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Data Collection Rating

Ryan Wold edited this page Dec 11, 2023 · 4 revisions

After a Data Reporter submits a Data Collection, the Data Collector reviews the submitted Data Collection and marks it red, yellow, or green.

🟢 Green - Reporting within A-11 guidelines

HISP is reporting at least one post-transaction customer feedback dataset for the selected current designated service, with the raw responses to the required three questions in the correct CSV format.

🟡 Yellow - Reporting partially within A-11 guidelines

HISP submitted incorrect post-transaction customer feedback data or in the wrong format. HISP did not meet the reporting requirement for each current designated service as detailed in OMB Circular A-11 Section 280 (add White House link) and this data will not be shared publicly.

🔴 Red - Not submitting data

HISP did not report post-transaction customer feedback data for the selected designated service. HISP did not meet the reporting requirement for each current designated service as detailed in OMB Circular A-11 Section 280.

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