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rasberry edited this page Aug 23, 2024 · 2 revisions



 Highlights differences between two images.
 By default differences are highlighted based on distance ranging from highlight color to white
 -o (number[%])               Overlay highlight color at given opacity
 -i                           Match identical pixels instead of differences
 -x                           Output original pixels instead of highlighting them
 -c (color)                   Change highlight color (default is magenta)
 -nl                          Create a third layer instead of replacing two with one
 --metric (name)              Use a (registered) distance metric (defaults to euclidean)


toes, toes-p scorpius, scorpius-p
Default ImgDiff-toes-toes-p-1 ImgDiff-scorpius-scorpius-p-1
-i ImgDiff-toes-toes-p-2 ImgDiff-scorpius-scorpius-p-2
-o 0.9 ImgDiff-toes-toes-p-3 ImgDiff-scorpius-scorpius-p-3
-o 0.5 -c red ImgDiff-toes-toes-p-4 ImgDiff-scorpius-scorpius-p-4