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Share Api

Marius David Wieschollek edited this page May 30, 2021 · 9 revisions

The share api provides functionality to share passwords with other users on the same server. This api is restricted by the sharing settings of the server, so the related server.sharing.* settings should be checked before using it.

The Share Object

Property Type Writable Description
id string no The UUID of the share
created int no Unix timestamp when the share was created
updated int no Unix timestamp when the share was updated
expires int / null yes Unix timestamp when the share will expire
editable bool yes Whether or not the receiving user can edit the password
shareable bool yes Whether or not the receiving user can share the password again
updatePending bool no Whether or not data changes for this share are in queue
password string yes The UUID of the password
owner object yes Object with the id and the full name of the owner
receiver object yes Object with the id and the full name of the receiver

Detail Levels

Level Description
model Returns the base model
+password Fills the password property with the base model of the password

Enhanced API special properties

The property "password" is also processed if necessary.

Property Type Description
type string Object type, the value is "share"
created Date Date when the share was created
updated Date Date when the share was last updated
expires Date Date when the share will expire
owner.icon string Url of the default avatar icon of the owner in 32x32px
receiver.icon string Url of the default avatar icon of the receiver in 32x32px


  • Shares have no revisions
  • The value of the password attribute is different for the owner and the receiver
  • The shareable will always be false for the receiver if resharing is disabled system wide

Available api actions

Action Url Method Session required Description
list /api/1.0/share/list GET yes List all shares with the default detail level
list /api/1.0/share/list POST yes List all shares with the given detail level
share /api/1.0/share/show POST yes Show a share
find /api/1.0/share/find POST yes Find shares matching given criteria
create /api/1.0/share/create POST yes Create a new share
update /api/1.0/share/update PATCH yes Update an existing share
delete /api/1.0/share/delete DELETE yes Delete a share
partners /api/1.0/share/partners GET yes Find users you can share with
partners /api/1.0/share/partners POST yes Find users you can share with by pattern

The partners action

This partners action returns an array of users that the current user can share with.


Argument Type Default Required Description
search string - no Find users containing the search string
limit int 5 no The maximum amount of matches to return

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok. The return value is an array with the user id as key and the user display name as value. The array is at maximum around 256 entries long. If the autocompletion is disabled by the administrator the result is an empty array


  • This command will fail if sharing is disabled
  • The limit can not be less than 5 or more than 256
  • This api endpoint has a rate limit of 45 requests per minute

The create action

The create action creates a new share with the given attributes.


Argument Type Default Required Description
password string - yes The UUID of the password
receiver string - yes The user id of the user which the password should be shared with
type string "user" no The type of the share
expires int / null null no Unix timestamp when the share will expire
editable bool false no Whether or not the receiver can edit the password
shareable bool false no Whether or not the receiver can share the password

Return value

The success status code is 201 Created

Argument Type Description
id string The UUID of the share


  • This action will fail if the password is hidden or the CSE does not support sharing
  • You can not share a password with the same user more than once
  • This command will fail if sharing is disabled

The update action

The update action changes the properties of an existing share.


Argument Type Default Required Description
id string - yes The UUID of the share
expires int / null null no Unix timestamp when the share will expire
editable bool false no Whether or not the receiver can edit the password
shareable bool false no Whether or not the receiver can share the password

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok

Argument Type Description
id string The UUID of the share


  • You can only edit a share if it is owned by the user
  • This command will fail if sharing is disabled

The delete action

The delete action deletes a share.


Arguments Type Default Required Description
id string - yes The id of the share

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok

Argument Type Description
id string The UUID of the share


  • You can only delete shares owned by the user.
  • If you want to delete a share where the current user is the receiver, you need to delete the password instead
  • This action still works if sharing has been disabled

The show action

The show action lists the properties of a single share.


Argument Type Default Required Description
id string - yes The id of the share
details string "model" no The detail level of the returned share object

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok The return value is a share object with the given detail level


  • This action still works if sharing has been disabled

The list action

The list action lists all shares with the user as owner or receiver.


Argument Type Default Required Description
details string "model" no The detail level of the returned share objects

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok The return value is a list of share objects with the given detail level


  • This action still works if sharing has been disabled

The find action

The find action can be used to find all shares matching the given search criteria. Only a specific set of fields is allowed in the criteria. How the criteria array works is explained on the object search page.


Argument Type Default Required Description
criteria array [] no The search criteria
details string "model" no The detail level of the returned share objects

Allowed search fields

Field Type Description
created int Unix timestamp when the share was created
updated int Unix timestamp when the share was updated
owner string User id of the owner of the share
receiver string User id of the receiver of the share
expires int / null Unix timestamp when the share will expire
editable bool Whether or not the receiver can edit the password
shareable bool Whether or not the receiver can share the password

Return value

The success status code is 200 Ok The return value is a list of shares objects that match the criteria with the given detail level


  • The owner and receiver fields allow the special value _self which is replaced with the users id
  • This action still works if sharing has been disabled
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