Mass Effect – Playable Geth
o Rim-Hivers!
o Rim-Sheks!
o The Joris Experience
o Vanilla Apparel Expanded – Accessories
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Grenades
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Medieval
o Vanilla Factions Expanded - Vikings
- Darkness and weather now have a far greater impact on the accuracy of ranged attacks, especially at long distances.
- Increased the base mass of power armor helmets to 4.8.
- Ears are no longer considered ‘squishy` parts. If destroyed by a projectile, excess damage will no longer damage the pawn’s head.
- The Backpack layer is now rendered as utility pack layer.
- With the removal of ‘MenuHidden’ from vanilla, it has been incorporated as comp.
- Added heavy ammo to Royalty traders.
- Releases for Rimworld version 1.2 can be found on the Github releases page.
- Please note that due to the 1.3 update, the list of Supported Mods is not guaranteed to be accurate. The team will be working as mods update over the next several weeks to update the list and integrated patches.
Combat Extended 3.8 “See You, Space Cowboy”
- Add integrated patches for the following mods:
o Magic Wands
o Exotic Arsenal
o GeneticRim + Megafauna Patch
o Halo UNSC Weapon Pack
o [LF] Command And Conquer NOD Combat Armor
o Moa
o Rim Flood
o Rim-Shek
o Simple Ogre Race
o Thog's Guns - More Brukka Pack - Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
o Combat Enthusiast’s Collection
o GeneticRim
o Halo: Rimworld Auxiliary Combat Armory
o Hive Armory
o Mass Effect – Playable Geth
o MorrowRim
o Rim Contractors Arsenal
o Rim Hivers!
o Rimeffect Collection
o Rimsenal Collection
o Vanilla Factions Expanded - Mechanoids
- Increased the cost and armor protection of the bascinet helmet.
- Restored the cost of the simple helmet and plate armor to vanilla values.
- Increased sway, reload time, and warm up time of the charge lance.
- Decreased the cooldown time of the axe.
- Decreased damage and cooldown time of the warhammer.
- Added ammo category for HEPD grenades.
- Added a unified set of ammo for Halo UNSC weaponry to share across patches.
- Updated LoadAfter list in About.xml.
Combat Extended 3.7 “No Tables Were Harmed”
- Projectiles that only partially penetrate armor will now also deliver blunt damaged.
- Added an improved ThingTracker, improving performance and pawn behavior when seeking various items on the map.
- Batches of Mechanoid ammo can now be disassembled at the Smelter to reclaim a small amount of steel and plasteel.
- Turrets can now be stunned by EMP damage.
- Added a warning that appears when using an uncompiled version of the mod files.
- Removed code that caused melee attacks to target legs at an unusually high rate. We’ve reverted to Vanilla melee targeting regarding what body part is attacked.
- Fixed error with the mechanoid warning letter that occurs if you lack a colony or if a mechanoid faction doesn’t exist.
- Prevented map cross-talk; Fragments and cooking-off ammo will no longer attempt to appear on deleted maps. Phantom messages like “out of ammo” will no longer appear.
- Recipe bill info windows now show the correct melee penetration.
- Fixed a bug the occurred when unloading a caravan is interrupted by a save/load cycle.
- Further improvements to projectile collision and line of sight detection; pawns should shoot walls somewhat less.
- Weapons without an ammoSet assigned will no longer break loadouts.
- Raiders will no longer refuse to shoot non-High Explosive shells and colonists will no longer automatically change between shell types when they run out.
- Fixed the humanoid widthLaying value. Humans are no longer 3.5m wide when prone.
- Fixed a bug where removing surgically removing “squishy” body parts would destroy the body part that contained them.
- Fixed some patches for Royalty apparel.
- Add integrated patches for the following mods:
o [FF] Bushi!
o [HLX] ReGrowth – Extinct Animals Pack
o [O21] Dragons Not Included
o [RWY] Dragon's Descent: Void Dwellers
o Alpha Ships
o Anima Animals
o Anima Gear
o Bastyon
o Colony Leadership
o Devilstrand Colour Bundle
o Erin’s Lizard Doggo
o Expanded Materials – Plastics
o Fuck it Unboomas your Lope
o Hive Armory
o Midworld Expanded: Flak Armor
o Mincho, The Mint Choco Slime ~ HAR ver.
o MiningCo. Spaceship
o Morgante Mafia Weapons Pack
o Morgante WW2 Italian Weapons
o MorrowRim
o MorrowRim - Ashlands Swamp
o MorrowRim – Bloodmoon
o MorrowRim - Colovian Fur Helm
o MorrowRim - Just the Animals
o MorrowRim – Trolls
o Nanosuit
o Nyaron Race
o Ogam’s Warbanner Mod
o Pawnbold Race
o Poleepkwa Race Update
o Radworld
o Rim-Effect: Core
o Rim-Effect: Extended Cut
o Rim-Effect: N7
o Rim-Hivers!
o The Joris Experience - Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
o [HLX] Rimworld: UNSC Armoury
o [JDS] EFT Apparel
o [JDS] Exiled Dawn
o [O21] Forgotten Realms
o A Rimworld of Magic
o Alpha Animals
o Anty the War Ant
o Contractors Arsenal
o Dinosauria
o Dragon’s Descent
o Ferrex Race (Continued)
o Forsakens – Fauna
o Genetic Rim
o Kit’s Gunpowder Weapons
o Logann Race (Continued)
o Mass Effect - Playable Geth
o Megafauna
o Moyo – From the Depth
o Neclose Race
o NewRatkinPlus
o Polarisbloc - Security Force
o PsiTech
o Rabbie The Moonrabbit Race
o Racc Race (Continued)
o Rakkle the rattle snake Race mod
o Rimsec Security
o Rimsenal Collection
o Save Our Ship 2
o Spartan Foundry
o T-45b Power Armor
o TheGiantRace
o Vanilla Armour Expanded
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Medieval
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Frontier
o Vulpine Race Pack (Continued)
o Xenn Race (Continued)
o Xenoorca Race
- Adjusted 12 Gauge Charged ammo cost, damage, mass, armor penetration, and pellet count.
- Increased 6x18mm, 8x35mm, and 6x24mm Charged armor penetration.
- Reduced the value of 12x64mm Charged ammo from 1.35 to 0.20 and 5x35mm from 0.71 to 0.20 to reduce wealth bloat from mechanoid ammo. Also slightly reduced the damage and blunt armor penetration.
- Reduced the size of explosions caused by 80x256 Fuel Cells when they’re destroyed.
- Reduced the amount of ammo carried by Centipedes.
- General increase to vanilla animal armor penetration, critical chance, and damage to make them less trivial to established colonies.
- The decreased the Charge Lance warmup time slightly, increased magazine capacity from 1 to 5, and increased reloading time.
- Reduced Lancer and Sycther combat power from 150 to 110.
- Hunters will now generally fire from longer range when hunting animals with a manhunter chance.
- Reduced the cost of Simple Helmets from 50 to 25.
- Reduced the cost of plate armor from 120 to 105.
- Increased the mass of power armor helmets.
- Increased the cost of power armor across the board.
- The Lancer’s Charge Lance now has a 5-round magazine.
- Assigned mortars and artillery shells to their own tradeTag to reduce the quantity of explosives carried by traders—less exploding muffalo!
- Added further loadAfter mod info to About.xml.
- Added a new charge ammo: 10x18mm Charged, 12x70 Charged, 6x22mm Charged, 8x50mm Charged.
- Added a new 6.52mm Carcano ammo.
- Added a new poison blowgun dart ammo.
- Added a visible Chance Factor to the info pane for pawn/weapon melee attacks.
- Added a “Winged” bodyShape for aircraft and similar, wide-proportioned pawns.
- Added new “QuadrupedTall” bodyShape for tall, tri-pod like creatures.
- Fixed typos in the Laser Charge Pack description and the cookoff damage log message—mod is now playable again.
- Removed a bunch of outdated Base ThingDefs that were overwriting Vanilla ones.
- Shields now use “ArmorSmithableBase” instead of the outdated “ArmorMakeableBase.”
- Updated Tool Tips with info on the new partial armor penetration mechanics.
- Save Our Ship 2 and Alpha Ships: Added better defaultArmorPenetration to new damage types added to make them more effective when used with Combat Extended.
- [JPT] Open The Windows: Set the base fillPercent of windows to 60%, meaning they can be fired through like embrasures, whether open or closed.
Combat Extended 3.6 “Laser Pointers”
- Add extensive new framework for lasers and beam projectiles. (A special thanks to Ogliss, for this code contribution.)
- New sprites for musket ammo (thank you, Harkon!)
- Secondary damage types can now have a percentile change to occur, instead of always being guaranteed.
- Vanilla Autocannon and Uranium Slug turrets have been restored.
- Colonists will no longer automatically grab shields if assigned a two-handed weapon.
- New framework for projectile impact FX.
- 155mm shells will no long disappear when playing with ammo turned off.
- Small body parts--like eyes, ears, noses, etc.—can now be overpenetrated and will no longer stop projectiles when they’re destroyed.
- Stick bombs now have Neolithic tech level.
- Fixed outdated values that meant internal organs were very unlikely to scar.
- Fixed an error caused by blazebulbs being destroyed.
- Add integrated patches for the following mods:
o [CP] Rimmu-nation – Security
o [O21] Outer Rim
o Alpha Biomes
o Ancient Eastern Armory
o Ancient Fallout Armory
o Censored Armory
o Epona Race
o Erin’s Friendly Critters
o Erin's Friendly Ferrets
o Heavy Melee Weapons
o Japanese Dogs
o Kemomimihouse
o Kenshi Armory
o Kit’s Gunpowder Weapons
o Kit’s VWE Weapons
o Midworld Weaponry Expanded
o Neclose Race
o Not Only Just A Cannon
o Outer Rim - Tatooine
o Race to the Rim
o Star Wars – Droids
o Tactical Extremity Protection [BAL]
o Tribal Warrior Set!
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Coilguns*
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Frontier**
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Heavy Weapons
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Lasers
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Non-Lethal
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded – Tribal - Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
o [CP] Rimmu-Nation – Weapons
o [CP] Spec Ops: The Line
o [HLX] Ultratech: Altered Carbon – Armour
o [JDS] Blastech Industries
o [JDS] EFT Apparel
o [JDS] Exiled Dawn
o [JDS] The Forge - NCR Armory
o [O21] Forgotten Realms
o [RH] Faction: Last Man Contingent
o [SYR] Naga
o Alpha Animals
o Androids Expanded
o Anty the War Ant Race
o Apparello
o Cybernetic Organism and Neural Network
o Dinosauria
o Dragon’s Descent
o ED-Shields
o Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering
o Expanded Storage
o Genetic Rim
o Hands and Footwear
o High Caliber
o Mass Effect – Playable Geth
o Mechanoids Extraordinaire
o Moyo from the Depth
o Pratt WWII Weapons Pack
o Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion
o Rimfire 2.5
o Rimsenal Collection
o RimWorld - Witcher Monster Hunt
o Star Wars – Factions
o Tsar Armory
o Turk’s Guns
o Vanilla Animals Expanded — Australia
o Vanilla Animals Expanded — Ice Sheet
o Vanilla Apparel Expanded
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Medieval
o Vanilla Factions Expanded - Settlers
o Vanilla Factions Expanded - Viking
o Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Security
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded
o WWII Soviet Faction
o Zombieland
- CarryBulk and CarryWeight added by apparel are now impacted by quality.
- Heavy Turret sway decreased from 1.69 to 0.98.
- Increase duster wornBulk from 1 to 2.
- Increase the reload time and cooldown for revolvers.
- Add Proper Shotguns to the About.xml incompatible file.
- Add new ammo categories for rubber bullets, tasers, and tear gas. Also added categories for black powder weaponry like muskets and cannons.
- Added new damagetype and hediff for tasers, which incorporates muscle spasms and small puncture injuries.
- New and revised loading screen tips.
- Embrasures now use the terrain requirements of their construction material.
- Backpacks and tactical vests can now be burned.
- The learning helper now has a better explanation for fire modes.
- Removed some excess logs associated with loadouts.
- Add new laser charge pack for laser weapons.
Due to a mistake on my (N7) part last release, some of the fixes listed in the 3.5 release changelog didn’t make it into the actual release. Sorry for any confusion this caused.
*We have not included Coilgun’s penetration mechanics. It’s to be determined whether or not it will be added.
**Some of the addon weapons from coilguns and lasers have not yet been patched. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Combat Extended 3.5 “Tested on Humans”
- Added support for drawSize to projectile textures.
- Hunters will now stay further away from dangerous animals when hunting.
- Colonists equipped with apparel weapons (like the grenadier armor) can now reload from their inventory.
- Fixed label on recipe to synthesize FSX.
- Colonists should no longer drop forced weapons due to their loadout assignments.
- Add integrated patches for the following mods:
o [HLX] ReGrowth - Mutated Animals Pack
o [JDS] EFT Apparel
o Fallout New Vegas – Elite Riot Gear
o Kit's Industrial Weapons
o Kit's Roman Weapons
o Mister Meeseeeks
o More Utility Packs
o Playable Geth
o RimSec Security
o SCP – Clothing Only
o Space Worms (Continued)
o Turk's Guns
o Vanilla Animals Expanded – Endangered
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Mechanoids*
o Vanilla Storytellers Expanded - Perry Persistent
o VFE - Mechanoids : Drones
o VFE - Mechanoids : Unoffical Add-On
o WWII German Uniforms - V's Edit - Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
o [CP] British Military Kit
o [CP] Doom
o [CP] Doom Kit Classic
o [CP] Metal Gear Solid
o [CP] Military Furniture
o [CP] Rimmu-Nation – Weapons
o [CP] Spec Ops: The Line
o [HLX] Rimworld: UNSC Armoury
o [O21] Mechadroids
o [Pratt] WWII Weapons Pack (Vanilla)
o [RH] Faction: Cordis Die
o [RH] Faction: Elite Crew
o [RH] Faction: Last Man Contingent
o [RH] Faction: Militaires Sans Frontieres
o [RH] Faction: Task Force 141
o [RH] Faction: The Ghosts
o [RH] Faction: Umbra Company
o [XND] Vanilla-Friendly Animal Surgery
o A Dog Said…
o Alpha Animals
o Android Tiers
o Animal Collab Project
o Anty the War Ant
o Apparello 2
o Arachne Race
o Black Widows 2.0
o Cupro’s Alloys (Continued)
o Cute Penguin
o Cybernetic Organism and Neural Network
o Defensive Machine Gun Turret Pack
o Dinosauria
o ED-Shields
o Equiums
o Expanded Patchleather
o Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering
o Extended Storage
o FashionRIMsta
o Ferrex Race
o Forsakens
o Hand ‘n’ Footwear
o High Caliber
o Jernfalk’s Standalone Horses
o Leeani Playable Race
o Let’s Have a Cat!
o Logann Race
o Magical Menagerie
o Marilyn the Mincho Worshipper Witch
o Mechanoids Extraordinaire
o Megafauna
o Mincho, The Mint Choco Slime
o More Vanilla Turrets
o Moyo – From the Depth
o Orassans
o Racc Race
o Rah's Bionics and Surgery Expansion
o Right Tool Rebalanced
o Rim of Madness – Bones
o Rimfire
o Rimsenal – Enhanced Vanilla
o Rimsenal – Feral
o Save Our Ship 2
o Sergals Gnolls Lions and Frogs
o Soviet Armory [1.2]
o Spartan Foundry
o Star Wars - Factions
o The GiantRace
o Trading Economy
o Turret Collection
o Vanilla Weapons Expanded
o Vulpine Race Pack
o Weapons+
o WWII Soviet Faction
o Xenn Race
- When a pawn is lit on fire, the size of the fire is now affected by the flammability of their clothing. This means flaming arrows don’t break the AI so much.
- Reformatted a number of old patches, streamlining loading times, resolving hidden failed operations, and standardizing format.
- Rescaled the texture size of the Tomahawk missile.
- Added charge mortar shell, previously loaded with Royalty, to Core defs.
- Improved inventory management for animal handling to prevent message spam.
- Updated the About.xml: added Giant Races and O21’s Forgotten Realms at loadAfter items.
- Add textures for Mass Effect thermal clips.
*Currently, there is no ammo handling system for player controlled robots. It will not be possible to re-arm them once they've expanded all of their ammo, meaning some of the robots will not be useful.
Combat Extended 3.4 “Mildly Habit-Forming”
- Reworked how FSX is produced. Boomalopes and boomrats can now be “sheared” or butchered for FSX. It can also be made from chemfuel at the drug lab or refinery.
- Boomalopes can be milked for chemfuel again.
- Fixed an issue with unequipped smokepop belts causing errors when hit with a projectile.
- Save Our Ship 2: Torpedo tubes are now reloadable.
- Add integrated patches for the following mods:
o [HLX] Rimworld: UNSC Armoury
o [JDS] Star Wars BlasTech Industries
o [RWY] Advanced Mechanoid Warfare
o A Rimworld of Magic
o Anty the War Ant Race
o Carbon
o Clay Soldier Race
o Fell Tribes
o Marilyn the Mincho Worshipper Witch
o Mincho, The Mint Choco Slime
o Prestige Specialist Armor
o Prostheses+
o Rakkle the rattle snake Race mod
o Redcoat Apparel
o Star Wars – Factions
o The Giant Race - Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
o [FSF] Vanilla Bionics Expansion
o [FSF] Vanilla Bionics Expansion/ [RH] Allegiance
o [O21] Forgotten Realms
o [RH] Coalition
o [SYR] Thrumkin
o Alpha Animals
o Android Tiers
o Dragonian Race
o Moyo From the Depth
o Rabbie the Moonrabbit
o Revia Race
o Rimsenal Collection
o Rimworld – Witcher Monster Hunt
o Save Our Ship 2
o Silkiera Race
o Vanilla Animals Expanded
o Vanilla Armour Expanded
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Medieval
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Vikings
o Xenoorca Race
- Reduced the accuracy and increased the cooldown of mech siege turrets.
- Increased the fuse length of exploding mech structures, making them safer to destroy with melee.
- Removed the Nearmare Race patch, as it was redundant.
- Updated some tips regarding FSX production.
- Added support for the Rimfactory refuel machine.
A special thanks to our developers Madara Uchiha and lperkins2 for their hard work on a new workflow that considerably streamlines the testing of more complex changes and mod patches. Backend improvements don’t get a lot of fanfare, but they’re still very impactful changes.
Combat Extended 3.3 “Spooky Scary Centipedes"
- Added a mod setting to control whether or not manning a turret will disable shield belts.
- Fixed logging error associated with animal melee weapons (Alpha Animals, Witcher Monster Hunt, etc.).
- Fixed a graphical issue associated with projectiles using the Graphic_Flicker graphic class.
- Mechanoid turrets will no longer get full ammo when loading saves.
- Add integrated patches for the following mods:
o Expanded Materials - Metals
o Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering – Forked
o Erin’s Mountain Animals
o Jernalk's Skeletal Legion (Continued)
o Vanilla Animals Expanded - Temperate Forest - Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
o ED Shields
o Kijin 2.0
o Misc. MAI
o NewRatkinPlus
o Orassans
o Rabbie the Moonrabbit Race
o Rimefeller
o Rimsenal Collection
o Save Our Ship 2
o Silkiera Race
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Insectoids
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Vikings
o Vanilla Furniture Expanded – Security
o Zeta Reticulans
- Disabled smoke rounds spawning for NPC faction grenadiers, since the AI can’t use them effectively.
- Rebalanced fragmentation for HE grenades, increasing their effectiveness.
- Increased the range of binoculars from 86 to 100.
- Shields are now smeltable, like other apparel.
- Added partial support for [SYR] Individuality, full balance patch to come later.
- Updated Chinese translation (Thank you Cn-mjt44 and Sumghai).
- Updated Russian translation (Thank you, GunnedMan).
Combat Extended 3.2 "Napalm Sticks to Raiders"
- Patch new Royalty apparel added in update 1.2.2753
- Fixed an issue caused by interrupting an Aimed Shot with a jumppack.
- .38 ACP AP ammo no longer inherits from the incorrect parent.
- Fix an incorrect label on 20x110 Hispano Sabot ammo.
- Fixed some incorrect inheritance affecting the MercenaryMachineGunner
- Fix issue with outdated BBBody support.
- Made the .338 Norma Magnum AP-I, 6mm, 8mm, and 12mm railgun rounds consistent with the stat sheet.
- Add integrated patches for the following mods:
o Animal Armor - Vanilla
o Autocleaner
o Dishonored Assassin Coat
o Dishonored Assassin Mask
o Fantasy Metals Reforged
o Idhale Race
o Iron Harvest Pkp 17 "Eisenhans" Powerarmor
o Mantodean insectoid race
o Misc. MAI
o Miscellaneous 'CORE'
o More Consumables and Mutagens Reworked
o Nearmare Race
o Palm Cats
o Rimsenal Collection
o Silkiera Race
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Vikings
o Xenoorca Race - Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
o Arachne Race
o Erin’s Critter Collection
o Kaiser Armory
o Moyo - From the Depth
o Reich Armory
o Revia Race
o Rimefeller
o Rimworld – Altered Carbon
o Vanilla Factions Expanded – Insectoids
o Vanilla Furniture Expanded – Security
- Reduce Pila bulk from 7.5 to 3.5, halved warm up time, increased damage, speed, and penetration.
- Increased MercenaryMachineGunner weapon money.
- Reduced the crafting quantities for 155mm, 100x695mmR, and 120mm shells to make them more practical.
- Slightly reduce the value, damage, frag count, and cost of 155mm shells.
- Increased the Sharp AP of the 8mm railgun round from 57 to 75.
- Brand new art for the Combat Extended Melee weapons, thanks to Oskar Potocki!
- Update Spanish translation. Thank you, Andross.
- Swapped the capacities on the Centipede’s coolant tank and power core to be more consistent with their purpose.
- Updated Manifest.xml to better handle incompatible mods.
Combat Extended 3.1 "Made with Genuine Human Leather!"
- Fixed an exploit wherein temporary pawns could be forced to drop their weapons and clothing.
- Fixed an issue with colonists attempting to reload turrets when the ammo system was disabled.
- Fixed an issue related to quests caused by the game attempting to treat human leather as an ammo type.
- Fixed the mechanoid warning letter while there are no colonists in any home map (caravan / encounter).
- Fixed unpatched tools in the Heavy Charge Blaster that caused errors when opening the info window.
- Attack orders from reloadable apparel will no longer be interrupted if the pawn is holding a weapon with an empty magazine.
- Fixed explosions from ammo stockpiles using an incorrect armor penetration value.
- Fixed siege raiders and non-colonist player faction members getting stuck in turret reload loops when there isn't enough ammo to fill the turret's magazine.
- Fixed null exception in gear tab for caravan animals carrying items.
- Fixed an issue where modded hauling bots would sometimes overload turrets.
- Fixed a typo with .50 AE that meant AP ammo fired HP projectiles.
- Prestige armor now has all the appropriate stats.
- Add integrated patches for the following mods:
o [JDS] Exiled Dawn
o [O21] Forgotten Realms*
o [O21] Mechadroids
o Beeralope Squad
o Erin's Critter Collection
o Erin's Forest Critters
o Erin's Fox Squirrel
o Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production - Updated integrated patches for the following mods:
o Better Infestations
o Dragon’s Descent
o Kaiser Armory
o Kijin 2.0
o Kurin
o Moyo – From the Depth
o New Ratkin Plus
o Rabbie the Moonrabbit
o Reich Armory
o Rimworld: Altered Carbon**
o Soviet Armory
o Tsar Armory
o Vanilla Apparel Expanded
o Vanilla Armour Expanded
o Vanilla Brewing Expanded
o Vanilla Factions Expanded - Insectoids
- Increased the range, armor penetration, and damage of orbital bombardments.
- Reduced Recon Armor weight, added moveSpeed offset, and increased carryWeight, resolving a quirk of the carry weight system that meant pawns in Power Armor actually moved faster.
- Buffed crossbow bolts:
o Base speed to 10 from 7.
o Stone: Increased damage to 8 from 6 and blunt penetration to 1 from 0.44.
o Steel: Increased damage to 11 from 8, blunt penetration to 6.5 from 2.26 and speed to 17 from 10.
o Plasteel: Increased damage to 10 from 7, blunt penetration to 8.12 from 2.72 and speed to 19 from 11.
o Venom: Increased damage to 11 from 8, blunt penetration to 6.2 from 2.72 and speed to 17 from 11.
o Flame: Increased damage to 4 from 3, blunt penetration to 3.28 from 1.36 and speed to 17 from 11. - Increased Parka material cost to 120 from 80 and mass to 2.5 from 2
- Reduced Jacket material cost to 60 from 70.
- Reduced Flak Jacket material cost to 70 from 85 and increased the base MPa Armor to 1.5 from 0.5.
- Increased Flak Pants base MPa Armor to 1.5 from 0.5
- Reduced T-Shirt material cost to 20 from 40.
- Reduced Button up T-Shirt material cost to 25 from 45.
- Reduced Pants material cost to 20 from 40.’ Adjusted the Advanced Grenadier sidearm money values.
- Charge and plasma weapon ammunition is now made at the fabrication bench, instead of the machining table.
- Fixed Inconsistent capitalization for prometheum.
- Add FlameThrowerHiss sound to base Combat Extended, instead of having it in CE Guns.
- Overall Armor section Gear tab calculation now takes into account other sources other than apparel.
- Gear tab now displays armor for all valid pawns, mechanoids and modded races included not just humans.
- Display caliber info for single-use weapons, shows fragment types, count, damage, and armor penetration, for projectiles that have them.
- Show blunt armor penetration for explosive projectiles, from CE's internal formula. (bluntAP = damage * 0.1).
- PrometheumFlame DamageDef label changed to prometheum flame, to be distinguishable from the regular flame DamageDef in info windows.
- Added the Steam PublishedFileID.txt file to the mod, so I don’t have to dig around for it every time.
- Added more labels for dealing with locked inventory items, for increased clarity.
*This is simply a consolidation of existing, already compatible O21 fantasy races.
**The patch has been updated for the latest Beta build, rather than the current Stable release. Playing with the Stable release will cause two patch operations to fail (because their targets have not yet been added), but this is harmless.