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rasberry edited this page Jun 16, 2022
36 revisions
- need to test -# option for all processors
- refactor wiki generator to use msbuild task instead of tests
- BuildWikiTask fails for imagemagick
dotnet msbuild /t:BuildWiki test\test.csproj /p:RebuildImages=true
- maybe color the 'usage' text a little ?
- maybe add syntax to chain image functions together
- possibly using '--' to separate actions
- need to figure out input/output file(s)
- is there a need for multiple-in / multiple-out ?
- samplers seem to have a n off-by-one issue (see dotnet run -- areasmoother salieri-bx.png -t 2 --max-threads 1 --sampler 2)
- use
private static readonly ImageComparer ValidatorComparer = ImageComparer.TolerantPercentage(0.05f);
instead of custom comparer for image tests - add a Point type TryParse - several functions use 'x y' and could use 'x,y' instead - also would be good to consolidate this code
- add noise functions
- perlin
- opensimplex - https://gist.github.com/digitalshadow/134a3a02b67cecd72181
- simplex ?
- maybe add random points and then draw gradients between closest ones (use trie?)
- might be able to do this little by little
- random points in an area
- add gradients
- save border points for next area
- repeat
- might be able to do this little by little
- distance map
- maybe do a tree ring expanding from random center points
- for each pixel
- find nearest starting point (trie?) - dotnet add package KdTree
- calculate distance to point
- color pixel based on distance
- create distance map - foreach pixel - find nearest prime by spiraling from coordinate; calc distance; draw color based on distance
- probably should use kd-tree or trie to find closest neighbor
- have pre-defined point layouts
- ulam spiral primes
- random
- evenly spaced grid
- any number sequence from https://oeis.org/ - plot in a spiral ?
- allow csv, or external points list to be passed in
- maybe do a tree ring expanding from random center points
- take a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rose_(mathematics)
- spiral graphs
- remove/keep prime number spots
- make rotation distance configurable (best one is golden ratio)
- fermats last theorem graph
- plot result of x^2 + y^2 distance from whole number
- add option to change exponent (2 is the only one that has answers to x^2+y^2=z^2)
- add option to change starting point
- Implement blind deconvolution
- Implement seam carving
- add option to start at the global minima instead of just the top/left row
- add option to find minima per row instead of just the next neighbor pixels
- add option to save what was removed in another file. (image splitting ..!)
- Add code documentation
- create an areasmoother that samples surrounding pixels then weighted-averages them based on distance - similar to original but without picking the 'best' vector
- AS2 has an off-by-one error when using --rect option
- Parallelize and add progress bar
- add a mode where borders inside of boxes are added
- border color options [average, original, user specified color]
- fill options [average, original, user specified color]
- maybe include option to specify which boders to render ? (nesw) or (trbl)
- Parallelize and add progress bar
- maybe add other types of derivatives
- add a vertical / horizontal only zoom blur (curtain blur ?)
- is it possible to do a outer swirl (outside of radius towards edge instead of inwards?)
- add option to change key size? supposedly options are (128,192,256)
- maybe implement fisheye
- add arrangements
- left to right / right to left
- spiral in to out
- add option to invert sort order
- breakout Third and Fourth into their own generators
- add a way to change the default control variable values
- add support for rectangle option '-#'
- not really working well.. need a new visualization
- add support for color pallette
- see https://github.com/rasberry/DensityBrot/blob/master/ColorMap.cs
- option for starting at a different prime
- option for coloring multiples
- option for switching direction (ccw vs cw)
- add maze types listed in http://www.jamisbuck.org/presentations/rubyconf2011/index.html
- Automata:
- make max iterations variable (or do we need this ?) - maybe make % done related to number of changes per iteration
- add options for initial random start
- input image
- random bits in an NxN square - maybe centered ? or possibly randomized center point
- add coloring based on age of cell (when cell was added to spanning tree)
- use https://github.com/rasberry/DensityBrot/blob/master/ColorMap.cs
- maybe create a variant that doesn't draw walls at all ? - color change will allow you to see the maze
- add coloring based on distance to solution cell
- allow user to pick solution cell (cell x,y) default to (0,0)
- you can use a solver that keeps track of unvisited cells to remove duplicate effort. (using a stack)
- add coloring based on average distance to all other cells
- find the distance for all cells to (0,0)
- then calculate the average difference between your cell distance and all of the others (absolute value difference)
- that way you don't have to do an n^2 solution finding
- maybe add spiral traversal
- maybe go through original image pixel-by-pixel and run the random color updater
- possibly use huge structures to store profile ?
- maybe use tiles instead of pixels ?
- maybe research flood fill so i don't use random stack ?
- see about replicating https://github.com/mxgmn/WaveFunctionCollapse
- add colors (processor.cs line 97)
- should be able to use state[x,y] value % number of colors
- implement rule.count
- implement -img
- need to convert colors to a count