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Custom Collector

JosephPilov-msft edited this page Oct 22, 2021 · 7 revisions

What is a Custom Collector?

A customer collector is a diagnostics collection that shows up under "Custom Diagnostics" tab in PSSDIAG. See the red circle in the image below. By default, the Sqldiag collector engine can collect profiler traces, perfmon, errorlogs and server configuration information. But the collector engine has framework that allows a user to define custom diagnostics (custom collectors). In addition to available collectors shipped for the project, you can define your own custom collectors that allow you to

  1. run T-SQL scripts
  2. run utilities such as a batch file (*.CMD or *.BAT) or an .EXE
  3. run JScript or VBScript
  4. export registry key

For a walk-thru on how to do this, see Creating Custom Collectors