Full Changelog: https://github.com/castacks/AirLab-Autonomy-Stack/commits/0.1.0
- ROS2 workflow. Build and launch on local desktop
- Integrates with Isaac Sim scene /check
- Integrates with Ascent SITL
- Basic sensors published to ROS2 and visualize in RViz2
- Can publish waypoint and drone will fly directly to waypoint, in SITL and reflected in Isaac Sim (no obstacle avoidance)
- Easy sim launch file, easy controls launch file
- Dockerized and easily reproducible, easy development
- Sufficiently documented through README files
Out of Scope
- no other autonomy modules; no local planner, no obstacle avoidance, no planning, no mapping
- public docs on docs.theairlab.org
- Integrates with PX4 SITL