Releases: mohsenph69/Godot-MTerrain-plugin
M Terrain v0.17.0-dev
Please don't use this version for your game! instead use v0.16.0 for production! this a dev version for test! but please test this and give of us feedback!
This version contain HLOD system! I will make a demo and make a tutorial about it in close future! maybe at the time you are seeing this I already made that so checkout my YouTube channel!
I already made a video for introduction click here
M Terrain v0.16.0
Please note: From this version and forward MTerrain will not work with Godot4.2 and Godot4.1! It is only works with Godot4.3
Changes in this release
- Updating the GDExtension version to 4.3
- optimizing UI to find MTerrain different nodes. This will help to speed up UI!
- Renaming a lot Terrain and grass properties to have more clear meaning.
- Fix grass crash by changing LODSetting when grass is not init.
- grass now use MMeshLod for it meshes.
- fix grass saving problem.
- adding icon in mterrain tool!
- creating an automatic layer path and terrain path if it is empty
- Fixing some bug related to MCurveMesh
- and many more small changes!
Please note: Mac user should build MTerrain library!
M Terrain v0.15.0
MTerrain has a new UI system
Thank for great work of rossunger we have a new UI system for MTerrain! Now you can control almost all functionality of MTerrain from one single panel! In this video you see a introduction to new UI system!
Now you can modify terrain with curve system
You can deform terrain and grass non-destructively! This means your terrain data and grass will not be lost when you modify them! You can also modify terrain image which later can be used in shader with curve! You can find tool for deforming terrain in MPath node inspector! I will create a video tutorial for this in close future!
Please Note:
- MCurveMesh still has some known bugs which will be fixed in future version! But it is usable even in this release
- Mac user should build MTerrain!
- In next release we will have a system for instancing mesh (with multimesh) along the curve!
M Terrain v0.14.1
Fixing some of the bugs of v0.14.0
Changes in this release:
- Fixing the octree problem with added point out of its bound!
- Adding Bake-interval property for curve, increasing this number will help to increase the performance of debug-line in editor at the cost of lowering it resolution (This only matter in Godot editor not final game)
- Adding the option to remove collission lines for debug line to increase the performance of debug line in editor! (This only matter in Godot editor not final game)
- Adding the option to keep the mpath node selected!
- Increase the performance of updating mpath gizmo by caching it line point!
- Adding the point count lable for curve in mpath node inspector
M Terrain v0.14.0
Road System
In this release we have a road system, this can be used for road, river, walls and anything kind of mesh which repeated!
- This is not stable version! but I highly recommend to try that and give me sum feedback!
- There are some part which I need to add later like terrain deformation tool base on curve and collision!
- If you are the mac user or you need this for web you need to compile the GDExtension library by yourself!
M Terrain-v0.13.0 alpha
In this release we have an Octree system, I plan to build multiple thing on top of that, For now I just created MOctMesh node which can be used instead of MeshInstance3D and has manual LOD mesh, also has better performance in great quantity!
For more information you can read this wiki page!
Please note: if you are mac user you need to build this by yourself!
M Terrain-v0.12.0 alpha
Grass Data per instance
The biggest update for this version is the grass data custom which you can send to grass! You can send these data to each instance of grass:
- You can send some random number unique for each grass instance, you can control this random number!
- You can send any image which you used in Terrain to grass, only a single color value depend on the position of the grass on terrain will be sended to grass
- You can also send the grass creation time which you can calculate the age of grass and create a growing effect for grass
This update is not about grass data there are more features and bug fixes
Other changes
- Now if you add an image in terrain data and you do not declare that in terrain Shader, that image will remain only on RAM memory, and you can read from that and use that in various things! (One use of that is to send that data to grass)
- Optimizing grass update in run-time
- Fixing the color paint issue
- This time the color which you paint will appear in the background of each layer in paint panel (only for color-brush and channel-painter)
- Detecting OpenGL or compatibility mode and changing the Shader code for that so it will work as you start a new-project (If you create a terrain with Vulkan and then change to OpenGL you need to fix the Shader code by yourself as some Shader code which works for Vulkan does not work for OpenGL)
M Terrain-v0.11.0 alpha3
If you create a Terrain Shader with version older than v0.11.0-alpha2 you need to change normal unpacking to this n.rb = fma(n.rb,vec2(2.0),vec2(-1.0));
in your terrain shader!
Changes in this release:
- Fix the gap between regions which occurred in v0.11.0 alpha2
- Adding the ability to change terrain in run-time
- Adding the ability to change grass in run-time
- Fixing the layer saving problem
About the changing terrain in run-time checkout my YouTube channel, I will put a video tutorial about that!
M Terrain-v0.11.0 alpha2
Please note if you create a Terrain shader with version v0.11.0-alpha2 you need to change normal unpacking to this n.rb = fma(n.rb,vec2(2.0),vec2(-1.0));
Changes in this release:
- Optimizing normal generation algorithm
- Fix grass crash on LOD setting update while terrain is not created
- Adding the option to change grass global illumination setting in each LOD separately
- Adding the option to change grass shadow setting in each LOD separately
- At load using thread to load each regions and optimizing load system!
In general with load optimization and normal generation optimization loading was about 10% faster in my machine!
Also by having control over shadow in grass for different LOD, in mountain lake demo I got up to 30% more fps!
M Terrain-v0.11.0 alpha
MTerrain with new Resource Type!
New feature in this release:
- Adding new resource type which can hold all data for each region
- Adding a new compression algorithm - QuadTree-quantization with linear regression
- Adding QOI and PNG compression for images
- Adding export functionality
- Adding Macos support