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Sharing to the Public

T Pantella edited this page May 26, 2023 · 3 revisions

​Before sharing data with public users using BCBox, consider the following:

  • Is the data under the Control and or Custody (copy) of the Province and you have the authority to share? ​
  • Is the data being shared intended to be reproduced, published or redistributed by others? ​
    • All material under Control of the Province is under Crown Copyright and can be infringements against if used for any of the above purposes
    • If not under the Open Government – British Columbia License, people must get permission to use for those purposes
      • Intellectual Property has a request form that will cost requestors $ to get permission ​
      • For datasets that are OGL-BC, which is highly recommended for public data that meets the requirements: you must follow the requirements and get approvals to do so, publish a record in the BC Data Catalogue and the data must be in an open format
  • Does the data contain any personal information? ​
  • Is the public release and use of the data permitted under law, contract or policy? ​
  • Is the data available to the public without collecting a fee? Does your program area have the authority to wave this? ​
    • Determine this internally before proceeding with public sharing