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OCC Commands

Marius David Wieschollek edited this page Jan 2, 2024 · 5 revisions

Backup Commands

Commands related to managing backups of the passwords app database.


This command creates a manual backup of the complete password database. Unlike automatic backups, manual backups are not deleted automatically.

Parameter Type Required? Description
<name> string no The name of the backup. ASCII letters only. If none is given, the current date will be used.


This command deletes a manually created backup.

Parameter Type Required? Description
<name> string yes The name of the backup to delete.


This command restores the given backup.

Parameter Type Required? Description
<name> string yes The name of the backup to restore.
--user, -u string no Restore data only for the given user id.
--no-data - no Do not restore user data and encryption keys. This will only restore settings.
--no-user-settings - no Do not restore user settings.
--no-app-settings - no Do not restore app settings.
--no-interaction - no Disables all questions and assumes "yes" for every confirmation


This command prints a list of all available backups.

Parameter Type Required? Description
--details, -d - no List additional details such as the version and user and item counts.


This command exports a given backup to a file.

Parameter Type Required? Description
<name> string yes The name of the backup to export.
<file> string no Path of the file to export the backup to. Otherwise the backup will be exported to the current directory.


This command imports the given file as a manual backup and validates it.

Parameter Type Required? Description
<file> string yes The path to the file to import.



Deletes the passwords app data of a user. The command will also delete the data of any deleted user and remove the lock on the user id. After the user data has been deleted, the user id can be assigned to a new user.

Parameter Type Required? Description
<user> string yes The id of the user.
--no-interaction - no Disables all questions and assumes "yes" for every confirmation


Moves all data from one user account to another. If the target user already has data, you will be given the option to delete that data before moving or to abort the process.

Parameter Type Required? Description
<source_user> string yes The id of the user whose data should be moved.
<target_user> string yes The id of the user which the data should be moved to.
--no-interaction - no Disables all questions and assumes "yes" for every confirmation



Print system information as detected by the app as JSON. This is mostly helpful for debugging reasons. With ./occ passwords:system:report debug, you get the report you are supposed to attach if you're submitting a bug report.

Parameter Type Required? Description
<sections> string/string[] no Print a report with the given sections.
--basic, -b - no Print just a basic report. This will limit available sections.


Section Description
debug Shortcut for "version, environment, services, status, settings, encryption".
version App, Nextcloud and PHP version information.
environment Server environment information, e.g. OS, database or webserver setup.
services Services configured for the passwords app.
settings The values of some passwords app settings.
status Internal status information, e.g. for updates and migrations.
apps List of selected other apps installed on the server.
sharing Approximate count of shared items.
encryption Information about encryption methods used.



Takes the Pwned Passwords list from (or any list with the same structure) and converts it for the local database password security check service.

Note: This command can take a lot of RAM. You should have ~100MiB free RAM per 1 million hashes. So --size 25 would require around 2.5GiB of RAM.

Creating an update file

By default, the command will import the hashes directly into the local database, but with the --mode parameter it is also possible to create an update file with the naming schema <size>m-v<database version>-<mode>.zip. This update file can then be distributed to other Nextcloud servers by hosting it on a server and configuring the source url:

./occ config:app:set passwords passwords/localdb/source --value="https://yourdomain/yourpath/<size>";
./occ config:app:set passwords passwords/localdb/version --value="0";
Parameter Type Required? Description
<file> string no The location of the pwnedpasswords.txt file. Defaults to pwnedpasswords.txt
--size, -s number no The amount of hashes to process in millions. E.g. "25". Defaults to 25.
--mode, -m string no The mode for processing the hashes. import to import the m directly, json to pack it as JSON files, gzip to pack it as compressed files or file to pack it in whichever variant is used by the current server. Defaults to import.
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