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Run PSSDiag for SQL Server on Linux
This is the Linux edition of PSSDiag, designed to gather diagnostic data from SQL Server running on Linux systems.
- SQL Server running on a Linux machine (Host instance)
- SQL Server container running in Docker (Container instance)
- SQL Server container running in Kubernetes (Container instance)
You need to have the ability to execute these scripts with elevated permissions using the sudo command, as many data points require administrator-level access. You must be able to connect to the SQL Server instance using sysadmin credentials.
For all deployments types sqlcmd is required, its part of mssql-tools or mssql-tools18. For more details, refer to the Microsoft documentation.
for Docker and host, it must be installed on the host machine.
For Kubernetes, it must be installed directly on the SQL container.
sqlcmd:, use the following commands based on your distribution:
- For RHEL:
sudo yum install mssql-tools18
orsudo yum install mssql-tools
- For Ubuntu:
sudo apt install mssql-tools18
orsudo apt install mssql-tools
- For SUSE:
sudo zypper install mssql-tools18
orsudo zypper install mssql-tools
- For RHEL:
sqlcmd:, use the following commands based on your distribution:
Several Linux commands and utilities are necessary for data collection. sysstat, iotop, lsof and bzip2
For Docker and host, these tools must be installed on the host machine.
for Kubernetes, these commands and utilities are not applicable.
sysstat:, use the following commands based on your distribution:
- For RHEL:
sudo yum install sysstat
- For Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install sysstat
- For SUSE:
sudo zypper install sysstat
- More details can be found on GitHub.
- For RHEL:
iotop:, use the following commands based on your distribution:
- For RHEL:
sudo yum install iotop
- For Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install iotop
- For SUSE:
sudo zypper install iotop
- For RHEL:
lsof:, use the following commands based on your distribution:
- For RHEL:
sudo yum install lsof
- For Ubuntu:
sudo apt-get install lsof
- For SUSE:
sudo zypper install lsof
- For RHEL:
bzip2:, use the following commands based on your distribution:
- For RHEL:
sudo yum install bzip2
- For Ubuntu:
sudo apt install bzip2
- For SUSE:
sudo zypper install bzip2
- For RHEL:
When you launch the PSSDIAG utility, it checks for these prerequisites and notifies you of any missing commands or utilities. If you don't have all these tools, we may only be able to collect partial diagnostic logs, leading to potentially inconclusive results. Depending on your Linux operating system, you might need to register with the OS vendor to install all the required utilities. Seek assistance from your system administrator to complete these tasks.
You can run only a single copy of PSSDIAG utility on a system. If you attempt to launch the second instance, it will provide you with warnings and exit. All the scripts are tested against bash shell. Please launch the start and stop collector explicitly using /bin/bash This utility can collect information and logs for SQL Server instances that are installed as host instance or as container instances.
For each log collection scenario, there are specific information points that need to be collected. To simplify things, we created scenario files like sql_perf.scn and static_collect.scn to specify all logs configuration aspects. These scenario files will provide directives to the utility on what specific logs and data points need to be captured. You can open the .scn files using the cat command or vi editor and make necessary adjustments as you see fit. You will notice that each scenario file contains sections for OS and SQL log collections.
Please review the information in the terminal for any errors or other messages. Please save this information and pass it on to the engineer if you are working with one. The utility gathers all the diagnostic logs into a /output sub-directory under the directory where you extracted all the scripts. For long term collections you can monitor this /output directory for size and growth.
Depending on the scenario for which you are collecting logs, you may have to just run the start_collector. In some cases where you are collecting logs and diagnostic information for a period of time, you have to stop the utility. The information in the script output from start_collector will indicate if you have to specifically stop the log collection. When you stop the log collection, it will terminate various background processes that were collecting information. You can review these processes using the PID from the files stoppids*. There is a set of configuration information collected during the stop collector phase.
This is list of the available scenario:
when running PSSDiag from host machine, PSSDiag will collect information from both host and container instances using one of the following scenarios:
No | Run Scenario | Description |
1 | static_collect.scn | Passive data collection approach,focusing solely on copying standard logs from |
the OS and SQL without collecting any performance data. (Default) | ||
2 | sql_perf_minimal.scn | Collects lightweight performance data from SQL without extended events |
suitable for extended use. | ||
3 | sql_perf_light.scn | Collects lightweight performance data from SQL and the operating system, |
suitable for extended use. | ||
4 | sql_perf_general.scn | Collects general performance data from SQL and the OS, suitable for |
15 to 20-minute collection periods, covering most scenarios. | ||
5 | sql_perf_detailed.scn | Collects detailed performance data from SQL and the OS;avoid using this method |
for extended periods as it generates a large amount of data. |
In the case when SQL container is deployed to Kubernetes, you can run PSSDiag from within the container collect information from the container using one of the following scenarios:
No | Run Scenario | Description |
1 | static_collect_kube.scn | Passive data collection approach,focusing solely on copying standard logs |
from SQL without collecting any performance data. | ||
(Default) | ||
2 | sql_perf_minimal_kube.scn | Collects lightweight performance data from SQL without extended events |
suitable for extended use. | ||
2 | sql_perf_light_kube.scn | Collects lightweight performance data from SQL, suitable for extended use. |
3 | sql_perf_general_kube.scn | Collects general performance data from SQL, suitable for 15 to 20-minute |
collection periods, covering most scenarios. | ||
4 | sql_perf_detailed_kube.scn | Collects detailed performance data from SQL; avoid using this method for |
extended periods as it generates a large amount of data. |
PSSDiag can use one of the following Authentication Modes when connecting to SQL server
No | Authentication Mode | Description |
1 | SQL | Use SQL Athentication. (Default) |
2 | AD | Use AD Authentication |
3 | NONE | Allows to select the method per instance when multiple instances |
host instance and container instance/s running on the same host, | ||
not applicable for sql running on Kubernetes |
Note If you want to use AD Authenticaiton Mode, run kinit with AD user that is allowed to connect to sql server before running PSSDiag.
sudo kinit [email protected]
Note when running PSSDiag from inside the container (the case of Kubernetes) you will only have 'SQL' Authentication Mode.
PSSDiag has the following argument s
Starting script start_collector.sh
accepts 2 arguments
- Scenario
- Authentication Mode
Stopping script stop_collector.sh
accepts 1 argument
- Authentication Mode
Start without passing any arguments, PSSDiag will ask you which Scenario and Authentication Mode to use.
sudo /bin/bash ./start_collector.sh
Passing Scenario and Authentication Mode to Start script.
sudo /bin/bash ./start_collector.sh 'static_collect.scn' 'SQL'
Passing Authentication Mode argument only to Start script, PSSDiag will ask you which Scenario to use.
sudo /bin/bash ./start_collector.sh '' 'AD'
Passing Authentication Mode argument to Stop script
sudo ./stop_collector.sh 'SQL'
below is table for all the settings and thier default values, pssdiag comes with build-in Scenarios
PSSDiag has the following scenarios:
you are Not limited by the default secarions, you can create your own based on your requirments and pass it as argument to pssdiag
Area | Control Setting | Accepted values | Description | pre-req | static_collect.scn | sql_perf_minimal.scn | sql_perf_light.scn | sql_perf_general.scn | sql_perf_detailed.scn |
SQL | COLLECT_HOST_SQL_INSTANCE | YES/NO | Collect from host SQL instance | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
SQL | COLLECT_CONTAINER | NO/CONTAINERNAME/ALL | Collect from container instance | ALL | ALL | ALL | ALL | ALL | |
SQL | COLLECT_SQL_LOGS | YES/NO | SQL errorlogs, Agent | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
SQL | COLLECT_SQL_LOGS | YES/NO | mssql.conf | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
SQL | COLLECT_SQL_LOGS | YES/NO | Default extended events | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
SQL | COLLECT_SQL_LOGS | YES/NO | SQL Server configuration | mssql-tool* (sqlcmd) | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
SQL | COLLECT_EXTENDED_EVENTS | YES/NO | Extended events | mssql-tool* (sqlcmd) | NA | YES | YES | YES | YES |
SQL | EXTENDED_EVENT_TEMPLATE | YES/NO | Extended events template used | mssql-tool* (sqlcmd) | NA | NO | pssdiag_xevent_light | pssdiag_xevent_general | pssdiag_xevent_detailed |
SQL | COLLECT_SQL_TRACE | YES/NO | SQL Trace | mssql-tool* (sqlcmd) | NA | NO | NO | NO | NO |
SQL | SQL_TRACE_TEMPLATE | YES/NO | SQL Trace template used | NA | NO | NO | NO | NO | |
SQL | COLLECT_PERFSTATS | YES/NO | waits, blocking | mssql-tool* (sqlcmd) | NO | YES | YES | NO | NO |
SQL | COLLECT_PERFSTATS | YES/NO | PAL DMVs | mssql-tool* (sqlcmd) | NO | YES | YES | NO | NO |
SQL | COLLECT_SQL_COUNTERS | YES/NO | sys.dm_os_performance_counters | mssql-tool* (sqlcmd) | NO | NO | YES | YES | YES |
SQL | SQL_COUNTERS_INTERVAL | YES/NO | sys.dm_os_performance_counters | NA | NA | 15 seconds | 15 seconds | 15 seconds | |
SQL | COLLECT_QUERY_STORE | YES/NO | Query store | mssql-tool* (sqlcmd) | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
SQL | COLLECT_SQL_MEM_STATS | YES/NO | Memory DMV | mssql-tool* (sqlcmd) | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
SQL | COLLECT_SQL_HA_LOGS | YES/NO | Alwayson configuration | mssql-tool* (sqlcmd) | NO | NO | NO | NO | YES |
SQL | COLLECT_SQL_SEC_AD_LOGS | YES/NO | AD Related Settings, mssql.keytab | NO | NO | NO | NO | YES | |
SQL | CUSTOM_COLLECTOR | YES/NO | Custom collector | NO | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
OS | COLLECT_OS_CONFIG | YES/NO | Volume map | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
OS | COLLECT_OS_CONFIG | YES/NO | Disk map | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
OS | COLLECT_OS_CONFIG | YES/NO | Storage information | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
OS | COLLECT_OS_CONFIG | YES/NO | Running processes | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
OS | COLLECT_OS_CONFIG | YES/NO | Netstat output | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
OS | COLLECT_OS_CONFIG | YES/NO | Network Card information | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
OS | COLLECT_OS_CONFIG | YES/NO | Firewall configuration | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
OS | COLLECT_OS_COUNTERS | YES/NO | iostat/mpstat/pidstat/sar | iotop, sysstat | NA | YES | YES | YES | YES |
OS | OS_COUNTERS_INTERVAL | YES/NO | iostat/mpstat/pidstat/sar | NA | 15 seconds | 15 seconds | 15 seconds | 15 seconds | |
OS | COLLECT_OS_LOGS | YES/NO | syslogs, kern.log | NO | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
Kerberos | COLLECT_OS_SEC_AD_LOGS | YES/NO | krb5.conf | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
Kerberos | COLLECT_OS_SEC_AD_LOGS | YES/NO | sssd.conf | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
Kerberos | COLLECT_OS_SEC_AD_LOGS | YES/NO | krb5.keytab | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
Kerberos | COLLECT_OS_SEC_AD_LOGS | YES/NO | LDAP realms | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
Kerberos | COLLECT_OS_SEC_AD_LOGS | YES/NO | Default krb5 and sssd logs | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
Kerberos | COLLECT_OS_SEC_AD_LOGS | YES/NO | LDAP realms | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES | |
Cluster | COLLECT_OS_HA_LOGS | YES/NO | Pacemakeer cluster logs | pcs | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Cluster | COLLECT_OS_HA_LOGS | YES/NO | Pacemaker resouces status | pcs | YES | YES | YES | YES | YES |
Important Note: when running on host, If you Intention to run the following run scenarios:
assuming most deployments are either just single host instance or single container instance, the tools will be able find the instance whether its host or container and get the data.
however, If you have multiple instances running on the same machine, whether as a host instance or multiple Docker instances, you need to adjust the COLLECT_HOST_SQL_INSTANCE
settings in sql_perf_general.scn or sql_perf_detailed.scn scenario files, For example:
- to collect from only host instance, set
- to collect from specific container instance, set
- to collect from all container instances, then adjust these setting to
- To collect data from all instances, both host and container instances, use the default settings
- Navigate to releases using the following link https://github.com/microsoft/DiagManager/releases?q=Linux&expanded=true
- Expand Assests section
- Download
you will need to copy
into folderNote: if you are capturing extended events the folder hierarchy needs r+x on the whole structure, Different Linux distributions do not allow x permissions on /home/user folder. for example run pssdiag from /tmp or /var/tmp folders
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Aug 4 15:31 pssdiag
extract the content using
tar -xvf pssdiag_<version>.tar
Make sure all *.sh has x attribute using
chmod a+x *.sh
Note: to allow AD Authentication collectors to collect kvno and klist of service accounts and ketytabs, you need to run the following before running pssdiag.
sudo kinit [email protected]
Execute this command to start PSSDiag. It will guide you through Selecting a scenario and Authentication Mode. Please keep an eye on the screen throughout the execution.
sudo /bin/bash ./start_collector.sh
if you are using of the Scenarios that collects performace data we need to stop PSSDiag after reproducing the issue.
Execute this command to stop PSSDiag. Please keep an eye on the screen throughout the execution for any login request.
sudo /bin/bash ./stop_collector.sh
Please upload the produced compressed output file to the engineer you are working with. the produced compressed file is a compressed archive of the /output directory which has all the diagnostic logs.
Note executing 'stop_collector.sh' is not requried for static_collect.scn
- you will need to copy
into the sql server container using "kubectl cp", in case sql server is part of always on setup, then to copy it to the primary - "kubectl exec... bash" into master POD
- extract the content using
tar -xvf pssdiag_<version>.tar
- Make sure all *.sh has x attribute using
chmod a+x *.sh
Execute this command to start PSSDiag. It will guide you through Selecting a scenario
/bin/bash ./start_collector.sh
if you are using of the Scenarios that collects performace data we need to stop PSSDiag after reproducing the issue.
/bin/bash ./stop_collector.sh
Note executing 'stop_collector.sh' is not requried for static_collect_kube.scn
Please upload this zip file to the engineer you are working with. It is a compressed archive of the /output directory which has all the diagnostic logs.