A C++ implementation of Peter Shirley's (et al.) fantastic book series "Ray tracing in one weekend", which can be found here. Mostly for private/educational use.
Use ./compiled_renderer.o | pnmtopng > output.png
to get a png output, choose the scene by modifying scene_to_render
in main.cpp
The final scene of "Raytracing, the next week", rendered with 10k spp and 1920x1920 px:
The final scene of "Raytracing in a weekend", rendered in 1920x1080px, with a HDR skymap:
- OpenMP is used for parallel rendering, see
, make sure to compile with-fopenmp
. - Triangles as a primitive, including normal interpolation.
- .obj file import (preliminary .mtl support too)
- HDR environment maps, with importance sampling.
- CUDA acceleration, with or w/o OptiX, very cool.
- Add more hittable primitives: (done!) triangles (and meshes), linear transformations, wireframes (long cylinders?), ray marched SDFs (thus fractals!)
- Loading objects from simple formats like (geometry version done, materials need testing) .obj
- Add BRDF support/more of them. Disney's uber-material BRDF?
- Integrate with my old CUDA-based 2d fluid simulator, ray-march and render!
- Metropolis/path space methods
- Bidirectional path tracing
- HDRi skyboxes (done)