Releases: needle-mirror/com.unity.addressables
Releases · needle-mirror/com.unity.addressables
[1.3.8] - 2019-11-04
- Properly suppressing a harmless "Unknown error in AsyncOperation" that has been popping up during init. It had to do with not finding a cached catalog before a catalog had been cached (so error shouldn't happen).
- Fixed issue with asset hash calcluation for internal asset bundle name when building bundles.
- Adding option "Unique Bundle IDs" to the General section of the AddressableAssetSettings Inspector.
- If set, every content build (original or update) will result in asset bundles with more complex internal names. This may result in more bundles being rebuilt, but safer mid-run updates. See docs for more info.
- This complex internal naming was added to 1.3.3 to support safter Content Catalog updating, but was forced on. It is now optional as there are some drawbacks.
[1.3.5] - 2019-11-01
- Added documentation about updating Content Catalog at runtime (outside Init). Uses CheckForCatalogUpdates() and UpdateCatalogs().
[1.3.3] - 2019-10-21
- UI and naming changes
- "Static true or false" content is now content with an "Update Restriction" of "Cannot Change Post Release" or "Can Change Post Release"
- "Fast Mode" (play mode) has been renamed "Use Asset Database (faster)"
- "Virtual Mode" (play mode) has been renamed "Simulate Groups (advanced)"
- "Packed Mode" (play mode) has been renamed "Use Existing Build (requires built groups)"
- There is no longer a current "Build Script" (Build Script menu in Addressables window). Instead the script is selected when triggering the build.
- Schemas have been given display names to be more clear of their intent BundledAssetGroupSchema.
- BundledAssetGroupSchema displays as "Content Packing & Loading"
- ContentUpdateGroupSchema displays as "Content Update Restriction"
- Bundle and Asset providers within schema settings are named more descriptively
- BundledAssetGroupSchema displays as "Content Packing & Loading"
- Profile management is in its own window ("Profiles")
- Label management is in its own window
- "Prepare for Content Update" is now under the "Tools" menu (in Addressables window), and is called "Check for Content Update Restriction"
- "Build for Content Update" is "Update a Previous Build" (still in "Build" menu of Addressables window).
- "Profiler" window has been renamed "Event Viewer". It's more accurate, and avoids confusion with "Profilers" window.
- Added additional parameter to AssetReference.LoadSceneAsync method to match Addressables.LoadSceneAsync API
- Added AssetReference.UnloadScene API
- Fixed issue with WebGL builds where re-loading the page was causing an exception to get thrown.
- Fixed Analyze bug where bundle referenced multiple times was flagged as duplicate.
- Fixed issue with hashing dependencies that led to frequent "INCORRECT HASH: the same hash (hashCode) for different dependency lists:" errors.
- Update AddressableAssetEntry cached path to new modified asset entry paths.
- Storing the KeyData string from ContentCatalogData on disk instead of keeping it in memory as it can get quite large.
- Fixed Custom Hosting Service window so it won't close when focus is lost.
- Fixed issue with AudioMixerGroups not getting the proper runtime type conversion for the build.
- Fixed invalid location load path when using "only hash" bundle naming option in 'content packing and loading' schema.
- Removed content update hash from final AssetBundle filename.
- Removed exception in Analyze that was triggering when "Fix Selected Rules" was bundling in Un-fixable rules.
- (SBP) Fixed an edge case where Optimize Mesh would not apply to all meshes in the build.
- (SBP) Fixed an edge case where Global Usage was not being updated with latest values from Graphics Settings.
- (SBP) Fixed Scene Bundles not rebuilding when included prefab changes.
[1.2.4] - 2019-09-13
- Further improvement to the % complete calculations.
- Note that this is an average of dependency operations. Meaning a LoadAssetsAsync call will average the download, and the loading progress. DownloadDependenciesAsync currently has one extra op, so the download will crawl to 50%, then jump to done (we will look into removing that). Similarly any op that is called before Addressables init's will jump to 50% once init is done.
[1.2.2] - 2019-09-09
- Made ContentUpdateScript.GatherModifiedEntries public.
- Added sub-object support to AssetReference. For example, you can now have an AssetReference to a specific sprite within a sprite atlas.
- Added sub-object support to addresses via [] notation. For example, sprite atlas "myAtlas", would support loading that atlas via that address, or a sprite via "myAtlas[mySprite]"
- Fixed issue with Content Update workflow. Assets that don't change groups during Content Update now remain in the same bundle.
- Added funtionality to allow multiple diagnostic callbacks to the ResourceManager.
- Added error and IResourceLocation to the callback.
- Added default parameter to DownloadDependenciesAsync to allow auto releasing of the the operation handle on completion.
- Added memory management documentation.
- Changed OnlyHash naming option to remove folder structure. This is a workaround to Windows long-file-path issues.
- Made AssetReference interfaces virtual
- Fixed hash calculations to avoid collisions
- Fixed Addressables sprite tests
- Added overload for GetDownloadSizeAsync. The overload accepts a list of keys and calculates their total download size.
[1.1.9] - 2019-08-22
- Fixed drag and drop NullRef in main addressables window.
- Fixed AudioMixer type assets getting stripped from bundles.
- Fixed issue where failed async operations weren't getting released from the async operation cache.
- Fix unloading of scenes so that the dependencies will wait for the unload operation to complete before unloading. This was causing an occasional 1-frame visual glitch during unload.
- Fixed scenario where AsyncOperation Task fails to complete when AsyncOperation has already completed.
- Fixed a missed init-log that was stuck always-logging.
- Fixed issue around assets losing dependencies when unloaded then reloaded. This would manifest most often as sprites losing their texture or prefabs losing their shader/material/texture.
- Changed checks for determining if a path is remote or not from looking for "://" to looking for starting with "http". "://" is still used to determine if the asset should be loaded via UnityWebRequest or not.
- Added Analyze Rule to show entire Asset Bundle layout
- Added progress bars and some optimizations for calculating analyze rules
- Fixed sprite sheet loading syntax LoadAssetAsync<Sprite[]>("sprite").
- Note that this syntax requires an engine fix that is in 2019.3.0a10 and will be backported to 2019.2 and 2018.4.
[1.1.7] - 2019-07-30
- Fixed chain operation percent complete calculation.
- Fixed scenario where deleting assets would also delete groups that have similar names.
- Fix in bundle caching bug surrounding bundles with '.' in their name
- Significant improvements to the manual pages
- Made the many init-logs not log unless ADDRESSABLES_LOG_ALL is defined in player settings (other logs always worked this way, init didn't).
- Prevented NullReferenceException when attempting to delete entries in the Addressables window.
- Fix for building by label (Bundle Mode = Pack Together By Label)
- Removed ability to mark editor-only assets as addressable in GUI
- Better fix to Editor types being added to the build
- Made BuiltIn Data group read-only by default.
- Fixed NullRef caused by an invalid (BuildIn Data) group being default during a build.
- Fixed path where LoadResourceLocationsAsync could still throw an exception with unknown key. Now it should not, and is a safe way to check for valid keys.
- If Key does not exist but nothing else goes wrong, it will return an empty list and Success state.
- Fixed NullRef caused when there was a deleted scene in the scenes list.
- BuildCompression for Addressables can now be driven from the default group. If necessary WebGL builds will fallback to LZ4Runtime and all other build targets will fallback to LZMA.
- Added options for bundle naming: AppendHash, NoHash, OnlyHash.
- As a temporary workaround for updating issues, we recommend setting all groups with StaticContent=true to be NoHash. This will make sure the updated catalog still refers to the correct unchanged bundle. An actual fix will be out in a few releases.
[1.1.4-preview] - 2019-06-19
- Fixed an issue where Editor only types were being added to the build.