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chino edited this page Jan 5, 2013 · 3 revisions
For spear heading everything needed for the project:

	* ported networking to enet

	* finished port of d3d9

	* ported to opngl

	* ported to sdl

	* ported to linux

	* integrated lua

	* bug fixes

	* feature updates

	* enabled hidden features

	* web sites

	* fsknbot

	* chat room

	* code refactoring

	* basically all existing documentation on engine

	* porting and moving everything to github

	TODO: sound

		Dan Aquino aka methods

For excellant insight into general programming and invaluable techniques:

	not withstanding

		* development of 6dof used as an example various times

			* lua integration

			* config file usage through lua

			* 3d stereo rendering

		* guidiance and work on porting file.c to be cross platform

		* bridging a void between the various 6dof simulation games

		* guidance using c and lua

		* developing build platforms for winelib

		* developing the native linux build platform

		* excellant code review

	aka Lion

Bug Fixes, Feature Additions, and Multiplayer Bots:

	Rich aka silence

For doing a large portion of the inital ground work for a D3D9 port and rendering abstraction:

	Barry Duncan aka sirlemonhead (ported avp to d3d9 and xbox)

For helping to port forsaken to OpenAL and maintaing the OpenAL Linux implementation

	Chris Robinson aka KittyCat (

For patching and fixing Wine:

	Alex D. aka frostbite4

For general game programming and porting advice:

	Christian aka zicodxx  (ported much of descent)

For giving us a place to call home:

For advice and insight into the game structure:

	Daniel Phillips	(original developer)

For making the game in the first place:

	The original Probe Entertainment team!

And of course but not least:

	All ProjectX players!
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