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Settings Get Action

Marius David Wieschollek edited this page Feb 4, 2024 · 1 revision

The get action retrieves the value of one or more settings. This action accepts an array of strings where each value is the name of one setting.

Version History

App Version Change
2018.1.0 Initial introduction of the API


Get Settings POST Endpoint


Url Method Description
/api/1.0/settings/get POST Returns the value of one setting


This endpoint accepts a JSON formatted request body with an array containing the full name of the settings. At least one setting name should be provided as the request is useless otherwise.


  • Nextcloud Authentication required

Request Example



The success status code is 200 Ok. The return value is an object with the requested settings. The object has the names of the requested settings as the key with the current setting value as values.

Status MIME Type Description
200 application/json object An object with the settings

Response Example

    "user.password.generator.numbers" : false


  • If the setting is not defined, it will default to null
  • Accessing an undefined setting in the client scope will not create it
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