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Common CSS PSSDiag Packages

JosephPilov-msft edited this page Oct 13, 2021 · 4 revisions

Preconfigured Packages

These are pre-configured PSSDiag packages that CSS commonly uses to troubleshoot performance issues for SQL Server. They are broken in to 3 basic templates across SQL Server 2012, 2014, 2016, 2017, and 2019.

  • Light- The least intrusive capture with no XEvent tracing. It will capture Perfmon, Perfstats, and other basic collectors.

  • General- The standard capture template. Captures everything the "Light" captures along with standard XEvents(RPC, Batch, Errors, etc..)

  • Detailed- A verbose collector that will capture everything the "General" captures along with execution plans in the XEvent.

How to use

  1. Download the package that corresponds to your SQL Server version and level of tracing required from
  2. Extract the package on a drive with sufficient space.
  3. Open the pssdiag.xml file and change "MyMachineName" to match your server name or if a cluster your virtual server name. Change "MyInstanceName" to your instance name(for a default instance use MSSQLSERVER).
  4. Save the file.
  5. Open an administrative command prompt and navigate to the extraction directory.
  6. Type PSSDIAG and press Enter to start collection.
  7. Press Control+C to end the collection when you are ready. The output will be in the "output" folder.